m_puppy Member


  • I recommend a bra fitting at Nordstrom for anyone that has the opportunity. You don't need to buy your bras there but the fitting will change your perspective for life. Dramatic? Yes, but true! It will help you understand the way your chesticle area is shaped whether weight is lost or gained. It is absolutely superior to…
  • Mmm unsweetened vanilla almond milk is my favorite. @carimiller7391 I doubt you're doing a lot of damage. A serving of granola cereal is <40 carbs. Depending on the length of time you've been in ketosis, your body should pop right back in the next day. It's all about burning your glycogen stores. Sure you should aim for…
  • Ooh I'll have to try the cran-raspberry and grapefruit. I have had orange, lime, lemon and coconut. I did not like the coconut at all but now I'm thinking with rum it may have been the perfect drink. I find La Croix a little hard to come by in my small town.
  • It sounds like he isn't ready. I know his test results came back and are forcing him into this WOE but he clearly isn't ready to cope with that. What will it take? One last carb heavy meal? A week of getting to eat everything he wants and then cutting himself off? I mean, I'm pretty harsh here but he's a grown man and…
  • I have not noticed this but I have read that it is very common.
  • We have a cocker, too. Just love their little faces!
    in Dogs Comment by m_puppy August 2015
  • This is excellent! @slimzandra were you the one that found 30 days with Adrien? Thank you thank you thank you! I really am enjoying this. Though I have a hard time doing it everyday, I am seeing improvement in my strength. I am excited to get to a point where I am doing everything correctly. I have a hard time pushing…
  • Woohoo!!! Congratulations!
  • Thank you for this great idea! I love the comfort food of fall and was starting to wonder what would still bring that warmth and comfort while keeping me in check. Roasts are a great idea!
  • Weight loss highs: Seeing some differences in my body in the hips and the stomach. Things that can't be seen when I'm clothed but definitely can be felt. So I may have to start inviting people to feel me. Haha! Or I'll just save that as a success of which only I am aware. Life high: My SIL is making desserts for my wedding…
  • I did day 8 today. Tomorrow I have class so I'll probably do 9&10 on Wednesday. I was able to hold crow very briefly before collapsing. Also practiced chatarunga quickly before ending. Maybe I'll have the strength tomorrow. I ate off plan yesterday and kicked myself out of ketosis. In all fairness, we were testing desserts…
  • So this ended in me crying over how overwhelmed I am right now. I wanted so badly to make it through two sessions but I never went more than 5 minutes without being interrupted. I made it through day 5 and halfway through day 6 before I threw in the towel. I went in the bedroom, sobbed and then arose as megabitch. Looks…
  • Thanks for the heads up on Day 7. I'll tackle that on its own tomorrow. I'm unsure I'll be able to do day 5 & 6 together if one of them is abs! Going to check it out in a minute when the house is empty.
  • Lows are ok to have, too. I'm sorry you're going through this. Losing a pet is very, very hard and difficult to explain to others unless they have gone through it. I hope your husband can come to terms with it being time.
  • Ok so that wasn't true. I decided to day 3 & 4 together. They were both short so that worked out ok. Tomorrow I will do 5 & 6 and so on until I can catch up. I have 2 days a week that it's nearly impossible for me to hit the mat and then a 3rd day when I do a class. So I'll have to come up with something that works a…
  • I am going to do day 6 & 7 together right now. Skipping the cool down of the first one. I need to catch up. I took a couple of days off from exercise. I know, terrible. Just wasn't having a great week.
  • Wow the turn around on this has been quick. I hope you have a great time!
  • You and your wife have your own washing machines? I assume you wash her clothes in yours :D
  • Awesome. I can only hope.
  • I love the taste but then I started thinking maybe it's too good to be true. What is "natural flavor" anyway?
  • Any positive or negative feelings on La Croix?
  • Those are both good pieces of news! Shedding weight and crap that puts unnecessary weight on our shoulders. Congratulations on the new clothes! They say the mom-uniform contributes to weight gain because we're less able to tell how our clothes are fitting since they stretch with us. I live in the mom-uniform on my work…
  • Sometimes I think I look better than I actually look. Then I see a picture or my reflection and I start getting down. When I actually see myself, all I can see is all of the weight I need to lose. I am a size 8 now but I still wear large in almost everything. That's kind of hard for me. When I knew I was large, a large…
  • Interesting results. Thank you for sharing this. It motivates me to give it a full try. Also, I did the same with IF. Mindless eating as soon as I could eat. Which is weird because I naturally fast for the same amount of time as without IF. So maybe it was the opposite. Too mindful. Too focused on when I could eat next.…
  • Absolutely! Congratulations on the dream job and everything else awesome going on in your life!
  • See, I needed to write down the specific tests I needed. I didn't actually see the doctor. I went in, waited an hour and then the nurse popped her head in to tell me he was stuck in the hospital and I could wait if I wanted. Then I said I needed some things and had to quick rattle them off and she put in the order.…
  • These are great highs!
  • I forgot all about this portion of it. I just found my week 1 email. Will have to check into it later.
  • We worked really hard on chaturanga today in class. There were a few tips that she gave as well. She said when you go down you should be feeling it only in your tricep, that's how you know you're doing it right. She showed us a couple of ways that people do it. The wrong way was the way I was doing it; basically allowing…
  • I couldn't bring myself to do it last night because I was so exhausted from a huge weekend. On Tuesdays I have a yoga class that I attend. I wonder if I should do day 3 or 4 tomorrow.