frosty73 Member


  • Boy, can I relate! You are having sugar cravings, which means your body's insulin spikes and plummets throughout the day. Probably you don't have a lot of energy, either--- that goes along with the insulin plummeting. Here's my recommendation: instead of FOCUSING on what you CANNOT have, focus on what your body needs to…
  • As someone else mentioned, BMF is now integrated with MFP. I've been using BodyMediaFit for 6 months and just want to chime in with my 2 cents. Pros: I chose BMF because with my job as a dog walker, I did not like the units that could potentially count bumpy driving as steps taken. Also I wanted it to count my calorie burn…
  • SWEAT... feels icky, but it is great! Your body, when burning FAT, converts it to water and energy. So sweat is literally your fat cells shrinking! Try to find something you can feel comfortable with; maybe a Wii workout at home? And I will also say from experience-- if people in the gym are looking at you, it's admiration…
  • I think the flu shot is a crock, honestly. My g-aunt got the flu shot and then got sick as a dog with flu-like symptoms, and I've heard other people having that reaction as well. I've never had a flu shot, and unless something changes I don't plan on it in the future. I think overvaccination is a real issue; I don't like…
  • Thanks for the replies, everyone.
  • I asked my chiropractor today, and he said deadlifts will ruin the discs in my low back. That explains why it's been hurting so much! He doesn't want me doing any lifting over my head, either--- no dumbbell presses, etc. It's frustrating when I don't know whether the "no pain--no gain" rule applies, and when to listen to…
  • NSV: non-scale VICTORY! You look so beautiful, you are doing a great job! Congrats on getting rid of the big ugly "morbidly"!
  • "Air" dinner.... diet Coke and big plates o'nothing. Talk about performing under pressure!
  • I'm sorry that your family is so narrow-minded. More and more people are celebrating the rights of gays and bisexuals, so in theory it should be easier than it was, say, 20-years ago. (Not that that will help you!) When you throw religion into the mix, it just gets ugly. Some churches, such as Unitarian Universalists,…
  • If you buy something like a BodyMedia FIt or Fitbit, it will calculate how many calories you are truly burning throughout your day. My guess is, if you are walking 4-5 miles a day you might be underestimating how many calories you burn. It's really hard to know how much to eat when you don't truly know how much you are…
  • It's killing me because I bought a strawberry-rhubarb pie, and when I looked at the calories it was nearly 400 calories for a teeny slice--- only 1/8 of the pie! I was in shock that a tiny slice could have that many calories and I wondered how much was crust vs. filling, and what I could take off to make it less calories.…
  • I just joined and could use more friends for my resolution (to get a Fitbit). Anybody else want to join? It's free!
  • Hoo-ah! Made me crave bananas....
  • The fire in Bambi. OMG! Heartrending!
  • I really like the WiiFit Plus, but I haven't used it in a while. It is really great for when you are feeling low energy "Aw, I don't feel like working out" just to get you moving a little and gradually working harder and harder. Plus, the game aspect of it can be fun. Hardcore workout fans don't like it because it doesn't…
  • You shouldn't always be hungry. If you are, you need more protein.
  • Hahaha I'm in Crystal Lake, but I'm not currently training as hard as I should be and I *know* I can't keep up. :tongue:
  • I posted a motivational picture for myself which reads the following, "Don't worry about the time required to reach your goal. The time will pass anyway. Quitting is NOT an option!" However, I'm feeling really down and headache-y today and quitting definitely seems like the best option. :wink: Of course, even though that…
  • Funny thing is, last night it registered my sleep normally until 4:30 AM, then it says I was "awake" although my calorie burn clearly shows I was sleeping for another hour. It's like I just jumped outta my skin or something! The weird thing is that it was still registering my calorie burn, so I guess I have to figure out…
  • The other thing that surprised me is how quickly my body adapts to fewer calories. :sad: Within a day my calories burned dropped, and I'm sure it's because my body is conserving energy while I'm trying to eat less. It is truly amazing!
  • Oh yeah~! And I had a night where it said I got 3 hrs. of sleep, I was so surprised! I think (not sure?) maybe my arm band wasn't tight enough, because it said I was lying there for multiple hours but not asleep. Is that what yours looked like? I just figured out you can click on the white arrows on the left side of the…
  • @vkmcewen--- is that the Link? I have the core and it doesn't tell me anything. :smile:
  • Many animal lovers say the Humane Society of the United States is no better. IMHO, you can't go wrong by donating directly to your favorite rescue and local animal shelters. Keeps the money in your local community, and helps animals that need it most.
  • Lisa, thanks for the info on very bumpy "steps taken". I'm not worried about that because I live in Chicagoland, but I grew up on a dairy goat farm so I like your pic! :happy:
  • WOW! Congratulations, I just looked at your profile picture.... what a wonderful change I see in you! I'll bet all your friends and relatives are either 1.) very proud, or 2.) extremely jealous! I agree with what many are saying, it's time to increase your calories! I lost a lot of weight at 1200 calories for the first…
  • I've used a Polar HRM for years when I was doing regular cardio and strength training. It works great for recording your calorie burn in the moment, although of course with weightlifting you burn more afterwards, during repair, that doesn't get recorded on the HRM. I just bought a BodyMediaFit because I don't want to wear…
  • They are probably cheap because they require a subscription ($7/month) in order to use them. They are worthless without the subscription, unlike a Fitbit or a pedometer that works whether or not you have a computer attached. Just got mine yesterday and so far I love it, but I can't imagine how long before I'm going to get…
  • It's important to note that some antidepressants can make anger worse. I got all worked up when I took Prozac, I wanted to punch somebody (not my normal easygoing self). I switched to Zoloft and had no problems, but everyone is different as far as side effects and the way a medicine will work for them. Also, for lc52820,…
  • With all the problems of pet obesity, I don't think I've ever seen a fat Greyhound. Maybe their owners are just more careful about it?
  • Sending prayers your way. I would be so freaked out! I would also hide the items he ordered, so that he cannot build his contraption. But I don't know if that is the right or wrong thing to do.