

  • I think after awhile it becomes a habit and it's not as exciting anymore to see the numbers on the scale...but be proud that you've made such a huge commitment to better health, way to go!
  • Go here and put in your information. It has been very accurate for me. No one but you can know all the things that come into play when you need to lose weight, but we are always here for support. Good luck!
  • This may sound silly, but if you have a tennis ball, and put it under the piriformis muscle when you lie down, it may be very painful at first, but the pressure will eventually loosen up that muscle. I'm not saying to sleep on it all night, but lie on it until you feel it begin to loosen up. It might help, and you can do…
  • Welcome. When you finally have that feeling that you're ready to change, you will. Any time you get to doubting yourself, look back and remember how you felt when you decided to do this in the first place :) Don't be too hard on yourself, because it's not easy...and feel free to add me if you need a friend!
  • It's at least 80 percent diet. I'm not a super clean eater, but if I'm in the mood for something and it fits into my calorie budget, I have it. This way I don't feel deprived. Yes, I was losing weight counting calories. I had knee surgery a couple years ago and it's not stable enough to run, but when I started walking, it…
  • I got the Jif whipped pb...A whopping 140 cals per serving but much better than 200+!
  • LOL, I guess I should have said "At 1200 calories, I didn't lose an ounce. When I upped my calories to 1550 based on my BMR and TDEE, I found some success" : )
  • You don't have that much left to lose, so this is the time it gets tough. Stick with it. Even if you hit a plateau for a week or two, it'll get back on track.
  • Honestly, given your age and not knowing anything else besides the info you've given, I would probably guess you're not eating enough. I can't see your diary, but if you're measuring your portions and you're sure of the calorie counts, then maybe try upping your calories. Do you eat much salty food? Sodium will make you…
  • I love them. I don't tolerate fish oil very well, and the Omega vitamins in chia seeds are where I make up for it. I find them helpful in staying full for an extra hour or two.
  • Is your calorie intake based on MFP's goals for you, or off of your BMR/TDEE? You've lost a good bit of weight, I assume you're more active, maybe you really need to eat a little more?
  • For a second when it happened, it felt like I broke up with a lifelong friend...then I was like jumping for joy because I realized "I DID IT!!" The food doesn't control me anymore! Woo hoo!
  • I'm a pre nursing student...carbs don't trigger your body to store fat unless you're insulin resistant or binging on lots of starches. Glucose is the body's preferred source of energy. Low carb forces you into ketosis, and forces your body to burn fat and well as protein for fuel...While it will work and may continue to…
  • Look, I've been where you are. I was diagnosed at 30 with diabetes. I was about 220 lbs and when I went to the Dr my sugar was over 600. My father passed when I was 13 after having both legs amputated a little at a time and finally having a heart attack while on dialysis at the hospital. I loved food, and even with all the…
  • 56 days so far, feel free to add me : )
  • Your bmr is what you'd burn if you just stayed in bed all day breathing. You burn more than that with everyday activities. If you exercise as well, you need to eat more, maybe not necessarily everything you burn, but you need to take care of your body. If you Google scoobyworkshop, put in your info and look at what your…
  • I live off 4th Street myself. I was using youfit for a long time because it was so convenient...just a few miles over the Gandy bridge in Tampa. It's the least expensive option, and the hours of operations are pretty good, too.
  • I absolutely love doctor told me NO MORE BANANAS!! For the past month and a half I've avoided them, and maybe that's helped some. They are all carbs, and because I'm diabetic and overweight I am going low(er) carb and that's worked for me.
  • We're all human, and nobody's going to beat you up harder than you beat up yourself. This is supposed to be a site where people are supportive and genuinely care. I've noticed more this time around how snarky some people can be, but no one has to live my life but me. If I want to eat ice cream all day I will...then I'll…
  • BUMP!! (I have to come back to this later!) : )
  • Welcome! This is a fun site with a lot of useful information...just remember to compare information, make your own conclusions, and do what works for you! Every body is different!
  • I'm 5'4" and I have my calories set at 1510 per day. I've been doing this since February 1, and I'm having great luck so far. I used the calculator on scoobyworkshop and found my bmr and tdee, then went about 200 calories lower per day. Even before I started adding exercise to the mix, I was happy with the numbers on the…
  • I LOVE cheese...Low fat, no fat, any kind of cheese! I buy the bulk packages of boneless skinless chicken beasts from Sam's ($1.88 per pound), then portion them out and freeze them. Peanut butter, egg whites (I buy 2.5 dozen eggs at a time, and I don't feel bad about chucking the yolks).
  • Sparkling water is fantastic...Unfortunately the artificial sweeteners can hinder your attempts to lose weight! I have a sodastream, and I use the water flavorings (no sugar, sweetener, or calories). The others I drink that are just as good (but more expensive) are Zephyrhills lemon and orange, Perrier citron, and St.…
  • Every morning I happily weigh myself, and then I do it again every night. It is an addiction, I agree with that. But I know due to my sodium intake and swelling, I will weigh 3 to 4 pounds higher at night. The good part about this is that I always know I'll weigh less in the morning :)
  • Good luck Darrell! I am also diabetic and I know how difficult food can be! I've been on and off mfp for the past few years, but this time I'm determined to make a change. You can do it!
  • I've been on and off this site regularly over the past few years. I would just give up and go back to "normal". One day I just seemed to wake up with a different mindset, and now I see results and don't beat myself up. When you're really ready, it'll happen and you'll be motivated without all our input, lol!
  • I know it's sometimes hard to stay motivated...I myself am keeping my eye on the prize! :) Feel free to add me if you like, I have ocd about logging everything and I'm here all the time LOL!
  • Your body goes into starvation seems from what you are saying that you don't eat nearly what your body requires to function every day. I didn't drop a single pound at 1200 calories, but I do well between 1500 and 1600 per day. I also eat back about half of my exercise calories. Hope you find what works for you!…
  • Hi All! :happy: I'm looking forward to meeting people who aren't so negative about using Phentermine. Some of you remember me from a long winded post on another phentermine topic a couple of days ago, and i'm just happy to feel like I have some control over what I put into my body now. If anybody wants to friend me, feel…