Ever Feel LIke Its Too Much??



  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    I posted a motivational picture for myself which reads the following,
    "Don't worry about the time required to reach your goal.
    The time will pass anyway.
    Quitting is NOT an option!"

    However, I'm feeling really down and headache-y today and quitting definitely seems like the best option. :wink: Of course, even though that junk food is calling my name right now, if I go with it, I'm just going to have to fight the same battle tomorrow.

    I'm very discouraged because I wanted to be a certain weight by my 40th birthday, and I made a goal that is too difficult for me right now (1.5 lbs per week) and it just ain't going to happen. On the bright side, I *am* paying attention to what I'm eating, I *am* eating better most of the time, and I'm not *gaining* weight. Hang in there and it will get better eventually!
  • FightingforFit82
    Absolutely!!! So that's when I set smaller goals with little rewards!!!! It's made things easier :)
  • FinFoxPT
    FinFoxPT Posts: 106 Member
    A few weeks ago i decided to give myself a challenge, 6 weeks with no scales, i know, sounds crazy. I've yoyo'd with my weight for so long and i got down every time i didn't see that i'd lost 100lbs overnight (silly but it's how i felt). I promised to exercise, stick within a good calorie budget and not worry about anything. I don't complete the day so i don't see what i may lose and i haven't checked my weight once since i started. It's taken the pressure off me. When i finish this with the calories i've been eating i've got an idea of how much i'll of lost but theres no pressure, no disappointment. As hard as it may sound it took away the stress of having to face the scales each weeks/day/every hour and mentally i feel much better. i measured myself today and i've lost 4 inches around my waist just since i've stopped weighing myself and that means more to me than anything.

    Overall this is journey and i find it easier to reach my overall goal by sticking to my plan. You can get to where you want to be, but like everything, it has to be one step at a time. Head down, eyes on the prize and don't stop till you get there...

    Fin x
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm sure others have said this already (I haven't read other responses), but make smaller goals. It's okay to keep the big picture at the back of your mind, but really don't look too much further ahead than a week. For example, I'm at 170 and want to be at 135 by June 1. So my first goal is to be 168 by Dec 1. To get there, I make mini-goals like logging into MyFitnessPal everyday, jogging 3 times a week, and lifting weights twice a week. Once I get to 168, I'll do a little victory dance and move on to my next goal, which is to weigh 162 by Jan. 26. To get there, I'm going to keep using MFP, keep, jogging, keep doing weights, and introduce a new push-ups challenge. Then I want to weigh 155 by Feb 26. I'll keep doing what I'm doing, plus introduce yoga. I could keep going, but this isn't about my plan. I just wanted to get the point across that it's easier to keep going and to stay motivated by setting mini-goals each day to get you to your bigger goals. Good luck! Add me if you're looking for motivating friends :)
  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    Go back and read YOUR profile. All of it. Should be all the inspiration you need.

    This is not a change for today, but a change for always. You will get there, but it may take a while. It didn't happen overnight, so it will take a while to come off.

    "They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself", a quote from you.

    Good luck.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    when I first started 100+ lbs seemed impossible . I broke it down into 10 lbs at a time and bought myself a pair of earrings for every 10 lbs as I got closer to losing 100 lbs I realized it was possible. Just hang in there and dont give up. Even if you only lose 50 lbs instead of 100 you will still look better, feel better, be healthier. Dont focus on the big goal just focus on your accomplishments. YOU CAN DO IT
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I agree, make smaller goals.

    I started with a total goal of almost 200lbs to lose. That was WAY too overwhelming. I broke it down into so many lbs by a specific date.

    For example - I felt that I could lose 30 lbs by the time my mom visited me at the end of last March. I pushed to reach that goal.

    Then I just kept finding dates and setting goals that were doable, but not super easy.

    When you have 200 lbs to lose and are looking at a chocolate cake 1 lb gain doesn't mean much.... but if you are on lb 18 of a 20 lb goal it's MUCH easier to say no.

    I have about 84 lbs left and my next goals are to maintain through the holidays(I'll change my goals in MFP and log my food at maintenance level) and then to drop another 25lbs by my birthday in April. That's doable but now that my weight loss has slowed down I'll have to work for it.
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    absolutley...im feeling the same way right now.
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    I did at first. I never set small goals for myself and it worked pretty good for me. I used my success to motivate me. I made good choices almost all of the time and I have steadily lost. If you are feeling overwhelmed set smaller goals for yourself. For example - 25 lbs lost could "earn" you a new HRM or something like that.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Do you ever feel like your goal is SO far away that its almost unattainable? Thats how I'm feeling today :( Needing support!

    Yep, pretty much every day. The feeling gets worse reading/hearing about others who've lost similar amounts of weight in much less time. I keep logging and weighing out of habit.