

  • Are you in school? Finals? Stressed out about anything? First, you must figure out why you are eating everything in sight. Binging is a very emotional thing. Why do you suddenly not care if you gain your weight back? Next, you must forgive yourself. Weight loss is NOT an all or nothing commitment. Just because the last…
  • oh, no that is not cheating. It made you feel good about what you are doing, right??? You are doing great, keep up with the exercising. My daily chai latte...now that is cheating. :blushing:
  • Everyone - thanks for the advice. I am keeping a daily journal. And it is totally working. I write down what I want to do each morning, then what I did do each evening. And I am trying to keep my writing as positive as possible. After I logged my food today, I still have 80 calories to consume, if I want them. whew.
  • You just have to be VERY aware, when those few days are coming. Remind yourself, the day before. Remind yourself, again in the morning, that day. And just don't do it. It is so very hard, because your estrogen levels are almost nothing when you reach those days. And your female body is looking for a substitute...chocolate.…
  • I have a toddler, who naps for 2-3 hours a day. Since I try to give her a good example, I only eat healthy when she is around. So, I have been bingeing during naptime. I sit on the couch, rest, and eat the crap. I gained 35 pounds in 5 months. I joined a gym at Thanksgiving, and since that time I have been able to maintain…
  • I am new to MFP, and would like to have someone to buddy up with for my Weight Loss journey. I am looking for someone who is on the same track with me. Stay at Home Mom with a toddler want to lose 30-35 pounds major PMS food cravings excited about eating healthy again Loves to eat out (and will miss that the most):sad:…
  • Be careful. If you work out too much you may create irregular cycles, and delay getting pregnant. You should just make a commitment to eat healthy foods now, all through your pregnancy and while you breastfeed. And the weight will come off naturally. This means resist the food cravings while you are pregnant, you are NOT…
  • I am glad to start this process with a wonderful tool like my fitness pal. Since I stopped breastfeeding, I have gained 35 pounds (in 5 months) and I can't seem to shed them. I saw my doctor for a blood test to check my thyroid. And everything came back normal. So, now it seems that I just have developed some bad eating…