Activity Level???

When I first joined MFP I listed my activity level as: Sedentary -Spends most of the day sitting. I thought that was what I did. But as I have come to realize, I am on my feet a good deal of the day, I am a SAHM, expect for some short rest periods, I am doing the laundry, dishes, prepairing meals, picking up and dropping off my daughter at school. Chasing my kids around (4 & 5) and cleaning the house in general. All of this is NOT counting my time on my treadmill and the resistance band exercises I have started.

So I am wondering if I should be listing my activity level as: Lightly Active - Spends a good part of the day on your feet.

I cant see to get any weight off, and it sorta hit me that maybe I am not eating enought and that is why I am not losing. That I need to change my activity level.

Anyone have any thoughts on this??? Thanks for the help!!


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Hey, if you are truly active all that time, change it! You definitely need to eat enough to fuel your body for all your activity, and if you are not seeing any weight loss, add more calories!
  • scoobydoojoe
    scoobydoojoe Posts: 31 Member
    changing your activity level is ok, just know that you can't count calories burned for doing the normal stuff that makes you fit that description though. Those extra calories will already be included in your calories for the day. That, and targets for your protein and carbs should be all that it affects.

    I have found sodium to be the enemy, as I can be under on calories but have weight loss stall if have too much sodium happening. Amazing how many canned/prepared foods come with way to much of that stuff.
  • glowbuggy
    glowbuggy Posts: 50 Member
    Scooby, its funny u say that about the sodium. I was just at a diabeties dietition apt on Mon, and she told me that my sodium could be what is my issue. That its making me hold in the water.

    So I have set up MFP to help me watch the salt too! lol

    But I did not think about if I change it that I would not be able to deduct my every day burn from my daily activities...

    Now I really dont know what to do... to change or not to change....
  • scoobydoojoe
    scoobydoojoe Posts: 31 Member
    Personally, I left mine at the lowest activity level, and I don't count any exercise that is not planned or sustained. I also aim to eat close to my food calories allowed (which is the amount I get with a goal of 2 lbs per week lost), and I try to keep my sodium at the recommended level, and I let the exercise calories be what makes me lose more than 2 lbs a week. This keeps me from counting my exercise calories wrong and having that be the cause of my overeating.

    One thing I read on here was that if you eat the same stuff every day, your metabolism will shrink, so I try and mix it up on what I am eating, and some days I eat a little bit all day, others I have most of my calories in one meal. I only have a 6.5 week track record to go by, but so far my weight loss has been consistent and my metabolism seems to be staying good. Only a sodium spike has caused my weight loss to grind to a halt along the way thus far. It is hard to avoid the sodium in anything pre packaged. I tend to eat low calorie soup for lunch frequently, and it can have 200-250 calories in a can, but around 1200mg (or half of my day's allotment) of sodium in that can. Makes it challenging.

    Of course I don't have diabetes, and everyone's metabolic makeup is different, so talking to the diabetes dietitian is a smart move.

    Still, you are making progress, and I am confident you will keep making progress. Remember, slow and steady wins the race, and this isn't weight loss, it is a permanent lifestyle shift. :)
  • scoobydoojoe
    scoobydoojoe Posts: 31 Member
    Another thing I thought of, make sure you drink enough water. I read somewhere that if you don't, your body can't flush out the weight you are otherwise burning off. Sometimes I struggle to get enough plain water, but any way you slice it, it is a good habit to form.
  • glowbuggy
    glowbuggy Posts: 50 Member
    I did not know about the changing your food up deal. I wonder if that is one of my issues... I eat almost the same thing every day for bfast and lunch.... I will try to change it around...

    Thanks again!!