

  • add me! have about 40 lbs to lose and it is going SO slow..i am a emotional eater and with so much stress and taking alcohol out of my diet..its food food food!!!! good luck and Godbless!!
  • I left for a while too because the weight would not budge even though i thought i was doing everything matter how many times we fail. WE MUST GET UP AGAIN. friend me for support, there are a lot of good people on here!!
  • My husband met me when I was 130 lbs..7 years and two kids later I am back on here at almost 180. He has never ever made me feel unattractive..I wont get naked in front of him because I HATE the way i look. ..but not him, he still wants to be intimate, he still says im beautiful. we both have gained weight and now do fast…
  • first off. believe in yourself. second. forgive yourself. third. one day at a time. fourth. look forward not back! To sum it up, we are all different..i have dropped off here because some people seem to lose so fast..and i lose so terribly slow..but i know i am eating better than before and even a 30 minute walk a day is a…
  • whomever said elk burger..we just had 5 bulls on our property and archery season cannot start soon enough..backstrap with caramelized onions..drooll..
  • healthy- salad nicoise happy- lasagna with meat sauce and extra cheese and a large portion of garlic bread right out of the oven and a cold beeer.
  • well, if you are growing it because you love the style, then do it. If you are trying to find that "special" someone who will be yours truly because of it, then that is the wrong reason. I say, grow it and keep it and enjoy it and nurture it and someday..when you are adding wax to the ends you will look over and find that…
  • i need to lose what you do,..and when my sweet little daughter innocently says " mommy you have a big tummy"..i realize that i have to keep going..even if you do great and then mess up..KEEP GOING. remember how many times Babe Ruth struck out..or that Einstein was called mentally retarted by a teacher..your goal is to keep…
  • two tablespoons olive oil mayo and some toasted sesame crackers..or just over your favorite lettuce..i adore tuna it is so great.
  • feel free to add me as a friend..mine is probably one of the most honest..if i eat gonna log today..was a really bad fat and sugar and sodium day..but we have 2 birthday parties in 2 days..and our little "weight loss" club figures we will live it up and then burn it off!
  • pick me! :-) stay at home mom with 45 lbs to lose and i have started my journey about a month ago with hardly any problem is all the time there is to day at a time..!!
  • no pics at the moment but i have a custom sketched tat of an owl on my left looks like it was done in pencil and very soft..representing wisdom and my favorite aunt who never got married, but loved life and never let a man tell her she couldn't do anything..she travelled the world as a musician for the GI's in…
  • I am glad you wrote this..i have been on here..maybe about a month..I am 35+ overweight but i am NOT one of those people who just "changes" and all of a sudden my diet consists of an ice cube with a piece of carrot in it. I fail somedays..miserably. But I want this to be a sight where when I fail, I am not given the "…
  • Thank you for your input..i do need to really weight my foods..i have a scale but i can't be honest and say i use it all the time..i can't drink coffee black but i do feel good i am down to 1 tbs of fat free creamer..i used to practically make it half creamer half I really appreciate you taking the time to help…
  • add me too!! :-)
  • BWAHAHAHAH.. you are a funny dude. thanks for being nice and not snapping at her!
  • yes welcome..start hitting the "add as friend" button and hopefully you'll get some yes'..the communities here are great.
  • They are only after one thing because our world has made being a *kitten* extremely, if women were to actually start acting like ladies the majority of the time, this might not be so..But with shows on television making anyone who DOESN'T screw on the first date or after the first drink virtually…
  • don't be snappy..we are all working for the common goal. i am failing because i am in love with food, and the calories i burn off get eaten ..i have to try harder. no excuse..can't blame anyone (husband just brought me a grilled cheese sandwich..could have said no thank you and had a salad..but..i ate i have to…
  • Can anyone who responded to this or reads this question .. PLEASE tell me what your daily calorie intake is..and fat/ carb intake per meal..i am not seeing any weight loss after 3 weeks of a 4/5 day workout per week..feeling really sad with myself..but my daily intake accoring to this site says under every…
  • thank you! its and websites make you feel like in 10 minutes a day you'll look down and see abs..well, so not realisitc..just told my husband how im feeling and he said " give yourself 3 month..don't give up..i will wiill see results you didnt even know happened.." what a guy..thanks for the input!
  • My problem is I am not seeing any results..and i can't figure out why. Now, I am not perfect..and I do slip..we are always to be honest with eachother, right? However..i find it complexing that I am always told on here that i was under calorie goal..that i am never over in fat or carbs..that i am doing some sort of heart…
  • I would love to be friends with you on are very inspirational!
  • Im a female..and she is the kind of girl who bullied and made fun of the nerds and fatties in school.( i was the nerd) she should have been interested in a conversation..getting to know you..instead her FIRST instinct.. was to think " i CANNOT be seen around this fat *kitten*." (that is what she was thinking..) so, you…
  • wow!! 9 miles a wonder! you rock!! well then, i will do my best to stick it out..i know she wants results..and if these people on the show..hundreds of lbs heavier can be pushed..then so should i! THanks for the you drink water prior/during/after or a protein shake?
  • our shins kill tooo!!! and when i point my toes my calves just start screaming.. i want results but i am not sure this is too aggressive for me, at least for now..maybe when i lost 20 lbs i will try her again..i love Leslie Sansone..
  • I am new to the world of weight loss versus inches loss.. i have been working out..and yet my scale acts like i havent been..but i have not had a chance to measure..because i am really worried that if it says i have no difference..i will give up. I have strong, pretty lean lower legs..thighs not too too bad..but this BELLY…
  • I am on day 3 of JM 30 day shred..i do get dizzy..and i kind of worry that instead of feeling good when i am done..2 days now I have felt lethargic and very nauseated..wondering if my water intake should be more just prior to it..since she does not let us rest. I really really love Leslie Sansone's DVD's because she walks,…