

  • See if this clarifies anything:
  • I have two words for you: VEGA SPORT. It's just awesome. Absolutely exquisite; it contains BCAAs to help post-workout and is vegan too. The chocolate is by far my favorite flavor. It's expensive but it's worth twice its price :)
  • Grill them! Yum :) Then freeze the rest and add a handful of frozen peach cubes to vanilla protein shakes. Summerlicious!
  • I think the most important thing to do when you hit a wall is to bump up the intensity in whatever way you can. What is your normal workout regimen? What does your diet plan look like?
  • I'm a nurse, and my doctor actually suggested I use the brand I bought because he is taking it with great success (lest there be any confusion, he didn't sell it to me; he had no vested interest in my buying it). Low calorie diets do indeed cause weight loss; if they didn't, no one would use them. This is a plateau-breaker…
  • Shirataki noodles are my favorite! There's a recipe on the back of either the angel hair or the fettucini for "alfredo" noodles that is spectacular but not appropriate for what I'm doing to break this plateau :( Thanks for the tip! I'll have to try your perfectly simply chicken :)
  • You didn't come across as negative, and thank you for respecting my request :) The homeopathic version is the kind that is dispensed in a dropper rather than by injection. There's some new-age sounding explanation for the way it works "energetically" (of which I'm actually quite fond, but completely incapable of doing…
  • This little mental trick plays out in my mind all day, every day. I've finally come to a place where I start telling myself that I don't deserve to feel as crappy about myself as I know I will after eating the doughnuts or chocolate or anything else I can sabotage myself with; what I deserve is to treat myself with the…
  • Yeah, I'm afraid it will be too much cardio for my liking, but I tend to think I should focus more on what I don't like because I probably need it more lol. I'm just hoping the insane cardio will kick up my fat burning enough to reveal the awesomely defined muscles currently hidden by this fat suit ;) I'm sure it will kick…
  • Holy cow. I didn't see how short the Month 1workouts are. I'm sure I'll be near death after finishing them, but it certainly is reassuring to know I would have time to get upper body weight sessions too. Yay! Thanks so much for sharing your experience!
  • I do Bikram yoga and often wear my HRM (despite it distracting me constantly). My class is 90 minutes long and my HRM typically reads 400-600 calories burned by the end of class. I weigh 141 with 18.6% body fat, and I know different people burn at different rates based on those parameters. In a normal yoga class I burn…
  • Parseley, celery, and asparagus are all diuretics. Add 1/4 tsp of potassium chloride to your food over the course of the day (it's sold with the salt substitutes). Drink a liter of water in the evening after you're done eating for the night. Cut ALL carbs from your diet after noon. That's just my 2cents. Good luck!
  • The weight-loss / fat-burning benefits associated with green tea stem from the EGCG (I can't remember what that stands for... something something cathechin gallate...), not the caffeine. You're just fine with the decaf in that regard :wink:
  • Azdak, thank you SO much for your insights! That is EXACTLY what I was looking for!
  • No, I mean in general, your total caloric expenditure over the course of a day (which is obviously influenced by activity); I'm not referring to the math on the site or the calculations they use.
  • Theoretically, weight loss is a simple mathematical equation: calories out - calories in = calorie deficit. A 3500 calorie deficit = a weight loss of 1 pound. Most weight loss resources suggest aiming for a 500 calorie per day deficit so that you lose 1 pound each week (500 calories per day x 7 days = 3500 calories). The…
  • I'm sure you're going to get 987 posts about how bad this is for you and how your body needs more calories/nutrients etc than you can get on a cleanse, or some such warnings. I personally think our bodies are resilient enough to endure a short famine without doing any damage to our major organ systems. I've seen people…
  • 5-Hour Energy is the best! I hate the taste but it's a tiny volume. I also love Rockstar Zero Carb. I'm a bit of a taurine junkie, so I never bother with an energy drink that has less than 1000mg of Taurine.
  • The ab workout from P90x still makes me almost cry and I've done it a billion times. Do a google search for "Ab Ripper X" and see if you can find a list and descriptions of the routine. Or just go get a copy of the whole system. You won't regret it :wink:
  • OMG I totally have knee fat too! No matter how svelte I get, I still have knee fat. I've always disliked my legs. But thanks to countless hours poured into P90X, I LOVE my shoulders and back :smile:
  • Holy cow, proctor0828! Look at your sign-off stats! You're doing an absolutely awesome job. Thanks so much for the tip on 10-Min Trainer. I completely forgot about it; I actually have the discs so I could have her get started on those right away, then move on to Power 90 per Jill's suggestion. Thanks so much!
  • In terms of DVDs, if you're looking for a little bit more toning rather than strictly relaxation, Baron Baptiste has great DVDs. There's a 30-minute DVD that's beginner level (great for when you're getting back into the swing of things) called "Journey into Power", and he has many longer, more advanced videos as well.
  • First, congratulations on your successes so far and for making the best fitness decision you've ever made. Don't wait. Order it RIGHT NOW! First, it takes a couple of weeks for Beachbody to ship the order, so you have that much time to continue whatever you're doing now. The real question is if you are adequately fit to…
  • That's a great site! Thanks!
  • I work with a woman who just entered in and won her very first, and she thinks I would love it. She's a little more ripped than I'd want to be, but still suprisingly sleek & feminine. There are divisions for sports and fitness modeling rather than pure building styles, but I can't find a definitive guide as such to save my…
  • Does anyone happen to know where I can track down nutrition information for Whole Foods' Deli's Gigande Beans with Lemon and Garlic? I've searched everywhere, and Whole Foods doesn't publish nutrition information for their deli foods. Any insights will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • I honestly think that if your experience journaling so far has been eye-opening to you in terms of how little you're eating, it's a really good idea to stick with it until you are consistently eating a more nutritionally normal diet. Even if you are spending a lot of energy focusing on food & eating, I think it will help…
  • Hello everyone. I'm just hoping to get an opinion or two about a couple of things. I did Plyo for the first time last night, and I have to say I'm not especially fond of it. I have a jacked up MCL, and I found that doing an hour of squats was kinda nauseating. Granted, I'm not in tip top cardio shape but I found that I…
  • Well, I guess I'll make this thread my personal journal because I'm absolutly glowing with pride right now. I did it. I broke the cycle. One day down. I went to my mom's house for dinner last night, and we always have wine when we eat, and nothing triggers late night bingeing for me like alcohol. On my way home all I…
  • I just happened upon this thread and I'd really like to keep it going if anyone else is interested (otherwise it might just become my little public journal :blushing: ) I have an eating disorder, and I've had some version of it on and off since I was about 9 years old. It's been worse in the last year than ever before in…