It's official ... I'm a junkie



  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    I do P90X...and it emphasizes the muscle confusion with the different workouts but not the nutrition. The nutrition is a 3 phase plan designed to coincide with different phases of the 13 week program. I think that if you go to beachbody forums no one is recommending 3 days on, 1 day off on the eating. They're saying Bring IT! with your nutrition for the 90 days for maximum results.

    Diego, I am familiar with Tom Venuto. Thanks!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I am going to weigh in here one last time. Probably! :wink: I know, that was a terrible pun, but I couldn't resist. :happy:

    mgullette, I am always in awe of your posts! One, you are very knowledgable, and two, you are WAY committed to building a healthy body and you've reached a place where watching your calories and doing a few sit-ups just doesn't cut it! :noway: So, you have taken it up a notch, (or two or three) and I have tremendous respect for you! Some day, i hope to be in the kind of shape that I can come to you and ask in a humble way, :blushing: "What is P90X? I think I am ready for it!" :bigsmile: But today is not that day. :ohwell: But it will happen!

    So, DIego, in a way, this applies to you, too, though I am not sure your methods will ever by my methods. But, you are clearly a guy who is going beyond decent health and reaching for something greater, and you are also a mind, body, spirit kind of person, which I do admire. Having said that, I would like to point out that some of us are at a point in our journey where we are just trying to get a handle on our addiction. If this were AA, we are doing our 90 meetings in 90 days. For us, the thought of 3 days on and 1 day off is frankly terrifying! Here in the beginning of our quest, we need structure and support. One day off can so easily turn into a week, or a month, or a year. Really! :noway:

    In 1982, when I was 23, I had just got home from spending about 18 months in Italy, where I ate a healthy Med. diet and I walked almost everywhere I went. I lost 70 pounds and was within about 5 or 10 pounds of my goal. I didn't realize how important those two factors were, healthy diet and all that walking, and when I got home, I had a car again, and started eating the unhealthy way I had been before, thinking I could just "watch my weight". Well, Here I am, 27 years later, and I have yo-yo dieted and watched my weight go up about 260 lbs. That's not up to 260, thats how much I gained. :grumble: :angry: :mad: --- :cry:

    This brings me back to YOU, Yankie GIrl, this is your thread. If its addiction you are battling, build yourself a solid structure of caring, knowledgable people around you for support. Enllist your husband to help you when you feel weak. So often, those that love us just don't know what to say. They have tried in the past and gotten our wrath, so they walk on egg shells today, and their hearts are breaking because they don't know how to help. We have to show them. We do it by humbling ourselves. You also have to identify, and then avoid the things that tempt you when you are weak. If you do crack, and you have 40 days of sobriety, the last thing you should do is walk through the park where you used to score. We are the same way, RUN from the buffet for a while. Maybe the day will come. Figure out all your triggers, and then develop a plan to avoid them. YOU CAN DO THIS! :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Ok, so today, I am 50, and I have a goal to lose 266 lbs. I have been working on it, and living a new life since February 17. I've lost 15 lbs. Its a journey, not a destination, and I am doing it right this time. Thanks for listening everyone, and YG, You Go Girl! :flowerforyou:
  • YankeesGirl
    YankeesGirl Posts: 1,359
    I am going to weigh in here one last time. Probably! :wink: I know, that was a terrible pun, but I couldn't resist. :happy:

    mgullette, I am always in awe of your posts! One, you are very knowledgable, and two, you are WAY committed to building a healthy body and you've reached a place where watching your calories and doing a few sit-ups just doesn't cut it! :noway: So, you have taken it up a notch, (or two or three) and I have tremendous respect for you! Some day, i hope to be in the kind of shape that I can come to you and ask in a humble way, :blushing: "What is P90X? I think I am ready for it!" :bigsmile: But today is not that day. :ohwell: But it will happen!

