Walking for weightloss... Does it really work?



  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    it does for me, plus watching your calories
  • tech_kitten
    tech_kitten Posts: 221 Member
    Walking is great, but what/how much you eat determines weight loss. Exercise is what provides us with fitness (which our bodies all need to process everything efficiently) and building muscle raises metabolism, which helps with weight loss as well. Walking is considered a weight bearing exercise, and it also strengthens joints. Walking is a great way to obtain fitness, and I like it because you can make goals based on distance, timing, etc, and it gives you motivation to go further and work harder.
  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    I have done nothing in the past but walk and it has always worked.

    That being said: I would love to do a walking thread if anyone is interested. Would any of you be interested?


    Possibly, but not if thread is centred on walking the Himalayas, Cape Town to Mombasa

    More just walking down the shops, local area [not some huge national park, open moorlands etc, just plain old suburbs]

    Since I live in flat Kansas in the country, no problem!! I am thinking each person report as they want to: steps, time, distance etc. Whatever works - walking outside, walking inside w/ equipment, walking to a DVD - seriously whatever works for the individual! Just set goals and follow through. I would love to have MFP walking buddies.

    I'm in. At 74 I'm really past things like running, although I also like cycling. But I got a Fitbit (which is great motivation, gets me out for a final walk of the day when I need another 1000 steps to make 10,000 for the day) and I also use MapMyWalk since I'm obsessive about knowing how far I walked and how much I climbed. So, how does one join a thread like this?
  • Clint9913
    Clint9913 Posts: 15
    Walking is the unequivocal champion exercise for loosing weight and regaining fitness. On September 9th of 2013, I started walking and eating healthier. My choice was to get healthy or die, so I decided to live. From September 9th, 2013 through October 25, 2013, I had a net weight loss of 45 pounds, solely by walking, eating healthier, and drinking about 2 gallons of water daily. My walks average about 5 miles a day at a very brisk pace, aided by the music on my phone. FYI, the angrier the music the better. I find it a great motivator to keep moving, most likely due to the tempo of the songs.
    Incidentally, this effort was all prior to using MFP, the weight loss on my ticker is from October 26, 2013 through today. On the 26th of October, I switched my exercise routine to using an elliptical machine, that was a coat rack for 10 years in my house, and using MFP to log every bite I put in my mouth, even the ugly ones. The combination of MFP and vigorous CV exercise is what has propelled me to a net weight loss today of 126 pounds.
    Start Walking! You'll win.
  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    I love walking. :) It is a very nice exercise, though not going over your calories will also help. Eating right too! Walking will also help you relieve stress, and feel more at peace. :)
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Anecdotal evidence re: running vs walking: My brother, SIL, and a bunch of their friends went to Peru to hike to Machu Picchu last fall. These were all 60-ish fit people along with some of their 20-something children. The ones who ran for exercise most of their lives had the hardest time with the trails. The walkers among them handled the trails just fine.

    Running is great if you like it but don't let anyone look down on you if you "only" walk. Walking a mile and running a mile burns a similar number of calories, you just get there faster when you run.
  • MistyRose0424
    MistyRose0424 Posts: 114 Member
    Absolutely yes it does work I lost all my weight so far walking and watching my calorie intake.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member

    . Walking a mile and running a mile burns a similar number of calories, you just get there faster when you run.

    You would think but for some reason no......walking is awesome though.


    In "Energy Expenditure of Walking and Running," published last December in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, a group of Syracuse University researchers measured the actual calorie burn of 12 men and 12 women while running and walking 1,600 meters (roughly a mile) on a treadmill. Result: The men burned an average of 124 calories while running, and just 88 while walking; the women burned 105 and 74. (The men burned more than the women because they weighed more.)

    Swain was right! The investigators at Syracuse didn't explain why their results differed from a simplistic interpretation of Newton's Laws of Motion, but I figured it out with help from Swain and Ray Moss, Ph.D., of Furman University. Running and walking aren't as comparable as I had imagined. When you walk, you keep your legs mostly straight, and your center of gravity rides along fairly smoothly on top of your legs. In running, we actually jump from one foot to the other. Each jump raises our center of gravity when we take off, and lowers it when we land, since we bend the knee to absorb the shock. This continual rise and fall of our weight requires a tremendous amount of Newtonian force (fighting gravity) on both takeoff and landing.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member

    . Walking a mile and running a mile burns a similar number of calories, you just get there faster when you run.

    You would think but for some reason no......walking is awesome though.

    Close enough. I have used several calculators and the difference is an average of 10 calories per mile (based on walking 3 mph vs. running 6 mph)
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    Eating at a calorie deficit = weight loss. Exercise helps to burn more calories so can definitely aide it.

    Yes, walking helped me but it was a combination of several things (mostly overhauling my nutrition) that made me lose weight. We got the dog around the same time as I transitioned into a vegetarian (that alone made me stop the fast food and I learnt more about nutrition, etc) so it all went hand in hand. I dabbled with a few other exercise programs in the next couple of years but these days, all I do is body weight training and walking the dog.

    I really enjoy walking - the fresh air does wonders for me, I can "switch off" from every day stresses and can enjoy the local scenery. Even if I don't always feel like it sometimes, my dog HAS to be walked (live in a 3rd storey flat) but I always feel better for it. Most times, she takes me for a walk and I'm trying to enjoy a leisurely stroll but she either sees a squirrel or smells something and yanks me along but never the less, I still enjoy it. :)
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Another testimonial - I lost my first 40lb just by creating a calorie deficit and walking. Now I've got more comfortable in my skin, I've added in strength training and swimming. But walking is still my main exercise. I try to get in 3 miles a day, and try for a full 3 mile walk at least 3 times a week (I walk a mile to and from work, so it's an additional 2 miles.) I've also stopped getting public transport for anything under 3 miles, unless I'm running really late.

    The best thing I've found about walking is that you get squeeze it in anywhere. Don't get that 3 miler in a lunchtime? Walk to the next tube station (or 3) when going home. Meeting friends after work? Walk that couple of miles and don't worry about that extra half pint or glass of wine!

    Since July 22nd 2013, I've walked almost 800 miles, and lost nearly 60lb.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Anything that puts you a a deficit "works".
  • ItsjustBrettM
    ItsjustBrettM Posts: 3 Member
    Walking is my only form of exercise each morning.

    Combined with MFP, it is working well for me.
  • It's at least 80 percent diet. I'm not a super clean eater, but if I'm in the mood for something and it fits into my calorie budget, I have it. This way I don't feel deprived. Yes, I was losing weight counting calories. I had knee surgery a couple years ago and it's not stable enough to run, but when I started walking, it increased my loss dramatically. I bought a fitbit, I walk about 20 or more miles per week, and I always take the stairs so I get those steps in : )
    I'm halfway to my goal weight now, so when I get there I'll re evaluate. I still hold out hope that I'll be able to jog or run when I lose some more weight!
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    My friend lost 80 lbs just by walking and light weight lifting over the course of a year. He ate normal portions but didn't restrict his diet.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    In my opinion it works wonders. Brisk is the way to go.

    And really ... who really cares about the weight loss as you will be better off just doing it.
  • bbail1e
    bbail1e Posts: 11
    Inspired by you!! Go Girl!!! ^^^^^^^...........^^^^^^^^^
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Let's see ... I'm 71 lbs down ... walking is my main form of exercise ... so I'd have to say "yes, it really does work".
    (Combined with a sensible eating plan, of course)

    This exactly. Walking is basically the only form of exercise I have done….lost 70 pounds. Have gained some back by not paying attention to my diet…..and am working to lose it again.
    Try to get in at least 3 miles 5 times a week…….in the summer it is more.
  • melissajane83
    melissajane83 Posts: 54 Member
    I like to walk in my parking garage at work. I know that sounds silly but I go up the stairs and across the garage. I do it all the way up 6 levels and back down. I do it 3 times. Its a great work out. Within a month I have lost 7 #. I have also quit eating junk food too, which i am sure that has helped a big deal!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I like to walk in my parking garage at work. I know that sounds silly but I go up the stairs and across the garage. I do it all the way up 6 levels and back down. I do it 3 times. Its a great work out. Within a month I have lost 7 #. I have also quit eating junk food too, which i am sure that has helped a big deal!

    Doesn't sound silly to me. When the weather is crummy, I walk in the underground parking area of my apartment building. Five times around is a mile. Not great scenery, but it is dry.
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    I walk to lose weight. My only complaint with it is it takes longer then other forms of exercise, so if time is tight, it can be difficult. I have two walks a day, one is about 45 minutes before work and the other an hour in the evening. You will need to walk at a pretty brisk pace if you're looking to give your heart a workout.

    I've also started working in some step aerobics at home and will probably add some body weight exercises to mix it up.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    A calorie deficit is what really works for weightloss. Adding any kind of exercise can help maintain that defict and is good for overall health.
  • sisBdisco
    sisBdisco Posts: 2
    To Meltedsno: What an awesome response! You are so nice to share so much information and what an INSPIRATION. I am presently a "tight 18/20" and have can not begin to imagine the joy of getting down to a size 6! Wow. Thanks for posting
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    My doctor told me to walk 2 miles every single day if I wanted to lose weight. I did it 7 days a week and eventually I lost 40 pounds just walking and sort of eating a little better. I wasn't a pop drinker or a fast food eater to begin with but I love sweets, especially ice cream so I tried to cut that down and/or made sure I exercised enough to have a calorie deficit based on what I ate. Yes, you can lose weight with walking - I should clarify I am not a leisure walker so I kept at a pretty good pace... Hope it helps you!
  • My mother is quite overweight and goes to the bike trail for walks. She has lost 25 pounds doing this. Keep in mind that she is very out of shape though. I think it depends on how in/ out of shape you are whether or not it will work. However adding it in is always good! I exercise regularly but recently went from a sedentary job to an active one and lost a few pounds myself.
  • ness8484
    ness8484 Posts: 42 Member
    To Meltedsno: What an awesome response! You are so nice to share so much information and what an INSPIRATION. I am presently a "tight 18/20" and have can not begin to imagine the joy of getting down to a size 6! Wow. Thanks for posting

    This is me also. I got down to a loose 16, but just couldn't get past it. And then injury set in. I have a new plan. I have my 2 best friends holding me accountable. And I'm ready to start the journey again.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I think it depends on how in/ out of shape you are whether or not it will work.

    No. It will work no matter what shape you are in. Any activity that is a weight bearing exercise will cause you to burn calories and add to the calorie deficit needed to lose weight. Someone who can only walk a mile at 2 mph will burn calories, and if they are that out of shape it will likely get their heart rate up for cardio benefits too.

    Your overall fitness determines what level of walking will bring the most benefits, but walking will benefit people at any level of fitness.