

  • That's so funny... I just saw that MFP edited my post because it thought I was saying a bad word. I'm talking about a brand name. It starts with a D and rhymes with Rickys. But I'm not cussing, I swear.
  • They would probably feel a lot like those ****ies pants. I know they are supposed to be tough and last forever, but I swear I could not wear a pair of those things. It's like wearing pants made of plastic.
  • Along those same lines... I'm passing someone and, in turn, someone faster is "trapped" behind me in the lane. I'm really good about getting over -- I don't just hang in the left lane, though I tend to pass folks often. Anyway, once I get over, that faster car typically just goes about its business. But sometimes, don't…
  • I am driving and the person in the lane next to me wants to come over to my lane -- which I can tell because their signal light is blinking. Why, then, do they insist on sticking their arm out of the window as if to tell me, "no, I really want to come over there and you need to let me in since my arm is hanging out of the…
  • I did have a guy that used to come to class - an older gentleman -- and everything he did included "jazz hands." But I loved him because he was having a good time and doing his thing. I like the people that do all kinds of variations to the treadmill and stairmaster. I get that some folks like to go backward -- I would be…
  • I teach step classes several times a week, so I have plenty of chances to see folks in and around the gym. 1) After one of my classes, there is a man that comes in and does he own unique brand of karate before the yoga class starts. He is kicking and chopping the air -- he will even roll on the floor and jump back up into…
  • I would definitely recommend doing the sauna and steam room after you've worked out -- use it as a reward to loosen up the muscles post-workout and relax. The heat can be a bit taxing and you don't want to go into any workout with your energy zapped already. Also, make sure you only stay in either room approximately 10-20…
  • Every person is completely different. Just because she is/isn't losing her body weight in a particular way, doesn't mean the same will happen to you. There are also a lot of other factors to consider: what kind of foods does she eat, is she drinking enough water every day, what is the intensity of her workouts, etc. There…
  • I'm not expert, but I enjoy both -- though I have a preference for the sauna. I've heard it said that the dry heat of the sauna can be good at warming up muscles and joints -- which is why there is some benefit to spending time in one prior to getting a massage. The more humid air of the steam room is good for opening up…
  • Why -- when waiting for an elevator or at a corner to cross the street -- do people feel the need to push the button several times because things aren't happening fast enough? Especially when they see the button has already been pushed. No, the speed of the thing is not in direct proportion to how many times the button was…
  • I am also fascinated by the pschology behind the sticks you put between orders at the grocery store and other places. Many times, I don't put the stick between my order and the person in front of me to see what they will do. I could leave 3 feet of empty belt between their food and mine, doesn't matter... They will…
  • Okay, I have a coleslaw theory. (Since this is a general theory, you must eliminate the people that LOVE coleslaw and the people that HATE coleslaw...they don't count for obvious reasons.) If you are at a restaurant that offers you coleslaw or a variety of other things as a side dish, most people will tend to lean to the…
  • Nike, New Balance, Saucony, Asics, Reebok... They are all good brands and make a wide range of running / cross training / walking shoes. But they all have a different fits that works/doesn't work for different people. I'm a big fan of Nike, Saucony, Adidas and Ryka. I can't wear New Balance to save my life, no matter how…
  • I have this as well, though I am usually able to walk and do some running -- as long as I have good shoes, use my prescribed insoles and wear my nighttime brace on occasion. It's definitely a pain (not to use a terrible pun). Not knowing what's accessible to you or what you may be interested in, there are few other cardio…
  • jmarsden is correct. An inexpensive gel seat cover can offer a lot of relief for this issue. And, after a couple of classes, you won't notice it being a problem. Mel
  • I sweat a lot and always have. There is no gentle "glistening" when I work out -- I sweat. And since I teach aerobics, I'm always aware of what I wear because I don't want to look like a complete mess. Put it this way, one time after class the spouse of a participant was standing nearby and actually commented, "wow, you…
  • All I can say is "wow." I had to put that up on my Facebook page as well. She is truly inspiring in so many ways.
  • I teach a step class out here in LA four times a week, but it is a very dancy class -- lots of choreography, shaking those hips, working the attitude, etc. I have a lot of folks that come in and feel overwhelmed at first, but they really start to pick it up once they relax and give themselves a few classes to let things…