    So, DIego, in a way, this applies to you, too, though I am not sure your methods will ever by my methods. But, you are clearly a guy who is going beyond decent health and reaching for something greater, and you are also a mind, body, spirit kind of person, which I do admire. Having said that, I would like to point out that some of us are at a point in our journey where we are just trying to get a handle on our addiction. If this were AA, we are doing our 90 meetings in 90 days. For us, the thought of 3 days on and 1 day off is frankly terrifying! Here in the beginning of our quest, we need structure and support. One day off can so easily turn into a week, or a month, or a year. Really! :noway:

    In 1982, when I was 23, I had just got home from spending about 18 months in Italy, where I ate a healthy Med. diet and I walked almost everywhere I went. I lost 70 pounds and was within about 5 or 10 pounds of my goal. I didn't realize how important those two factors were, healthy diet and all that walking, and when I got home, I had a car again, and started eating the unhealthy way I had been before, thinking I could just "watch my weight". Well, Here I am, 27 years later, and I have yo-yo dieted and watched my weight go up about 260 lbs. That's not up to 260, thats how much I gained. :grumble: :angry: :mad: --- :cry:

    This brings me back to YOU, Yankie GIrl, this is your thread. If its addiction you are battling, build yourself a solid structure of caring, knowledgable people around you for support. Enllist your husband to help you when you feel weak. So often, those that love us just don't know what to say. They have tried in the past and gotten our wrath, so they walk on egg shells today, and their hearts are breaking because they don't know how to help. We have to show them. We do it by humbling ourselves. You also have to identify, and then avoid the things that tempt you when you are weak. If you do crack, and you have 40 days of sobriety, the last thing you should do is walk through the park where you used to score. We are the same way, RUN from the buffet for a while. Maybe the day will come. Figure out all your triggers, and then develop a plan to avoid them. YOU CAN DO THIS! :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Ok, so today, I am 50, and I have a goal to lose 266 lbs. I have been working on it, and living a new life since February 17. I've lost 15 lbs. Its a journey, not a destination, and I am doing it right this time. Thanks for listening everyone, and YG, You Go Girl! :flowerforyou:

    This is me ... you totally get me Kristi ... I eat because I love to eat and staying away and avoiding those trigger places is exactly what I need to do! Structure and discipline is what I need. When we went to the casino's we didn't plan it out - we simply went w/ no idea of what we were going to eat or where. Following my normal steps I went to the buffet. I told myself a 100 times before I got there ... eat healthy ... you can do it. But only being 1 month into my diet ... I wasn't strong enough. Some day I will be ... but right now I need to stick to my 1700 calories a day and not falter ... this will be the way for me to make it.

    Onward and upward .... I'm back on track and ready to make it happen!! :drinker:
  • superlife
    superlife Posts: 17
    Bravo!!!! YG bravo!!!

    all the best!!!!

    Lets keep on!!!
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member

    Thanks for the compliments. I am pretty intense and not everyone can handle it right now, but I encourage people to stop by my thread because if nothing else, you'll feel inspired by the people bringing it everyday!

    I too, related YankeesGirls post with an addiction, and if you're trying to quit, you just can't feed the addiction! You identify the triggers and AVOID AT ALL COSTS!

    I just wanted to clear up the misinformation about P90X and the nutrition program because too many people attribute less than stellar results with program shortcomings or failures, but the fact is, most programs work if you work at them. And P90X is one of the BEST home fitness programs ever.

    Good luck YankeesGirl!

  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    I do P90X...and it emphasizes the muscle confusion with the different workouts but not the nutrition. The nutrition is a 3 phase plan designed to coincide with different phases of the 13 week program. I think that if you go to beachbody forums no one is recommending 3 days on, 1 day off on the eating. They're saying Bring IT! with your nutrition for the 90 days for maximum results.

    Diego, I am familiar with Tom Venuto. Thanks!

    I guess I should have separated my comments a little better.

    I have the complete P90X program to include the P90X Plus and understand muscle confusion along with the 3 phase eating plan.

    Just to clairfy I wasn't suggesting that the 3 & 1 eating plan was part of the P90X program, which it's not, only that the concept behind it is similar. Keep the body guessing.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I must say simply............this is a journey. If we could bust out and lose all our weight and never worry again, no on would be fat.

    Tweder says Make a UTURN. I have made so many Uturns in the past 8 months I am dizzy. But this time is different, because with each Uturn I have made a new lifestyle change.

    I pray I keep feeling the way I do today,strong, active, eating well, forever!

    YG this is a new journey for you. Learn from this mistake, WRITE IT DOWN!! I had post it notes all over my house. One said simply " No, you really CANT have just one!"

    We all come about our changes in our own ways, and usually thru experience (like overeating micky ds and throwing up all night instead of dancing with my BFF!!)

    Good luck! Your doing an awesome job!

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie