FlowerTaming Member


  • New runner here! About to finish week 4 of couch to 5k! It's a great program! At first i struggled to run for a minute but the program really teaches you to pace yourself and the weeks go by so quickly! Good luck!
  • I'm in. I'm working on toning my abs right now so this'll be the perfect thing for me :)
  • So far I've been wii fitting and ea sports activing for a week and I've lost................ A grand total of 2lb. And 1 inch off my waist. (I know I should measure thighs, neck etc, but it's only my waistline that concerns me)
  • So 200 crunches a day should do the trick? Thanks for the advice, I'll see how it goes. If the problem is that I have too high a body fat percentage, what do I do to fix it? Do I have to lose the weight and then gain it back as muscle? I'm really confused.
  • Sorry, what's a body comp? And where can I get one?
  • I'm doing yoga on my wii fit, I'm terrible at it though since I have no balance skills =)) And I'm doing things like crunches and sit ups as strength training. Is there anything else I should be doing?
  • Hey Tyler! Welcome to mfp, I'm not really a regular around the forums since I'm only generally around here to track what I've eaten and how many calories I've burned etc. I thought I'd welcome you after seeing your thread since I'm a teen trying to lose weight too, I'm 16, I'm not overweight, I just used to be way skinnier…
  • So far I've been wiiing for 4 days. As long as I burn about 150 calories per day, I'm fine with that, it takes a lot of effort not to get bored just playing wii fit and trying to burn those calories, so i also do my daily exercise challenge on EA sports active. I didn't know you could set a goal on wii fit plus itself,…
  • I use my wii fit :) My goal is to do at least 30 minutes per day. I'm doing it in small doses, I've noticed I've got issues meeting large goals like losses of 20lb(it's a lot for me because I'm not looking to lose that much) but aiming for about 3lb every 2 months so I know I'll definately make it feels better than putting…
  • I think it's something to do with you losing a lot of weight during the first few weeks, and then your body recognising what you're doing, getting used to it and staying at a stable weight. If you keep persisting with excercise then you should continue to lose. I'd been stuck at 130 for about 2 weeks, only going up, then…
  • I'm the same. For the past few days I've felt like I didn't need to do the excercise, and that i could start doing whatever I want. This is probably why I didn't lose any weight this week(lack of excercise, overeating) but I'm getting back on the wagon today, the weather won't stop me.
  • I'm 15, and turning 16 next month. I know my profile says I'm 18, but they don't let you have an account at 15 otherwise, and I can see no harm in it to be honest, it's helping me, and not damaging my health, so I'm here. I think you should tell her about the site, it does wonders! I know I only got serious about it last…
  • Name: Ell A little bit about me: There isn't really much to say, I'm still in full time education, and I have a lot of friends who are against me losing weight(I've always been one of those strereotypically skinny girls who everybody thinks is a stick, and that used to be true, until I gained some weight from spending…
  • Thanks everyone. I'll try to make an appointment with the doctor soon. Oh and I'm a virgin, so I'm definately not pregnant.
  • I have the sports active, currently I'm on day 3. I started over with it because I was about 7 days in and gave up(I was too busy for a couple of days to go on it, and used it as a quitting excuse, that and the fact that I went away on holiday and couldn't use it there, we were in a hotel, I spent the holiday eating chips…
  • It's good that you shouold be able to fit in to them soon, keep up the good work.
  • So yesterday I went out and I got myself some new jeans. The catch, however, is that the jeans are a tad bit small. And now I'm forced to lose the weight to fit into them. So now whenever I'm reaching for my comfort foods, I think to myself 'the jeans wont fit if you eat that.'
  • I probably am still growing, but I feel like if I don't shift these pesky few pounds now then I'll get to the pint when my motabolism has slowed in several years and it'll become more difficult to lose weight.
  • I'm Ellen, I'm 18 and from England. Currently I'm 5 foot 7 and I weigh 127lb, I'd like to lose about 7lb pretty much primarily using wii fit. But by doing walking several days a week too. I'm getting quite a lot of motivation since I was talking with a guy friend the other day, and I was telling him how I had a dream that…