sarita66 Member


  • I did start a new thread
  • 280 minutes of exercise 8 glasses of water Fruits & veggies done No to staying in the green for 5 days
  • I am really struggling to stay on track with food. I am getting into a regular exercise routine, but I just can't seem to get away from the junk food cravings, I am really frustrated. Any help would be appreciated.
  • My problem is that it is at work. I work in a school. It's everywhere!! Oy vey!
  • Exercise: 285 minutes Eating: 5 out 7 Fruits & veggies: got it Water: 8 no problem However, 2 days off because I let the Easter Bunny kick my marshmallow butt! No more Peeps, chocolate or jelly beans! Dumb Bunny ;(
  • Thanks again Melissa for keeping the challenge going. I am motivated to keep this up
  • Hang in there. Try making one change this week to shake things up. We have all been there and are still working at it very hard. Some weeks are easier than others. Welcome to the group!
  • I think I covered everyting! Finally! Exercise: 275 minutes Food: 6 out of 7 days Water: 8 plus a day Fruits & veggies: 3 to 5 servings/ day New exercise: planks on a physioball (yuck)
  • Hold on, I forgot all the shoveling I had to do on Friday after being dumped with 18 inches of snow. I think I covered my exercise minutes!
  • Ok,I stayed in the green 5 out of 7 days, ate all my fruits and veggies and drank 8 glasses of water. I fell a little short on the exercise minutes, but I did learn a new Irish dance and practiced for 3 days in order to learn it.
  • Ok, so far I have been working on staying in the green and trying to get my exercise completed. We were suppose to have an International day at school. Our school district here in Massachusetts is very diverse. We pretty much cover every country around the world. I work with high school special needs students. My students…
  • Ok, I am in it. Challenge on, I need to step up my gym time this week and get in the green. Thanks Mel!
  • You are a wise woman. Thank you for all the tips. My friends from MIssissippi can't even begin to imagine what 3 feet of snow looks like. I wish I didn't! I am thinking Florida is the place to be!
  • Thank you for sharing your story. I also have PCOS and it is a real struggle to lose weight. I have lost 50 pounds and it has taken me a year. It is just creeping off and I get discouraged that I am not losing faster. I still have a way to go but your story is very motivating. Congratulations! You look amazing!
  • Hi Melissa I am glad you are sticking it out. Don't give in or give up. I have learned so much over the course of this past year and the one thing I have learned is that little steps lead to big gains. It may be taking longer than I would like but I can see the difference. I know how frustrating it is to have gained the…
    in Hello! Comment by sarita66 January 2013
  • Ok I am back in the game! Let's do it!
  • Welcome, this is the best group. Join in on the challenges and have fun.
  • Boy, I can't believe it is coming up on a year, but that was my light bulb moment. Last year at my physical, my doctor recommended by-pass surgery. She thought I was a good candidate because overall I was in good health. It scared the daylights out of me. I signed up for an informational session at our local hospital. The…
  • Hey here is this week's stats Food - 4/7 Water - 7/7 Exercise - 6/7 Wt loss - .6
  • I workouts on the weekends a little longer and I try to remove myself from the frig and focus on my hobbies. I make jewelry, so it keeps my hands busy.
  • Hey Mel, Great job planning this out, thank you! I am definitely in this game. I weigh in every Wednesday night with a group, so I hope that is not too late for my weekly check in with you guys. I joined weight watchers because I felt I needed some face to face support. That said, I lost .6 lbs tonight. Good luck everyone!…
  • Cute! I like the game! Ok here goes. Mashed cauliflower - 50 Mashed potatoes - 110 ( without butter) Candied yams - 200 Stuffing - 320 Mac n cheese - 500
  • Hey Mel, how is the holiday challenge shaping up? I am ready to kick it off. I have my yearly physical coming up in December and I really need to lose more before I see my dr. I would love to get 15 lbs off before the appointment. Any and all suggestions welcome! Thanks
  • Count me in please! I need all the support I can get to make it through the holidays. My weight loss has not budged for the last month and I don't want to fall back. I joined WW so I can meet face to face and be more accountable. I have missed you guys.
  • Ok, I know it's Thursday and the week is almost over. I'm joining in because I have been stuck at this weight and need to shake it up. I think I can make the fitness goal, not so much on the food tracking or calories. Anyway, hi again to everyone. :)
  • Wow! Congratulations! Fall is a beautiful time to get married. What part of the country are you near? Stay on track, make the best choices that you can. Your day is about the two of you and not the food.
  • Welcome! This is a great group.
  • Hi, thanks for checking in with me. I went away this past weekend and I use it as an excuse to eat whatever I want. Then I feel guilty about going overboard. This is an area that continues to be a real challenge. It is so hard to say no, especially when you are staying with friends. They were so great, making dinner and…
  • The excuse list is long and lame. I am having some trouble staying focused. I could use some support.
  • Congrats! I forgot to check back. Ok, let's do this! I have been hitting walls these past couple of weeks.i need to shake things up.