How do I keep myself motivated?

Hi everyone. I'm 18, 5'4 and 185lbs (not the heaviest I've been!).

My problem is that I can't keep myself motivated; I start a healthy eating plan or take up jogging or Zumba but soon become bored and I start to fade into lazy old routines. I would really appreciate tips for motivation. I'm embarrassed by my weight and feel like I stick out like a sore thumb. I start University in September and I want to feel fitter, healthier and more confident. I need to keep motivated through the upcoming exam period to help me reach my goal weight.

Tips would be greatly appreciated!


  • fabes559
    fabes559 Posts: 1
    I had same problem what i did was start joining 5k races zombie run color me rad etc.... then i was hooked .
    don't think about it just sign up and start training find a friend to also do the run you can both hold your self accountable
    i used the couch to 5k app but there is plenty out there . good luck
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    I'm not sure anyone can motivate you. YOU ned to motivate you. Losing weight for vanity sake never seems to work out well, IMHO. maybe talk yourself into making a change for a healthier you. Being a role model to someone else. Find something that really MEANS something to you. Then you will have the motivation you seek. Good luck!
  • Thanks fabes559!

    I have thought about getting back into running. 2 years ago I was doing 6-8 miles 3 days a week until I bust my ankle but I think I'm ready to start again.

    Much appreciated.
  • I've been on and off this site regularly over the past few years. I would just give up and go back to "normal". One day I just seemed to wake up with a different mindset, and now I see results and don't beat myself up. When you're really ready, it'll happen and you'll be motivated without all our input, lol!
  • Thanks mactaffy84!

    I completely agree. I need to set myself goals and stick to them. I bought a pair of jeans last year that currently don't fit so I'm going to try fit in them comfortably by the summer.

    Thanks again.
  • I've been on and off this site regularly over the past few years. I would just give up and go back to "normal". One day I just seemed to wake up with a different mindset, and now I see results and don't beat myself up. When you're really ready, it'll happen and you'll be motivated without all our input, lol!

    Thank you. It's nice to know I'm not the only one but I'm glad you're on track, hopefully I will be soon!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    You know, this is the golden question. It varies from person to person and is the MOST important aspect of making a healthy lifestyle change.

    I'll share what helped for me. When I realized MFP had a forum and started reading the threads and making friends. Seeing the success of my peers combined with all of the information I was both learning and unlearning really helped to keep me motivated. In short, it was becoming a part of this wonderful community, meeting some wonderful friends, and making my health a priority in my life instead of an afterthought.
  • You know, this is the golden question. It varies from person to person and is the MOST important aspect of making a healthy lifestyle change.

    I'll share what helped for me. When I realized MFP had a forum and started reading the threads and making friends. Seeing the success of my peers combined with all of the information I was both learning and unlearning really helped to keep me motivated. In short, it was becoming a part of this wonderful community, meeting some wonderful friends, and making my health a priority in my life instead of an afterthought.

    Thank you for sharing. That's a really great story. I've just been looking at how much progress some people in this community have made and it's amazing. It's really great how they all help and encourage each other. Hopefully I'll take a leaf out of your book! :)
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    You know, this is the golden question. It varies from person to person and is the MOST important aspect of making a healthy lifestyle change.

    I'll share what helped for me. When I realized MFP had a forum and started reading the threads and making friends. Seeing the success of my peers combined with all of the information I was both learning and unlearning really helped to keep me motivated. In short, it was becoming a part of this wonderful community, meeting some wonderful friends, and making my health a priority in my life instead of an afterthought.

    Thank you for sharing. That's a really great story. I've just been looking at how much progress some people in this community have made and it's amazing. It's really great how they all help and encourage each other. Hopefully I'll take a leaf out of your book! :)

    Another bit of advice I'd like to give is to not get discouraged. When people are trying to lose weight, they are often emotional about it. When they ask questions here, they often perceive disagreement or bluntness as negativity or rudeness. That is rarely the case. So if you ask a question and you feel like people are being rude, step back, take a deep breath, and try to see the information they are giving objectively instead of emotionally.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Finding a workout you like, setting the goal, set your days for your workout on your schedule and DO IT. Some days you'll be motivated, some days you won't Just Do It! Before you know it you'll feel worse when you Don't work out and bam, you're hooked!

    Good luck!
  • Mojoman02
    Mojoman02 Posts: 146 Member
    You have to REALLY want this. REALLY REALLY. More than you want chocolate, or a bag of chips, or whatever unhealthy food you may crave. A coworker asked me why I wasn't eating the chocolate that was laying around, and I said because I want to lose weight more than I want that chocolate. You may not be there right now. And that's okay. Be patient with yourself. And most of all, love yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    I tried to lose weight last year, and life got crazy so I just stopped trying.

    If I had not given up, I would be at my ideal weight by now for sure. Plus I have a bunch of winter clothing that doesn't fit right now, and we have just started Autumn over here. I hate being cold and unprepared for winter!
    I have 15 mth old twins, and very few pictures of me with them. I want to change that, as they are growing fast and I want them to have pictures that show us together when they were small.

    Those thoughts keep me motivated. Perhaps you need to find your reasons, and keep them in the forefront of your mind.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    First of all, I wanted to say you are a beautiful young woman, just as you are. You've got a very pretty face and gorgeous hair. Believe it or not, most people are not looking at you and judging your harshly. Those who do are not worth your time or attention.

    As far as motivation goes, I would try to figure out the different priorities you have to figure out if there are any conflicts.

    For example, you may want to lose weight for college but you also may not want to be miserable or to starve. Once you figure out all the things that you want, and what you assume getting those things means, it may help you sort things out.

    Losing weight doesn't require that you starve yourself. It also doesn't mean doing painful exercise. It means figuring out what works for you. So if you like cake, you figure out how to factor a small amount into your calories. If you don't like running, choose another physical activity you do like - walking, weight lifting, yoga, dancing, whatever.

    If you are eating for comfort or other emotional reasons, figure out how you can meet your needs in other ways that don't require food. In the end, food is not capable of meeting emotional needs.

    Good luck!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    It helps to have friends who are fit and active. Whether that be friends on here, friends in real life, or both. I'm fortunate to have my wife as a work out partner so we motivate each other to go to the gym. I have also found that groups help, such as a running group who you meet with a couple of times a week. Pure motivation is hard, but being around similarly minded people helps build the habits and makes it much more fun.
  • First of all, I wanted to say you are a beautiful young woman, just as you are. You've got a very pretty face and gorgeous hair. Believe it or not, most people are not looking at you and judging your harshly. Those who do are not worth your time or attention.

    As far as motivation goes, I would try to figure out the different priorities you have to figure out if there are any conflicts.

    For example, you may want to lose weight for college but you also may not want to be miserable or to starve. Once you figure out all the things that you want, and what you assume getting those things means, it may help you sort things out.

    Losing weight doesn't require that you starve yourself. It also doesn't mean doing painful exercise. It means figuring out what works for you. So if you like cake, you figure out how to factor a small amount into your calories. If you don't like running, choose another physical activity you do like - walking, weight lifting, yoga, dancing, whatever.

    If you are eating for comfort or other emotional reasons, figure out how you can meet your needs in other ways that don't require food. In the end, food is not capable of meeting emotional needs.

    Good luck!

    Thank you :)

    That's my plan; I'm starting to eat healthy but not starving myself so that I end up slouching around low energy. And I enjoy dancing but I'm starting a course of the Insanity this week, it's meant to be intense but it builds your fitness up in stages which is good.

    But thanks again!