The Gym is great for people watching!!



  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    My favorite/nightmare is the "Competition Man" and this one is true...

    I'm jogging away at level 9 and he comes along on the machine next to mine but doing level 7. I saw him sneak at peak at my numbers and sees I'm on 9 so he ups his to 9.5.

    Now that's fine and everything but when someone does that to me I just HAVE to increase mine! so I increase it to 10. It's like some little demon takes over me and I can't have this upstart one-bettering me :laugh:

    He watches me out of the corner of his eye increase mine to 10 so he sort of casually goes to 11. Well gloves are off at that point, this has now become a "guns drawn at dawn" scenario, I just can't have this guy think he's cooler so, like in poker, I see his 11 and raise mine to 13... just to prove a point :laugh:

    This went on until we were both running on level 16.5 and my heart rate monitor gave me a big boost for that workout hehe.

    We had a good laugh about it after :laugh:
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    My favorite/nightmare is the "Competition Man" and this one is true...

    I'm jogging away at level 9 and he comes along on the machine next to mine but doing level 7. I saw him sneak at peak at my numbers and sees I'm on 9 so he ups his to 9.5.

    Now that's fine and everything but when someone does that to me I just HAVE to increase mine! so I increase it to 10. It's like some little demon takes over me and I can't have this upstart one-bettering me :laugh:

    He watches me out of the corner of his eye increase mine to 10 so he sort of casually goes to 11. Well gloves are off at that point, this has now become a "guns drawn at dawn" scenario, I just can't have this guy think he's cooler so, like in poker, I see his 11 and raise mine to 13... just to prove a point :laugh:

    This went on until we were both running on level 16.5 and my heart rate monitor gave me a big boost for that workout hehe.

    We had a good laugh about it after :laugh:

    I love those too. lol, i had a woman pull this type of crap on me recently.

    I noticed one thing about everyone that does this: they always bite off more than they can chew speed wise. The good runners always run at their OWN pace and no one elses. Everytime someone does this to me I rarely 'engage', instead I decide to kind of teachem a lesson and just hover right below their speed - their egos always keep them from reducing the speed and they get broken pretty quickly within the next 15-20 mins...right as they are breaking, just yawn and bump up the speed some more :]
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    We have one guy that comes in gets on the treadmill for 3 minutes then he gets off and walks around touching each peice of equipment in the gym 3 times before leaving. He does not actually use any of the equipment except the treadmill, he just touches it! :huh:

    The employees follow along behind him cleaning each peice of equipment after he touches it.

    It's obssessive compulsive disorder. A lot of people with OCD usually have rituals in 3s.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    My favorite/nightmare is the "Competition Man" and this one is true...

    I'm jogging away at level 9 and he comes along on the machine next to mine but doing level 7. I saw him sneak at peak at my numbers and sees I'm on 9 so he ups his to 9.5.

    Now that's fine and everything but when someone does that to me I just HAVE to increase mine! so I increase it to 10. It's like some little demon takes over me and I can't have this upstart one-bettering me :laugh:

    He watches me out of the corner of his eye increase mine to 10 so he sort of casually goes to 11. Well gloves are off at that point, this has now become a "guns drawn at dawn" scenario, I just can't have this guy think he's cooler so, like in poker, I see his 11 and raise mine to 13... just to prove a point :laugh:

    This went on until we were both running on level 16.5 and my heart rate monitor gave me a big boost for that workout hehe.

    We had a good laugh about it after :laugh:

    I do the same thing. I am not the first to up the ante but you better be ready for a shootin' match if you start sneakin' peeks and increasing speed. I have this vision in my head of one day flying off the back of the treadmill cause my short legs won't be able to keep up with my competitive spirit. :laugh:
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    I might have to start people watching at the gym. I just tend to do my own thing. Of course when a good song comes on I want to start dancing (whether on the elliptical, treadmill, bike).

    These stories are great.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Man I have been reading this thread on and off throughout the work day and it's keeping me going! Toooo funny guys!!
    Well, I don't go to a gym, but I do take Kickboxing at a Karate Club and there are some funny characters! Most people keep to themselves, but I do tend to peek at people....
    There's this one guy, he's about 5 foot max, he's a little asian guy, never talks to anyone and always takes a bag in the back. He goes CRAZY!! It's like he's on speed, lol. If we take a 30 second break, he's doing push ups or wall sits, never stops, and this is a seriously tiring class! I honestly think he's on something though, he sweats like a maniac and is always's annoying, lol...
    Then there is the anorexic girl, she is the tiniest little thing, and same as the guy above, no breaking for her, she'll do push ups or high knees, anything to keep going! I feel bad for her cause she may have a problem and is pushing herself way to hard.
    The best though is the owner. He's basically Karate Kid, he's been in movies and is one of the top Kickboxers in Canada etc. Everytime he tells us to do something, like bicept curls, he has to do the motion twice like he's pumping imaginary iron, and watches his biceps as he does it. I think its one of those things where you have to see it, but man my cousin and I just look at eachother and giggle each time.
    Hehehe Keep up with the good stories, I still have a few hours of work left....:laugh:
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    I took a spinning class at the community college in town. One lady came in every morning with her DOG. He was a big pointer too. But she would lay a DOG BED and a bowl of WATER out for him, and he would just sit in the corner and relax. It was kind of strange. :laugh:

