Walking for weightloss... Does it really work?



  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    It defo works but you need to eat healthy/balanced too :)
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I have done nothing in the past but walk and it has always worked.

    That being said: I would love to do a walking thread if anyone is interested. Would any of you be interested?


    Possibly, but not if thread is centred on walking the Himalayas, Cape Town to Mombasa

    More just walking down the shops, local area [not some huge national park, open moorlands etc, just plain old suburbs]

    Since I live in flat Kansas in the country, no problem!! I am thinking each person report as they want to: steps, time, distance etc. Whatever works - walking outside, walking inside w/ equipment, walking to a DVD - seriously whatever works for the individual! Just set goals and follow through. I would love to have MFP walking buddies.
  • bedwellchris
    bedwellchris Posts: 57 Member
    Then why does slower walking (leisurely) burn more calories? This really confused me until I started doing some research about the difference between fast walking vs. slower. What are your thoughts?
  • blurfish
    blurfish Posts: 10
    The first 80 pounds that I lost came from walking. As others have said, I use a Fitbit to track my steps. I now use running as my primary form of exercise and take walks on my rest days. Sounds like walking is a great option for you if it's so easily available.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    If you walk you can eat more and still lose weight. If you log your food and exercise this site will tell you how much more you can eat while still maintaining a calorie deficit Good luck!
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    I have done nothing in the past but walk and it has always worked.

    That being said: I would love to do a walking thread if anyone is interested. Would any of you be interested?


    Possibly, but not if thread is centred on walking the Himalayas, Cape Town to Mombasa

    More just walking down the shops, local area [not some huge national park, open moorlands etc, just plain old suburbs]

    Since I live in flat Kansas in the country, no problem!! I am thinking each person report as they want to: steps, time, distance etc. Whatever works - walking outside, walking inside w/ equipment, walking to a DVD - seriously whatever works for the individual! Just set goals and follow through. I would love to have MFP walking buddies.

    There is a group on here called move your @ss challenge that lets you log miles which I do and also a leslie sansone one where you can log any healthy walks. I also got a fit bit for Christmas and this helps me be more aware. I am at target now but only walked when I was losing as well as logging my food.
  • louisedavies311
    louisedavies311 Posts: 110 Member
    Get a fitbit and get walking! I am losing and enjoying it. Eating at a deficit and walking extra to earn back some cals for a glass of wine is a big motivator. (You don't really need a fitbit but I love mine!:wink:

    That is exactly what I do and my fitbit motivates me
  • Travelbug1955
    Travelbug1955 Posts: 61 Member
    Walking has helped me alot with weight loss, firming up my lower body and having a better out look on life. I got the Map My Walk App on my iphone and use it everytime I walk. I have friends on this APP who also walk which keeps me motivated. You can sinc the APP with MFP and it will log your excercise for you on this site. You will know how long you walked, calories burned and how long it takes you to walk one mile. You can upload your walking music into the APP and watch yourself being tracked by the GPS. If I want to walk 3 miles one day, the APP shows me when I have walked 1.5 miles so I can turn around and come back for a 3 mile walk. I hope you get this APP on your phone and start walking the pounds off.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Hello let me give you some expert advice Walking will help you lose weight but it needs to be at a brisk pace

    I would advise doing 30 minutes incline on the treadmill

    then increase to 45 then 60 minutes

    Vince Delmonte Weight loss expert


    You can just eat at maintenance.
    Every step you walk slow or fast burns calories, measure with a HRM.
    Weight loss, slow, but steady. No injuries, or stress on body. Perfect - but slow

    I cut at a third of a pound a week and that suits me fine because I'm in this for life.
  • nentecular
    nentecular Posts: 101 Member
    Does walking for weightloss work?


    My goal is five miles per day, most days I walk nearer eight miles and often up to ten miles.

    I still eat all the old rubbish I used to but I now calorie count using MFP and with the calories returned through my walking, I've never gone hungry.

    My ticker below is surely proof that it works and it works well.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    Eating at a deficit aids in weight loss. Walking betters your health over all.
    I didn't clean eat, I guess I ate "dirty" and walked 3-4 days a week. I've lost 55lbs in a year.
  • Allyvegan
    Allyvegan Posts: 98 Member
    I unintentionally (but gladly) lost about 10-15 pounds after we adopted our dog and we did consistent walks every day. My husband lost about the same from walking about 1 hour on lunch breaks. Walking is just great all around.
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    nice to hear such positive responses from you all!!! :flowerforyou:
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    Does walking for weightloss work?


    My goal is five miles per day, most days I walk nearer eight miles and often up to ten miles.

    I still eat all the old rubbish I used to but I now calorie count using MFP and with the calories returned through my walking, I've never gone hungry.

    My ticker below is surely proof that it works and it works well.
    I could have written this post word for word bar a few details.
    I have lost over 80lbs since the 1st of July 2013.
    4 days a week, I walk almost 10miles too and the rest of the week I try to add another 5miles to my distance..bringing me to 15 miles each of the other 3 days of the week. I find it totally effortless and would rather die than miss my walk..sometimes I find myself walking at midnight because of work constraints and getting home late.
    I really want to do without the cheat days. which I do most days but boy when I splurge...do I splurge???
    Like this weekend for instance. I am using Easter as my excuse. Oh well at least I am in this for life....what shall I say..I'm a work in progress.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Yes, walking is a great exercise. You are moving your muscles, you are working against gravity which helps use more calories, and it can be done almost anywhere with a minimum of equipment. Get a good pair of walking shoes, invest in good socks, and head out the door. Gadgets like pedometers and fitbits help but are not necessary. If you have a route you think you want to walk, drive it with your car once and see what the distance is, then try to improve your time. Otherwise, wear a watch and see how far you get in 30 minutes or whatever. Walking is great for overall fitness. Weights, etc. strengthen and tone muscles. Ideally, we should do both but if you can only do one, go for the fitness.
  • lwestmill
    lwestmill Posts: 91 Member
    I wish I could walk more but yes, it does work. I walk about 2.5 miles a day according to my fitbit.
    I stopped loosing weight when I am idle but when I walk the pounds melt off.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Walking is very underrated. When I exercise I walk to the gym and back. For me that is two one hour walks on a gym day. When I come to tot up the calories for that it can be in the 800's. This is walking at about 2.5 - 3.5 mph depending on the incline. I am not pumping my arms and going for long strides (I believe it's called power walking) But I am not leisurely strolling either.

    I find it to be excellent low impact Cardio that almost anyone can do a lot of without much training. At the beginning of my fitness regime I got tired after walking round the town center and I am only 33. So suffice to say the position I started from is close to "as bad as it gets". I started by doing 20 - 30 minute walks round the neighborhood. Once this became easy I started doing some planned 40 minute walks. And once this became easy I began my gym regimen. The first time you walk a distance you are not used to it will probably tire you out quite a bit however it is amazing how fast you will get used to walking these kind of distances.

    Walking is also extremely pleasant if you live in a place with a lot of nature like I do. As a pagan I truly enjoy that aspect of the exercise. If you live somewhere with great walks for gods sake don't spend your time on the treadmill get out there and get some fresh air.

    A bit of forewarning though. Get yourself some well fitting comfortable walking shoes. And get yourself some "walking socks" As with running or jogging walking long distances can make you break out in blisters. And there's nothing like a blister in the wrong place to stop you from walking.
  • nataliemlyman93
    Yes. When I was at my thinnest (5"7 and 112 lbs) the only exercise I ever did was walk. I walked every single morning for 45 minutes.
  • jimwon953
    jimwon953 Posts: 20 Member
    I've lost stacks of weight by dieting and walking. People turn their noses up at it, but it is a really great exercise as long as you get your pace up to around 3-4mph.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    When I first started trying to lose weight, I only walked and cut back my calories A LOT. Yes, it worked for a while but I plateaued pretty quickly and then started jogging, then running. Overtime, after getting used to being more active you will progress and start doing more and more. That is when you really start seeing the changes! :drinker: