

  • welcome!!!!! guys!! this is a great site that will help you achieve it and be successful! i am loosing my second pound this second week!!!! all the best!! Diego
  • how cool to receive your words of encouragement!! you are right!! never give up!!
  • Bravo!!!! YG bravo!!! all the best!!!! Lets keep on!!!
  • thank you!!! :smile:
  • hello all ! thank you for your kindness and support.. Today is my first week... rocky 3 first days...but 1 week later I lost my first pound.!! 29 more to go!!! awesome site!!!!! awesome people!!!!
  • i wish i was a salesman for the company.. we could save more people's health and lives! I used the product and everyone I know hears about it. is they are not pooping normally.. i see lots of people, and I see the health issues they have to face because they are not informed, that could have been avoided by taking care of…
  • colon cleansing is natural, is not COLONICS!!!! impacted fecal matter it means is there... you eat and over a period of time... it sticks to the wall..b/o of junk food, refined flour, lots of meats that putrify and develops into a gelatinous horrible layer and over time does not allow the colon to work…
  • the advise is sound.... what you are saying is like quiting cold turkey a habit that she has for 20+ yrs..!!!! every one can do this....and have success.. you must start and pursuit difficult tasks on a gradient, little by little allowing room for error and adjustment, YES the goal is perfect control... but people are not…
  • Hi yankee girl. I got what you say. I encourage you to start doing self affirmations, maybe subliminal help you reprogram your subconcious...such as: " I am lean and beautiful and I am responsible for my success, I can say no to food, I am relaxed and in peace etc.. look them up in internet,,maybe affirmations…
  • hi on the elliptical question about the back might need some adjustments ( chiropractic) to adjust some grinding joints.. also are you keeping feet really flat ? or are you flexing your calves a bit? also are you supplementing with chondroitin ? ( joint lubricant, regenerator? ) is good if you are. posture at…
  • Hi, Diego here. I am glad you got help on the food part, eat smaller meals, speed that metabolism up, that is great,!! also I see something, the exercise routine....make sure you change it a bit, get on the stepper or change to do weights, high reps, increasing resistance gradually, then do the cardio after wards. Get in…
  • is my 2nd day... great website and already feel the support! thank you all!! and wish you all the best!!