I fell off the bandwagon...

For about 5 months I was in my element. I had lost 30 pounds, my weight was hovering between 133-137 and while there was still another 5 or so pounds to go, I felt and looked great. Then university started again and the pounds came crashing back on with stress and crazy schedules and a lack of exercise. Now I'm sitting at a gluttonous 162 pounds and I'm miserable. I'm 5'2 so this puts me in the solidly overweight category. I'm well-proportioned so it doesn't look as bad as it feels but I need to get back to where I was. Anyone else in a similar position? Any words of encouragement?


  • ImmaZombie
    If you fall off, just get right back on. No need to feel ashamed. Just get back on. :)
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    We all fall off. Don't let it get worse. Each day is a fresh start to try hard and do better. Keep focused and know that you can do this! You've done it before. Just start it back up again
  • jakkidoodles
    The important thing to do is forgive yourself. You are human. Just get back on it. We all do it. Jesus, I went down to a size 16, met my partner, put on 2 stone, then got pregnant and put on another 5 stone. I couldn't lose weight until I forgave myself and decided to make a change. I also started focusing on the positives. For me, my boobs are huge, and I have nice eyes. But I want to be healthier. 8lbs and counting....only another 5 stone to go before my first goal....LOL!
  • misssmarita
    It's not the same thing you're going through, but... I just started here at MFP, but I fell off the wagon a couple of days ago and had a little freakout where I wanted to quit the whole thing. I posted on the messageboard, and was absolutely overwhelmed with the response from people telling me that you'll do better next time, don't give up, we're here for you. Because here at MFP we're all pulling for each other and I love that :)

    There is no shame in what's happened to you, you're human, and I get the stress of uni. But realistically, make small changes. Eat a bit better, exercise a bit more, and use time off uni to rethink your regime and invest a bit more time in exercise. The most important thing is to make it a priority. You can't go partying every weekend, because you need to get to bed early, to be able to get up early and put in a bit of exercise. Remember, every little bit helps, and if you have a specific question about how to do something, or what you could do to improve, all you have to do is post on the message board and you'll get plenty of answers.

    We're all here for you!

    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    you can get it back, BUCKLE DOWN!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I remember reading a quote along the lines of when you get a flat tyre, do you go around the car and slash the other three? No, so get to it!

    The time will pass regardless - make a better choice for you and don't use falling off the wagon as an excuse to roll naked in its dusty wake.

    You can do it!
  • OliveRiver
    OliveRiver Posts: 81 Member
    So you had a little slip up, everyone does at times. The important thing to do is to stand up, brush the dirt off, and get back on it. You're the only one with the power to make it happen and, believe me, you do have the power. So do it.

    When you aren't in classes or studying, that's the perfect time to get a workout in, even if it's just a short 5 minute one. It's still progress. I understand your situation perfectly, really. It was the same way during my first semester, except I had just had my daughter a couple months prior. So, I had a full week (15 hours), a newborn to take care of, and myself to take care of because I was still holding onto most of that baby weight. It was stressful, I'll say that much, but I felt so much better once I started seeing real progress.

    Just get back on it and persevere, persevere, persevere. It will pay off and you will feel so much better and stronger for it.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    It happens to the best of us!

    I lost 60lbs in 8 months last year, injured my ankles for 3 months and put on 38lbs!!!

    Now since the beginning of January, ive lost just over a 14lbs. What helped?

    Find a method of eating that is enjoyable and sustainable and that enables you to lose weight without exercising. Weight loss/fat reduction starts in the kitchen! For me that method was Intermittent Fasting, for you it might be something else, experiment!

    Forgive yourself, apologise to your body, feed yourself!
  • ckkoski
    ckkoski Posts: 10
    I'm in the same boat. It's easy to slip back into old habits, especially when you're a foodie like me! After college, I went from 192 lbs to 142 lbs (50 lbs down), and after meeting my fiance, I let all of that weight slowly creep back on. On Jan. 1st, I was 194.6 lbs. I started the year off strong and have lost some weight, and hope to keep up the momentum. Don't spend time being discouraged or thinking you can't do it, because you absolutely can. You have been successful before and know exactly what to do. Wishing you the best of luck!
  • lannlynn
    lannlynn Posts: 72 Member
    I TOTALLY know how you feel!! I was at below my goal weight and then BAM, I put back on 23 pounds! I didn't get back up to where I was originally but was headed there when I decided that I had worked toooo hard and it was too important to me to get back on it! It takes work, yes, but once you get into the groove then it really does become easier. What works for one doesn't always work for another.

    Since I started back, I've lost 5 pounds. You CAN do this!!

    Good luck!
  • mrs_millinski
    Yes, numerious times. I am starting over again, this time at the heaviest I have ever been. I work a crazy schedule and lack of sleep and time make it hard sometimes to workout and eat right. I know people always say "those are excuses" and "you have to make time for yourself"..... well that sometimes is very hard. I think it is just a matter of knowing what triggers our eating patterns. I believe when you lose and gain weight more than once, there is a reason. Some people love food, some are emotional eaters, sometimes it is stress. Fit in exercise the best you can..... but most of all... I truely believe, when you are happy with who you are on the inside, the outside just starts to fall in line (with a little work of course :) )
  • borom44
    borom44 Posts: 24 Member
    Have a similar story to most, packed in smoking and put on 3st, not good as I was already a couple of st over weight. So decided to do something about it, went to WW and started to shed the pounds, during this time took to exercise namely running, weight training and cycle. Did the couch to 5K at a weight of 19st 10lb, reached my goal of 14st 5Lb in 5 months. I maintained this weight for about 3 month and started to have problems with my knees (was running 40K a week), went to see the doc and was told no more running. That was it my trigger, exercise and healthy eating went as I pretty much gave up (Since been for MRI have arthritus in both knees) and the weight came back, hitting the 19st again a year and a half later.
    Xmas I thought enough is enough and started diet and exercise this Jan 7th and have lost 9lb and I am enjoying trainig again, however this time its cycle and rowing, if at first you don't suceed and all that.