What would you do or say...



  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    So the problem is a girl you wanted to get with in the past blew you off. Now she's all over your stuff.......well what's the Damn problem? You should give her what she wants and get out!
  • fieldsbean
    Im a female..and she is the kind of girl who bullied and made fun of the nerds and fatties in school.( i was the nerd)

    she should have been interested in a conversation..getting to know you..instead her FIRST instinct.. was to think " i CANNOT be seen around this fat *kitten*." (that is what she was thinking..)

    so, you have worked hard..and that is awesome..but the girl of your heart will love you for you, not your waistline. FInd a hotty and then show up at a party where she is..give her that look..you know the one.. "YA SNOOZE..YA LOSE."

    life is short..don't waste it.
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    To anyone who may be saying I "mis-lead" her on my appearances, I never did! I told her straight out, I'm a big guy, I don't do weights, and I even said we may be opposites!

    Your original post states you never met face-to-face and she expected you to look like a guido. We kinda put the two together. Sorry.

    'Tis no problem, that'd be my bad!
  • 2hungariangirls
    Shallow girls will never change. She's not worth your time.

    Pretty much this.


    ^^^^^^^^Totally this^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    To anyone who may be saying I "mis-lead" her on my appearances, I never did! I told her straight out, I'm a big guy, I don't do weights, and I even said we may be opposites!

    I was just going by this statement..." She expected me, at the time, to be this guido (did I get that right?) looking guy and have this amazing body" in your post.
    Not sure how those statements correlate but best of luck to you with whatever you choose to do.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Sorry, not a guy...............but run from that superficial B....tch!!!!!!! Find someone that likes you for you..........
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    The thing is, I can understand her just simply not feeling the physical attraction. But the fact she couldn't even talk to you for ONE NIGHT means she is really is just shallow. If she were at least friendly when you had invited her to meet, then I could see giving her a chance. You deserve someone who is NICE, and she is not.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I think you are in a space now you need to find a girl that cares for you, not what your bod looks like, you're still the same guy inside so look for a girl that likes that guy.
  • Cindy_Fit4Life
    Cindy_Fit4Life Posts: 147 Member
    You sound like a really good guy, don't bother with her, she's obviously no good! You deserve better!
  • GlenWalterGal
    GlenWalterGal Posts: 85 Member
    What would happen if, through some really unfortunate chain of events, you lose your looks and maybe put some weight back on....Do you think she would stick by you?
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    You do look good and forget about her. Find a true person and show her your old pictures when you really want to impress her.
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    Just like to say thank you everyone. Means a lot. I will take the advice and move on. I'll find someone who is right for me.
  • hvasu
    hvasu Posts: 1
    Don't even bother thinking about her.. Not worth your time
  • skinnyfabulous
    With everything already said by the fellows up here I'll just going to add: "superficial b*tches... superficial B*itces eeeeeevrywhere!!!
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Hey fellas, quick question here. Let me share a story. I met a girl last year through my mom's job. The girl was an intern and the same age as me. We never actually met, just texted/talked on phone, and chatted through Facebook. We talked a lot, then it dwindled down. She expected me, at the time, to be this guido (did I get that right?) looking guy and have this amazing body. Well, at the time, I was around 200 + pounds, had a really fat face, and a big 'ol tummy to boot. Plus I lost interest in my appearances. Never would get the proper haircut, never care about my face, etc. So basically, I was... a mess.

    Now her, she was the usual blonde. She's very pretty and that opinion will never change. Eventually, this happened. In August, when my weight was around 207 pounds, still at an all time high... I said ya know, I'm going to meet her. I arranged for us to meet and well.. this is when disaster struck. She came to a friend's get together. It was me, my friend, and about 10 other people (mix of guys/girls) and I expected her and I to hit it off. Well... she comes in, I'm sitting down. I wave, she says hi... and the WHOLE night, I kid you not... we never even made eye contact. I even text messaged her asking why we weren't talking. She promised at a later time we'd meet again/talk. I said to myself, I think I made a mistake. I'm simply not for her. Disaster soon struck. She actually went outside, at a get together I INVITED HER TO! And she talked it up with the other guys and they all became best buddies. I'll never forget the feeling of just... being pushed to the side and basically spit on. It was terrible.

    Fast forward. I never met her again. Never texted. I recently posted my story on Facebook, where she was still my friend. She saw it, and I got a response... saying wow, she was stunned, and that I look amazing NOW! Ok... NOW I do?? What the hell. I'm the same guy I always was, expect yes, I admit it, I look MUCH better now and FEEL much better. I maintain the proper look now. But now, she immediately has messaged me again, saying I look so great.. and how she'd like to be my "Valentine". She flat out asked if I was single.

    What do I do? Should I bother with her? Or do I move forward and find a new girl. Hmmm. My friends, help me!

    Shallow b*tch alert.

    Run. Don't walk.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    No way - do not bother with her. That was VERY rude of her to act that way at that party. Nobody deserves to be ignored like that unless they are acting like a jerk, which you clearly were not. Do not give this girl any more thought just because she is pretty.

    If you had a sister (assuming you do) and she told you that a guy had treated her that way, what would you recommend to her?
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    Well, it's hard to say without actually knowing the girl. So let me ask you this, if your weight went up again due to any factor, depression, loss of commitment to your healthy life style, medical conditions, etc... how likely is it that she would be your support and stay by your side? Just something to consider.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    She's not worth the effort.

    Just a question - if she wasn't into you when you were big, what happens (and I don't think this will) if you guys start dating and then you gain the weight back? Is she going to leave?

    You deserve someone who will be there through thick and thin (literally). Wait for someone better.
  • Ceezie
    Ceezie Posts: 21 Member
    Not worth your time -___-
    Really, it's because you LOOK GOOD now..
  • skarr28
    Just like to say thank you everyone. Means a lot. I will take the advice and move on. I'll find someone who is right for me.

    Kudos! I was actually in the same boat a few years ago. I took a year long course with about 50 other ppl. Half of which were guys and I was about 216 lbs. Almost everyone started dating eachother, lol (except me). No one would consider me until a few months later, when I had lost a lot of weight. One day, I walked into the building with my new wardrobe (clothes that actually fit) and suddenly the guys stood around in groups & were checking me out & started talking to me more, inviting me to places.

    It actually made me feel bad at first, as if I wasn't worthy of the attn before that day. I didn't bother with any of them. Fast forward to today and I'm more decided on what kind of guy I'd like to be with. So kudos to you for showing her (and yourself) that you're worth better than that (not even eye contact??? How cruel!)