    Now, this class only had a handful of college-aged students, and mostly older women. One class a young 19 or 20 year old kid came in, dressed in jeans and a ball cap and flip flops. He had a smug look for the first half of the class and was pedaling furiously, probably to outdo all of us chicks. He ended up running out of the room red-faced and sweaty, and VOMITING outside the building. I feel bad laughing but you could tell he thought it would be an easy class.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    I also once saw someone doing P90X off of their laptop in the gym. I mean, nothing against P90X, but isnt the allure getting the gym results WITHOUT THE GYM?
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I work out at 5:30am. There is no one there but me and one other cool guy (the creeper doesn't come in anymore). If other people happen to show up, I'm to busy doing my own thing to worry about other people. Head down, eyes down, my own world.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    When I worked out at the YMCA we had the WWE guy:
    He came in with his own stereo, wearing lycra wrestling style pants, tank top and sunglasses (because its so bright inside), he had his gym bag full of lifting straps and protein bars and a gallon jug of water. Now there is a small stereo playing music already in the free weight room, but he plugs in his boom box on the opposite side of the other stereo and cranks up the (not kidding) WWE entrance themse songs, oh and he was usually oiled up when he arrived.
    Funny story about age-
    When our group used to workout together we of course liked to look at all the ladies, the cardio room was what you had to walk through to get to the free weights room, so when a hot girl would come in there, one of the group would notice so we would all take turns going into the cardio room to "get a drink of water" and check out the girls. Now in outr late 30's with daughters, we see how creepy we were as we watch the young guys do the same thing and dread when it happens to our little girls!
    I remember the first time I ever got on a stairstepper, directly across from 3 very attractive young ladies who apparently had a much higher cardio capacity than I did, but I kept going, never showing weakness for about an hour until they finally left. I was too damn tired to even worry about talking to them at that point and could barely walk as my legs shook uncontollably when I was able to get off the machine!
    And my last one, another personal story and maybe the wives will offer their varied opinions here...
    I had (had being the key word) about three or four favorite cut-off shirts that I wore every week to workout in. Now I worked out religiously five to six days a week, cycling these shirts thru the wash, I push myself to the limits on most every workout so there was alot of sweat built up in these shirts. By stating that, some of them when new were white, after 6 months, not so white, but still comfortable to me. So my wife tells me I cant wear them anymore because they have small holes in them and arent white anymore. My response- they are gym shirts, I go there to workout, I'm not there for a fashion contest...needless to say they disappeared and I had to get new shirts....but seriously, so maybe I was the creepy used to be white t-shirt guy, but I wasnt there to impress anyone, I just felt good in that shirt, it was with me on alot of personal records, when goals were ladies, please dont get rid of your mans shirts, (unless they stand up in the corner by themselves, or a family of skunks cuddle up to them) we like our shirts, its a comfort thing....
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    When I worked out at the YMCA we had the WWE guy:
    He came in with his own stereo, wearing lycra wrestling style pants, tank top and sunglasses (because its so bright inside), he had his gym bag full of lifting straps and protein bars and a gallon jug of water. Now there is a small stereo playing music already in the free weight room, but he plugs in his boom box on the opposite side of the other stereo and cranks up the (not kidding) WWE entrance themse songs, oh and he was usually oiled up when he arrived.
    Funny story about age-
    When our group used to workout together we of course liked to look at all the ladies, the cardio room was what you had to walk through to get to the free weights room, so when a hot girl would come in there, one of the group would notice so we would all take turns going into the cardio room to "get a drink of water" and check out the girls. Now in outr late 30's with daughters, we see how creepy we were as we watch the young guys do the same thing and dread when it happens to our little girls!
    I remember the first time I ever got on a stairstepper, directly across from 3 very attractive young ladies who apparently had a much higher cardio capacity than I did, but I kept going, never showing weakness for about an hour until they finally left. I was too damn tired to even worry about talking to them at that point and could barely walk as my legs shook uncontollably when I was able to get off the machine!
    And my last one, another personal story and maybe the wives will offer their varied opinions here...
    I had (had being the key word) about three or four favorite cut-off shirts that I wore every week to workout in. Now I worked out religiously five to six days a week, cycling these shirts thru the wash, I push myself to the limits on most every workout so there was alot of sweat built up in these shirts. By stating that, some of them when new were white, after 6 months, not so white, but still comfortable to me. So my wife tells me I cant wear them anymore because they have small holes in them and arent white anymore. My response- they are gym shirts, I go there to workout, I'm not there for a fashion contest...needless to say they disappeared and I had to get new shirts....but seriously, so maybe I was the creepy used to be white t-shirt guy, but I wasnt there to impress anyone, I just felt good in that shirt, it was with me on alot of personal records, when goals were ladies, please dont get rid of your mans shirts, (unless they stand up in the corner by themselves, or a family of skunks cuddle up to them) we like our shirts, its a comfort thing....
    Hey I say if you don't stink when you walk into a gym, does it matter what you wear to workout in? I mean comfy clothes is going to keep your working out far longer than tight cute crap (comfy cute stuff is fun though lol). You tshirt story reminds me of the Seinfeld episode of 'Baby Blue' Jerry's tshirt that went through to many washings.
  • mspraul
    mspraul Posts: 21
    My favorite/nightmare is the "Competition Man" and this one is true...

