

  • I find it hard to believe that your entire daily target for carbs is 20. That seems wrong.
    in Apples Comment by erneseeter June 2012
  • <this girl sure does! And glasses too. A guy who looks like he could chop down a tree and tell you the scientific name for it. Yum.
  • Climbing stairs is BY FAR the quickest burning thing that I do - so if you are short on time but want a good burn I say head for the stair well! I work in a 34 story building and can now do the whole building up and down in about 13 minutes. AND it burns about 175 calories! I usually do about 30 minutes of circuit training…
  • The more the better, right?
  • Great job! 20 pounds is a BIG DEAL! You look fantastic!
  • I'm within an inch and 5 pounds of you so I hear where you are coming from. I think I'm fat too. It's a total self judgement. It has nothing to do with anyone else, I know how I feel in my own skin and I know that right now I feel fat. When I'm even 170 pounds I don't FEEL fat and for some people they would think they were…
  • 5'8" and 112lbs and you think you're fat?!
  • Welcome! I love these kinds of topics because it's great to hear what works for everyone else out there. If you like fruit eat it! Certainly none of us got fat eating fruit! Doritos yes - fruit no! I limit myself to 2 pieces a day but mostly that's because I find that eating a wide variety of foods helps me stay full…
  • Sometimes the littlest things seem like the biggest accomplishments! I remember the day that I didn't have to turn sideways to walk through the subway turnstiles in the Toronto subway. HUGE day! Congrats!
  • Never! Why would I need a shower BEFORE I work out?! I definitely shower after tho ;)
  • I also switched over from livestrong in January. MFP is a FANTASTIC support! You will really enjoy it. Feel free to add me for some support and motivation!
    in hi there Comment by erneseeter May 2012
  • A pretty interesting article sent to me by a friend in Oz regarding fat-loss cardio vs fitness cardio. If you are trying to drop the lbs. fasted cardio seems like a pretty good idea!
  • Welcome! I am relatively new on here too but I have to say that writing down every single thing you put in your mouth is a life changer. I think it's almost impossible to track every day and NOT lose weight! Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me if you need some encouragement!
  • I'm not an expert at this stuff at all but my naturopath recommended Metagenics UltraMeal Whey and I love it. Not only is it a relatively low calorie option (140 cals per serving) with 15 grams of protein, it's also a really great multivitamin. I use one serving of UltraMeal, 5 frozen strawberries, a quarter cup of frozen…
  • Easy boys. I'm not an idiot. Clearly is wasn't the lemon that made me lose the weight. But it certainly didn't hurt. There are DOZENS of little things we can ALL do in addition to counting calories and exercising that won't hurt our journeys and may even help them. If a squeeze of lemon in the morning will kick start your…
  • Years ago I was seeing a Naturopath who recommended squeezing fresh lemon into a glass of room temperature water every morning. Apparently the water has to be room temperature otherwise your body won't absorb it. And you have to add the fresh lemon right before you drink it otherwise it will go bitter if you add it the…
  • I usually work out in the evenings not the mornings. My day usually goes breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, workout, dinner. Though on weekends I usually try to work out on an empty stomach. Check out this article. Super interesting.
  • I used to be dead set against it. In my 20's. But now that I'm pushing 40 I have a totally different attitude. I think that if it's something you could fix on your own with diet and exercise then you should try to fix it on your own. If it's something you were born with or something that's happened over time and it really…
  • From Vancouver originally but lived in Toronto for 12 years! Now I'm south of the border eating "south of the border" portions and it's definitely showing on the scale! Just started MFP 2 weeks ago - 8lb down, 61 to go. Please add me (anyone on this thread!) for some good old Canadian team support!
  • Yes! Me! I have about 5 goals along the way but my ULTIMATE goal is around 80 too. So far so good!