scoobydoojoe Member


  • A pound of muscle uses 6 calories per day at rest. a pound of fat uses 2 calories per day at rest. Not a huge difference, but if you convert 10-20 lbs, it can make all the difference between holding still or gaining slowly. Or you can add 10 lbs of muscle to your frame without really changing your look, and add 60 calories…
  • First question is, how are you doing on sodium? I ignore fat in foods, and just focus on calories and sodium. Sodium can really do you in and cause lots of water weight. Also, if you don't drink enough water, your body might lose fat, but it stays in the body as waste which is worse than fat. Fat content in foods contains…
  • I have lost that kind of weight in 2-3 weeks, it can be done, and it can be healthy. I always eat at or very close to my food calories allowed for the day and never skip meals. My main exercise is swimming. These days 50 minutes of breast stroke burns 1,100-1,200 calories for someone my size. Even a normal person can…
  • Great idea not touching the wall.
  • That sounds like a fantastic tool smudger. I struggle to keep count. One of the reasons I like doing an alternating pattern of breast stroke and freestyle, it is easier to keep track of the count.
  • Another thing I thought of, make sure you drink enough water. I read somewhere that if you don't, your body can't flush out the weight you are otherwise burning off. Sometimes I struggle to get enough plain water, but any way you slice it, it is a good habit to form.
  • I saw the typo but didn't respond. Thanks for the info on pool length, I have never seen an olympic sized pool in person then. Great swimming there Gem_Cat. It is a fantastic cardio exercise. I have been doing 1 mile, 3 days a week, and it has helped build up significantly improved lung capacity. I keep challenging myself…
  • Personally, I left mine at the lowest activity level, and I don't count any exercise that is not planned or sustained. I also aim to eat close to my food calories allowed (which is the amount I get with a goal of 2 lbs per week lost), and I try to keep my sodium at the recommended level, and I let the exercise calories be…
  • changing your activity level is ok, just know that you can't count calories burned for doing the normal stuff that makes you fit that description though. Those extra calories will already be included in your calories for the day. That, and targets for your protein and carbs should be all that it affects. I have found…
  • fantastic. I highly recommend doing a good distance like this frequently. Now that I worked up to the mile swim, now I do it multiple times a week, and I am amazed how I went from barely making it to being able to walk straight to the locker room without being wobbly after 36 laps.
  • Friday Update: Weekly Goal: 4000 Mon: 1054 ( swimming a mile in 48 minutes using a combo of freestyle and breast stroke.) Tues: 646 (20 minutes jogging, 10 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes weight lifting) Wed: 964 (swam a mile in 44 minutes using a combo of freestyle and breast stroke) Thur: day off Fri: 808 (swam a mile…
  • I second he martial arts idea. Not for physical confrontation, but for the mental control and the confidence. My young kids will both be taking martial arts when they are a little older, they are preschool right now. Lots of good advice here, definitely don't run away from the problem, find a way for her to face it, as…
  • Knowing your heart rate is elevated into cardio range is key to knowing you really are burning the calories. I don't have a heart rate monitor yet, but I do only use machines that measure the heart rate and know my weight when calculating calories worked for me.
  • Other than the super bowl nasty for me food fest, I feel I am doing pretty good. Every day since I joined MFP I have met or stayed below my net calorie goal. My friends on here have definitely helped me keep on track at times. I am really starting to notice some differences in my health, and in other ways that don't…
  • Mid-week update: Weekly Goal: 4000 Mon: 1054 ( swimming a mile in 48 minutes using a combo of freestyle and breast stroke.) Tues: 696 (20 minutes jogging, 10 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes weight lifting) Wed: 964 (swam a mile in 44 minutes using a combo of freestyle and breast stroke) Thur:calories burned (how they were…
  • Sounds like a fun challenge. I am 6'2", 341 lbs, 31 years old (my weight and age are taken into consideration to calculate my burn rate) Weekly Goal: 4000 Mon: 1054 ( swimming a mile in 48 minutes using a combo of freestyle and breast stroke.) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were…
  • I was over 400 at one point, 369 when i started this year, 340 now. I am 6'2".
  • Up and down is 1 lap. What you are counting is called lengths. A standard sized olympic pool is 25 meters, or approx 25 yards per length. 1 mile is 1760 yards, so 36 completed laps would be a mile. 1 minute per lap is a good time considering how many you are doing. It is possible it is shorter than olympic pool, but even…
  • 6 weeks is a good goal to go from none to 1 mile. That was about my overall goal, so I was thrilled when 3 weeks in (3 times a week) I hit the mile. I was really sucking wind early, but now it is more about my muscles getting tired than my lungs being ready to burst. I did a 45 minute mile using just 1 stroke (I do 1800…
  • Since you didn't say it had to be a first date, I will share mine. My GF at the time, had been dating a little while (married now) was turning 21. I had lost my license, but was eligible to get it back and just hadn't yet. (lost it for speeding a lot). Anyway, on her birthday was trying to take her out to eat at a nice…
  • This makes total sense. And there is nothing wrong with setting your goal based on time vs. distance or speed. I am sure your workout is much harder than mine due to these factors. I don't have a disability, but I am a big person yet, still weighing 350 as of Monday morning, so running and other activity can really hurt my…
  • To swim a mile in under an hour using just 1 stroke the whole way(did it for the first time this morning using a combo of strokes in 56 minutes), and to bench 220 10 reps, 3 sets (was at 215 saturday)
  • You are looking very good. The best part is, the more muscle you add, the better your metabolism, which will make losing and maintaining easier. When you want to lose weight, the first thing you should do is gain muscle mass. It not only helps with your metabolism, it helps you do the cardio easier, and it helps keep…
  • Good way to use your day off tiedye. I managed 24 laps non stop doing my alternating stroke routine, took 42 minutes. I need to get better at kicking during the freestyle, and my new swim goggles might help speed me up as right now I have to keep wiping my eyes to see anything. The goggles should be here by Friday's swim…
  • This is a good idea. I love my wife and my kids, and that is far and away top of the list. I love camping, swimming, reading, roller coasters, fishing, and eating. That last one is the one I have to fight, but since I like roller coasters more than eating, this listing things out help me since I need to lose weight to ride…
  • Glad to find this group. I hate running and at my size it is hard on the joints and causes pain, even though I don't have any specific ailments to keep me from other exercise. The Y near me has an Olympic sized pool, each lap is 25 yards. A mile swim is approximately 36 laps, or 72 lengths. I swim 3 times a week, 2 of them…
  • Ok, I don't want to sound crass or rude, but I have a suggestion that is a repeat of someone else's above with more detail. I am sure being your anniversary, drinking is not the only thing you will be doing. Per that link, making out…
  • My workplace is a smaller business, but we are reshifting our office and warehouse space around, and a workout room with shows and sauna are in the plans for 2012 as many of our employees have been working out on their own and once everyone realized they had the same goals, one of our execs got behind this initiative.…
  • I live on the north side too. Just getting started with a new years resolution. I have started a workout pattern at the North side YMCA before going to work in the mornings this week. Just found this program/site today on the recommendation of a coworker. I definitely want people to know what I am doing so I have extra…