ren315 Member


  • So I went back to your last Sixer to see who was pregnant....Congratulations Julia!! When are are due? I think we are do right around the same time, I was 12 wks last Friday, so I'm thinking within a few days. I will definitely come on and chat with you guys, I would love to tough it out and stay, but I have no motivation…
  • Hello ladies! I sure have missed your inspiring personalities! Sorry I went MIA, but it was for a good reason...I'M PREGNANT!! I am due January 27. DH and I are very excited about our new addition! DD even cried tears of joy when we told her, and stepDS is a boy and wasn't as excited. I just wanted to come back and let you…
  • Yuck, yuck, yuck…I gained 2 lbs. I have 1 ½ wks until I go to the beach for some friend’s wedding. I reminded myself that on Monday, so I got up and did JM Banish Body Fat, I think, or it might have been No More Trouble Zones. Tuesday I didn’t get up in time to do a workout video, so I did other exercises. And today I got…
  • Nadine(psychohope)...................SW 262lbs/GW 252lbs/CW 258lbs/Progress-3lbs Clare (Finnhead)..........................SW 155.2lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 155.4 lbs / PROGRESS + 0.2 lbs Cathy(chipper)...............................SW 248.4 lbs / GW 240 lbs / CW 242.2 lbs / PROGRESS -6.2 lbs Shanell…
  • Good morning ladies! I am down .5lb, which means I am getting closer! Come on Amy and Shanell, we are almost there...onederland is in our near future!! Lorena and Kirstin...I am so glad you guys like L3 because I hate was always a few days into that level that I pulled my shoulder muscle..I am laying low from doing…
  • AFM stands for "as for me". Don't feel bad, when I started I didn't know what BUMP meant!! Lauren
  • irella (Mvelez79).........................SW 197.40 lbs / GW 180 lbs / CW 190.2 lbs / PROGRESS 7.2lbs Anne (monkeymomof3)..............SW 139.8 lbs / GW 130 lbs / CW 139.4 / PROGRESS -.4 lbs Stacey(Stacey765)........................SW 162 lbs / GW152 lbs / 162 lbs / PROGRESS -0 lbs Nadine(psychohope) ..................SW…
  • Good afternoon Sixers and welcome newbies! I am 29 and live outside of Atlanta, GA. I will be married to my wonderful DH for 3 years next month. He is OTR driver, and is gone Sunday night through Fri. We are still seeking him a local job, so he can be with us more! I have a vibrant, spunky, premenstral(sp?) 10yr old drama…
  • Lorena(reyna99)..........................SW 155.0lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 155.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs Nadine(psychohope)..................SW 262lbs /GW 254 lbs / CW 262 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs Tammy (tam8374)......................SW 225.2 lbs / GW 135 lbs / CW 225.2 lbs / Progress 0lbs Anne (monkeymomof3).............SW 139.8 lbs…
  • I still here!! I think we need another mini challenge!! I feel like I have not been completely here this challenge!! Sorry Kel about the injury! Lauren
  • Yay down another .5 lb for a total so far of 5 lbs! This makes me happy! I started working out FINALLY again since mid Feb. I decided this time I would do Biggest Loser Cardio Max. This is day 2 and my legs and butt HURT. I cringe everytime I know I have to get out of my chair at work, just that up-down movement is killing…
  • Julia (jmiller0906).......................SW 130.0 lbs / GW 118.0 lbs / CW 126.0 lbs / PROGRESS -4.0 lbs Cathy(chipper).............................SW 250.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 248.6lbs / PROGRESS-1.8lbs Kristin (kistinbee)........................SW 159.5 lbs / GW 154.5 lbs / CW 156.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.5 lbs Lindsey…
  • athy(chipper).............................SW 250.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 249.6lbs / PROGRESS-.8lbs Lindsey (LHuffman24)...............SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 149.4 lbs / PROGRESS +1.4 lbs Tiff (gonabfit) ................................SW 164.2 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 163.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.2 lbs Kristin…
  • Shanell (Nellienell12)................SW 208.0 lbs / GW 205.0 lbs / CW 206.5 lbs / PROGRESS -1.5 lbs Cathy(chipper).............................SW 250.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 249.4 lbs / PROGRESS-1 lbs Lindsey (LHuffman24)...............SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 150.2 lbs / PROGRESS +2.2 lbs…
  • Good afternoon everyone! I am so shocked!!! I guess all these past weeks, I have been dying to shred those yucky pounds and they finally showed for it on the scale. Anther thing that I have been doing it not drinking sodas, mainly water and if I am needing something else, I will drink a little tea. Well I am super busy at…
