m_puppy Member


  • Where can you buy it?
  • These are goods reminders of how great it felt to lose weight before!
  • I would love to hear more about this topic and the impacts non-organic meat consumption can have on estrogen. I'm definitely a meat eater but I don't buy grass fed beef due to price. About 3 months after starting this LCHF I started getting my period every 3 weeks but for a short number of days. I went to the doctor last…
  • I struggled with my balancing in class today. Something is off. There's no reason I should be getting worse at balancing instead of better. In brighter news, I did get complimented on how good my downward facing dog has become.
  • Has anyone tried Day 18 yet? I probably should have read through her description before doing it. I was disappointed but afterward I realized that I was only frustrated because it's not what I needed today. I needed slow stretching and restorative. 18 is only 21 minutes long but it's a lot of balance practice. I'm getting…
  • For me that feels good in and of itself. No deadline. No "if I miss a day, I messed up the whole program." Just sticking with it and doing what feels good.
  • Happily! Meat. There are lots and lots of recipes available online. Message me and I will send some of my favorites to get you started.
  • I relate a lot to how you're describing your stall. The creeping up of calories, the gradual increase in carbs, etc. I tried an egg fast earlier this year and enjoyed getting the opportunity to try making different foods with eggs. I love the buffalo egg recipe on I Breathe I'm Hungry. Maybe now is a good time to implement…
  • Why do you suggest this? I'm considering lowering my fat intake extensively, upping veggies and protein for one month then coming back to the typical keto diet. I would do this for no other reason than a reset of some variety without kicking myself out of ketosis.
  • You may also want to check out Phase 1 of Atkins for some food ideas. You definitely shouldn't be bored with the food this early in the game. For at least the first month, I wouldn't eat fruit. After that the occasional treat of berries shouldn't harm anything. You'll be so pleased with how good food is if you can cut out…
  • I haven't been any worse or better. I was really hoping for better. My cycle shortened to 15-21 days though. That's enough to make me want to punch something.
  • I just completed days 15 and 16. I'm almost an entire week behind! That's ok though. I'm enjoying this immensely and I'm happy to give myself an excuse to practice for more than 30 days.
  • Yes! I'm so happy you liked it!! I find the in person class is helpful to make sure my form is accurate. Our instructor gives tips on how to more easily accomplish certain poses. She also makes me feel better about the things I struggle with right now. There's a really good energy that comes from class. So glad you liked…
  • No I have not but after writing that I happened to come across my previous post in this same thread. You may want to read it. I don't think your username implies a love for monogamy, but clearly I misread it. Though if my username were "CocksTamer" I wouldn't at all be shocked if someone assumed I liked to tame many…
  • Great song with an even better meaning. How did class go? I'm going to guess that it was awesome.
  • My natural pb says to refrigerate. Is it necessary?
  • That sounds like something my ignorant mother would say. When my daughter was little she was uncomfortable with one of my male friends because he was "ugly" and that probably made him desperate enough to touch a 2 year old. Ooh or the time she said I shouldn't let my gay male friend come over because he would probably…
  • There's some irony in your name being "KittensMaster" yet you're taken aback by the idea of being considered a perv.
  • Also - I love everything about this.
  • I did use BMI as a reference for setting my goal weight. I included a 10 pound buffer for water weight as I don't intend on being in ketosis once I go into maintenance. I have weighed 120 pounds as an adult and it didn't look overly thin. I am a size 2 when I'm 120-130 pounds. When I was in high school I was that size at…
  • Just make sure whoever is practicing next to you doesn't step on your areola. I know that can be a problem. Or at least that's what I gather from this song.
  • Oh boy do I relate strongly to what you're saying. I have this idyllic image of what a Saturday morning in the summer looks like. It involves waking up when the air is still cool, going to a yoga class, walking out of the class all refreshed and relaxed and finishing it up with a coffee shop. The problem is that I never…
  • Maybe doing it a few times per week is more likely to turn it into a "habit" than everyday. Everyday isn't sustainable in the long run. Maybe our 3-4 days per week is just preparing us for what's more realistic.
  • Admittedly at first I thought this seemed like an overreaction. But then you quoted him and suddenly he became creepy to me, too. I wouldn't quit walking there permanently but I might take a break. Now, the question is what would I truly do. This is not what I advise you to do. I can be rather blunt with men. I grew up…
  • I think it's awesome that you're going to do yoga at work! We have yoga at my work as well but I'm only here two days a week and feel guilty participating on one of those days. As for our videos, I am on day 16. Hopefully I'll hit the mat tonight. I should have yesterday because I had the time and I needed the stress…
  • I'll be interested to hear how this works
  • I'll be interested in the responses you get. Are you drinking the vanilla unsweetened or is there a regular unsweetened. I know nothing about the phases of Atkins but sometimes I mix it with very tiny amount of Splenda, 100% cocoa and natural peanut butter. I don't have any protein powder but I have heard that also makes a…
  • Thank you for sharing all of this. The pictures definitely have added to the story. Love it!
  • Oh no! I hope you heal quickly and start getting better. Are you taking time to just go through some slow stretches, not necessarily the videos?
  • Alright so lately I've been thinking heavily about mixing rum with coconut LaCroix. I think doing that with a squirt of fruit punch Mio would be delicious for fruity. Personally, I'm a rum and vanilla diet coke person.