Kirkajuice Member


  • Click on "apps" at the top of the page, find body media and click "connect". If that doesn't work, open your activity manager on body media, click "apps" at the top of the page, find MFP, click on it, then click on the button to link the accounts.
  • You can't do any worse than the trainer at my gym. He's always working out early at 0600 before he starts work. He walked past someone and said (Loudly) "Mate! Those squats are terrible! Do it properly!" He did then tell him what he was doing wrong, but definitely not going to be subtle about it.
  • What are you doing at the time? I got dizzy mainly when deadlifting as I have a tendency to not breathe which also made me feel faint so I'd feel the need to sit down before I fell down (never did, too embarrassing). Focusing on breathing has helped and I no longer get these issues. If it's not that, see your doctor.
  • No mantra, but apparently I'm very gullible as I tell myself I'll just do half of my reps, say 6, and when I get to 6, I start counting down from that number. That way I can finish all my reps for some reason, even though I know I'm lying to myself.
  • Yes, I originally got to around 140 from close to 200 without exercise, and I looked ok in clothes but was still chubby. I got annoyed and didn't log for maybe 9 months or so and gained 14 pounds back before I decided to start exercising properly. I'm around 149ish now and two sizes smaller than I was at 140. You can lose…
  • Oh Yeah Victory bars!
  • Which ON product? I know GNC sells it, but they don't sell the one I want. I've used and and they're both pretty good. I get dymatize from dolphin (wanted a protein powder with stevia sweetener), and I get oh yeah victory bars and metragenix protein bars from power body, the oh…
  • Are you in the UK? I only ask because the last pill I went on actually made me lose weight, I think it was Marvellon or something close to that. The nurse said that was just one of the side effects so I didn't need to worry about it.
  • Try all the classes! I go to several classes a week, they are not all full of skinny women (At least where I live in the UK). I went to all of them and settled on four that I really like, I'm very uncoordinated but there will always be someone new who doesn't know what they're doing or who goes the wrong way so you won't…
  • At least it shows what's worked for people is similar! :laugh:
  • You can't do proper push ups or you can't do any on the floor? I can finally do pushups, and the way I managed to get myself to do it was by starting with my hands on a desk and just doing pushups to there, and gradually getting lower to the floor when I could do 10 at the current ledge height. No going onto your knees at…
  • I also found that the MFP profiles for activity levels are way off. I would have to set myself to very active for MFP to match my TDEE for Media. (Edit: I have a desk job, and spend my evenings gaming with very little movement) I guess if what everyone's doing is working for them then there's no reason for them to change…
  • They may (possibly) do a teeny bit of good, but you're right, most of them are killed off by your stomach before they get to the gut where they'd be any use. The small numbers that survive aren't usually high enough to do any good.
  • Agreed. I wore both my Polar FT4 and the BodyMedia initially so that I could compare. HRM said I burnt ~10 calories a minute if I worked really hard. Media said I burn maybe 8, occasionally 9 and always has a burn several hundred lower than the FT4. E.g. for Insanity, I had a HRM burn of 550-650 calories, Media says I burn…
  • Sore. About 7-9 hours afterwards I start feeling my muscles get a bit stiff which means I'm going to be very sore the next day. Feel great for the first few hours though. The only time I was tired after was when I was eating at a deficit, and did a large amount of cardio the day before. I still ate the calories back but I…
  • I have Miss Fiori baggy trousers for the gym. I bought several pairs on Sports Direct for around £5 each and I'm pretty sure you have Sports Direct in the USA as well. They're comfy, come in several colours, have huge zip pockets and they're cheap! I advise not getting the light grey ones though, I'm sure they'd get rather…
  • I have Weleda deodorant, smells good (and there are different ones) but think will try the Bionsen one as I really miss having roll on deodorant and I'd not heard about it before.
  • When I want to scroll down my diary for the day, it pings me back to the top of the day until I close the app and reopen it. This is irritating as I generally scroll so I can edit the food I've eaten and as soon as I let go of the screen, it pings back to the top of the day. I have a bodymedia with negative calorie…
  • Did everybody giggle at you? My brother lives in Canada and every time he refers to his trousers as pants, the entire family starts laughing at him. Possibly a bit childish but it's really funny!
  • I'm 27, my school taught everyone the imperial system for some reason in conjunction with the metric so now it's a combination of the two. Fluid ounces = yes, ml = no, grams = yes, kg = no. Can't do km either and I have no idea what my height is in cm. I really prefer the imperial system for everything except my beloved…
  • Would you have a problem with it going down the plughole in the shower? Easier than over the loo and rinsing in the sink and less risk of dropping it in the toilet
  • The only ones I've found that don't have the bad artificial sweeteners in (I get headaches so I need to avoid them) is protopure and promax bars. Can't stand promax ones though. What do you mean by chemicals? The protopure ones are not vegetarian though, not sure about promax. I know that Quest do some natural ones but in…
  • Picture that but with number 3 being more horizontal. It was quite a bad forward lean! Almost 90 degrees at one point :noway: All better now though! Still a lean, but the right amount :laugh: Bad trainer kept saying how he had 10 years of experience and never heard of a low bar squat. He is not to be trusted anymore! I…
  • Spoke to a different trainer today. He asked what happened, I told him and he suggested that the other guy was an idiot for trying to help with something he knew nothing about and getting insulted that he didn't know what the exercise was. Upshot is: I spent all weekend working on my form because I'd convinced myself that…
  • I guess you want the opposite of what I was told to do with my low blood pressure. Less salt, more garlic! They told me I'm not supposed to have garlic :frown: I still eat it, and I hate salty food so I can't stand adding more to my meals :grumble:
  • Yep, I get one every Tuesday! Nom! I have a slight problem with food so I got it to encourage myself to try new foods. Some I love, some I cannot believe people eat!
  • No, though there is a new one coming out at the end of this year that is theoretically waterproof
  • And it will likely be lower than your HRM, so don't freak out
  • I've been wondering if shoulder flexibility might help. I found some exercises for it so I'll give them a go. Also on a mission to find a pretend bar I can practice with at home. I wonder if I wasn't making my back tight enough so lent forwards too much to try and prevent the bar slipping. At least this trainer doesn't…
  • I already do good mornings, and my DL's are probably a slightly wider stance than normal because if my feet are too close together then my knees try to buckle inwards. Variations are a good idea but I'd still need help with the low bar variation since he didn't help with that at all.