  • Cathy(chipper).............................SW 250.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 248.6 lbs / PROGRESS-1.8 lbs Kristin (kistinbee)........................SW 159.5 lbs / GW 154.5 lbs / CW 159.5 lbs / PROGRESS -0.0 lbs Em (MLEK).................................SW 171.8 lbs / GW 162.0 lbs / CW 166.8 lbs / PROGRESS -5.0lbs Lauren…
  • Good morning all! So I went to the weight loss clinic on Wednesday. Their program is a high protein low carb diet with a b-12 shot and an appetite suppressant. They gave me a sample menu to follow. I haven't been to the store yet, so I am making do with the food in my house already. I am not sure if I will be able to stick…
  • Good afternoon everyone, Cathy, I am so sorry to hear about you and DH. I have been there, oh wait actually this weekend. Not knowing the story, I just don't think that guys don't understand us women. WE are more detailed oreinted people and they typically get through life by just scratching the surface. Keep your head up…
  • Good morning! Not surprised or shocked by my .5 lb gain, TOM is in session. (SORRY FOR THE NOVEL BELOW) I don’t think I have ever talked about it, but let me give you a little history on my weight gain. Six years ago when I first met DH, I was down around 170. I know that I have gotten comfortable in my relationship, but…
  • Datenshi.......................................SW 243.4 lbs / GW 234.0 lbs / CW 240.6 lbs / PROGRESS -2.8 lbs Cathy(chipper).............................SW 250.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 250.4 lbs / PROGRESS-1 lbs Lindsey (LHuffman24)...............SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs Kristin…
  • Good afternoon, I think I have forgotten how to workout...I just can't seem to get motivated! And to make matters worse, even though I love her for it, my friend brought in to work today birthday cupcakes for me. They are my favorite strawberry cupcakes with strawberry icing and there are even fresh strawberries within the…
  • Hey everyone! I'm a day late, and really haven't gotten on the scale. I will tomorrow morning, and update if it is different. I went to the Dr yesterday to talk to him about my weight, I just really needed some professional advise and to make sure my insides are working in proper order. I have just been so up and down with…
  • Datenshi.......................................SW 243.4 lbs / GW 234.0 lbs / CW 243.4 lbs / PROGRESS lbs Maria(irishgal44).........................SW 176.2 lbs / GW 176.2 lbs / CW 176.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs Shanell (Nellienell12)................SW 208.0 lbs / GW 205.0 lbs / CW 208.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs…
  • Good afternoon all! Went for my massage Wednesday, and still today feel like I brutally beaten and then hit by a mac truck. With that said, I did NOT by no means work out yesterday or day, I am taking things easy. DH hates his job! He is gone all week long, he can't sleep and hates being away from us that long. I have…
  • I think my scale is broken, it keeps going up, one measly pound gain! Geez! I finally got motivated actually yesterday morning, I did my new thing. Well can I call it my new thing? I did step aerobix (sp?) with the wii. It has been nearly a year since I have done it, does it count? I figured that it is really the only…
  • Cathy(chipper).............................SW 248.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 248 lbs / PROGRESS -.4 lbs Clare (Finnhead).........................SW 161.4 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 155.2 lbs / PROGRESS -6.2 lbs Judy (brasslady1)....................... SW 171.8 lbs / GW 168.8 lbs/ CW 166.8 lbs. / PROGRESS -5lbs…
  • I here, but I don't feel like weighing in. Well at least posting it, I am going to try again in the morning, I was just too shocked this morning with I stood on the scale. Lauren
  • Afternoon....this is day 4 of checking in! No exercise today, unless you count standing for an hour at batting practice for DD, hehe! My shoulder is still not any better, I will have to go in for a massage. I was hoping I wouldn't have to with $$ so tight, but there has been no relief. Was thinking about going for one…
  • Good morning! I am checking in day 3...yay!! I still have not worked out, it's been over a week. Now its just to the point where my body is used to sleeping in in the morning. Ugg...I have got to get out of this funk, I need to work out!!! Clare...I love wedding venues and wedding pictures, so of course I had to look it up…
  • Aww Clare that is so sweet! When are you and Adam getting married? I have noticed your accent through your writing(hehe), where are you from? And thank you, I am feeling a lot stressfree with DH's job! Lauren