

  • You seem like a super sweet person so just find peace in knowing that you're almost there! In general I am a high-stress person and don't cope with it very well, so lately I've been looking more into how to deal with it. My work is cyclical so I have periods of quiet and then periods where it becomes my life 24/7 for…
    in Off Beat Comment by ckkoski March 2013
  • I'm 27, log daily (50 days straight!), and currently eat 1450 calories a day, with one cheat meal on the weekends usually where I eat whatever I'm craving. I am practicing moderation...mostly healthy foods but indulging within reason :) My favorite activity right now is running...I even got a girl's group together to run…
  • I tried making Mean Green Juice in a blender. God awful. After I added extra fruit, it was mildly tolerable. After research, I learned that it's better to slowly add greens to your regular shakes, rather than diving in head first to the "green" smoothie craze. :huh:
  • I can't get enough of the pineapple flavor!!
  • This cracks me up!
  • I'm in the same boat. It's easy to slip back into old habits, especially when you're a foodie like me! After college, I went from 192 lbs to 142 lbs (50 lbs down), and after meeting my fiance, I let all of that weight slowly creep back on. On Jan. 1st, I was 194.6 lbs. I started the year off strong and have lost some…
  • Count me in! 30 down. Gosh do they burn!
  • I haven't square danced since elementary school but I line dance on a regular basis at a country bar near us and I love it! Great to burn calories while dancing the night away with friends!
  • Added :) I too am guilty of diving into fitness and diet plans without focusing on finding a path for a lifestyle change. After college, I went from 192 lbs to 142 lbs, and then met the love of my life and ALL the weight has slowly crept back on. To lose that weight, I was working out 2x a day and was eating AWFUL tasting…
  • You look incredible! Keep up the great work! What worked for you?