I was calculating it since I was always so sure I wanted to get down to 120lb, but I'm 5'7, and at 126lb I'm considered to be at a healthy weight, by getting down to 120lb then I'm 2lb off the marker for being underweight(118lb) and it can't be good to be so near being underweight, can it?

I noticed that so far on my new diet journey(originally I went from about 134lb down to about 128lb) I've lost 2lb, leaving me at 126lb, and I've lost an inch from my waist from those 2lb.

I honestly thought I still have weight to lose, my thighs are chubby, and my stomach is huge, I do have a serious muffin top/spare tyre issue. But if I'm that near being underweight then how is that possible?


  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    That's pretty tiny
    I'm 5'7 and maybe a smidge taller and at my lowest of 128 I was a size 4 and pretty slim
    It sounds like u don't need to loose weight but need to TONE up......besides cardio are u doing any yoga, pilates or strength training?

  • FlowerTaming
    FlowerTaming Posts: 31 Member
    I'm doing yoga on my wii fit, I'm terrible at it though since I have no balance skills =)) And I'm doing things like crunches and sit ups as strength training.

    Is there anything else I should be doing?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    I was calculating it since I was always so sure I wanted to get down to 120lb, but I'm 5'7, and at 126lb I'm considered to be at a healthy weight, by getting down to 120lb then I'm 2lb off the marker for being underweight(118lb) and it can't be good to be so near being underweight, can it?

    I noticed that so far on my new diet journey(originally I went from about 134lb down to about 128lb) I've lost 2lb, leaving me at 126lb, and I've lost an inch from my waist from those 2lb.

    I honestly thought I still have weight to lose, my thighs are chubby, and my stomach is huge, I do have a serious muffin top/spare tyre issue. But if I'm that near being underweight then how is that possible?
    You can be underweight and overfat, which sounds a bit contradictory. It depends on what your body composition is, not how much you weigh. So it's entirely possible you need to lose fat and gain lean. Have you had a body comp done? I'd recommend you do that, then you'll have a better idea what your goals should be. If your lean mass is below what you want it to be, it's really important that you not undereat. It could be that your perfect weight is actually higher than where you are but with less body fat.
  • FlowerTaming
    FlowerTaming Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry, what's a body comp? And where can I get one?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Sorry. It's body composition, which basically means finding out what percentage of your body is composed of fat and what percentage isn't. Here's a link that explains it more in depth:

    You could probably check with some local fitness centers to see if they can do one for you. Some may charge; some may do it for free.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    it seem that all of us women want to be 120 pounds know matter how tall or short we are,that the weight we should be that sure is the weight i want to get down to, im 5'5 what i would do and have is join the 200 crunches in six weeks that should do the trick for you:happy:
  • FlowerTaming
    FlowerTaming Posts: 31 Member
    So 200 crunches a day should do the trick?

    Thanks for the advice, I'll see how it goes. If the problem is that I have too high a body fat percentage, what do I do to fix it? Do I have to lose the weight and then gain it back as muscle? I'm really confused.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    So 200 crunches a day should do the trick?

    Thanks for the advice, I'll see how it goes. If the problem is that I have too high a body fat percentage, what do I do to fix it? Do I have to lose the weight and then gain it back as muscle? I'm really confused.
    I hope I didn't add to any confusion. My main message is that you shouldn't focus so much on how much you weigh. I think if you mostly eat a healthy diet (veggies, fruits, lean proteins and complex carbs — not foods that are processed or have very much sugar or fat) and exercise regularly, you will maintain what lean you have and maybe even increase it while you lose more fat. You are so close to where you want to be anyway that whether your ideal weight is 120 or 130, you should be able to get there if you take good care of yourself. I hope that helps and didn't make it any more confusing! Keep in mind anyone who gives you advice is just giving an opinion, myself included, and people's opinions are going to vary. You're doing the right thing by asking questions and getting as much information as you can, but it's up to you to sort through it and do what you feel like makes the most sense.

    Good luck!