    I'm jogging away at level 9 and he comes along on the machine next to mine but doing level 7. I saw him sneak at peak at my numbers and sees I'm on 9 so he ups his to 9.5.

    Now that's fine and everything but when someone does that to me I just HAVE to increase mine! so I increase it to 10. It's like some little demon takes over me and I can't have this upstart one-bettering me :laugh:

    He watches me out of the corner of his eye increase mine to 10 so he sort of casually goes to 11. Well gloves are off at that point, this has now become a "guns drawn at dawn" scenario, I just can't have this guy think he's cooler so, like in poker, I see his 11 and raise mine to 13... just to prove a point :laugh:

    This went on until we were both running on level 16.5 and my heart rate monitor gave me a big boost for that workout hehe.

    We had a good laugh about it after :laugh:

    I rather like it when I go into the weight training area to workout and --at some point -- notice that I and the male gym patron next to me are doing the same exercise with the same amount of weight. You'll see them kind of look over and realize it -- it makes me feel like I am a bada**.

  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member

    And my last one, another personal story and maybe the wives will offer their varied opinions here...
    I had (had being the key word) about three or four favorite cut-off shirts that I wore every week to workout in. Now I worked out religiously five to six days a week, cycling these shirts thru the wash, I push myself to the limits on most every workout so there was alot of sweat built up in these shirts. By stating that, some of them when new were white, after 6 months, not so white, but still comfortable to me. So my wife tells me I cant wear them anymore because they have small holes in them and arent white anymore. My response- they are gym shirts, I go there to workout, I'm not there for a fashion contest...needless to say they disappeared and I had to get new shirts....but seriously, so maybe I was the creepy used to be white t-shirt guy, but I wasnt there to impress anyone, I just felt good in that shirt, it was with me on alot of personal records, when goals were ladies, please dont get rid of your mans shirts, (unless they stand up in the corner by themselves, or a family of skunks cuddle up to them) we like our shirts, its a comfort thing....

    As long as they are clean and don't smell, and aren't falling completely apart then I say wear what you want to. Shame to lose shirts that meant something to you.

    I like to people watch too, but sure hope I'm not obvious about it. Heh. Hate to be caught staring at someone. Usually I'm too busy trying to stay alive while on the AMT or the stairmaster to care too much what others are up to.

    I do kind of chuckle at the much younger women who come into the gym wearing full makeup and the latest workout wear. But hey, I probably would too if I was that age.

    Funny story about me...early in my journey for fitness, I was exceedingly shy about going to the gym and worried too much about others looking at me. (When in fact they probably were not.) One morning, I felt really good, got dressed, went up to the gym, everyone was saying hi and smiling and being friendly and I was thinking that I was finding a niche at the gym, good for me. I finished my workout and went home and found out I had worn my workout capris inside out to the gym. :tongue: No wonder they were smiling. :laugh:
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    OMG I love, love, love your post!
    I'm laughing and my oficemate is giving me really strange sideway glances.....

    So ok, ummmmm....I don't "go" to the gym because the gym is in my basement. However, I will give you a funny story.
    I promptly get up to the alarm at 3:30 a.m. and hit the treadmill. Yes, I could be your Treadmill addict. :laugh: The thing is, I would much rather be outside running.but it's still dark at 3:30 a.m. and I'm afraid of the dark. I'm also a little afraid of basements (spiders in general) but I get over it.

    The funnny part is, I have my IPod on and enjoy running to the beat, and I also have the television tuned in on the Food Network. Paula Deen in know, the Queen of Butter. I love to cook...which is why I need MFP in the first place. Watching the chefs cooking up one fattening concoction after another is a great motivator. The cooking all comes to an end at 4:00 a.m. and then come the infomercials for weight loss.
    Somehow I find this hilarious....

    At any rate, it's not a gym story but I have loved reading this thread. Thanks for sharing!
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    My last gym trip was pretty embarrassing. While I was on the treadmill I see this girl jump roping, and she makes it look so cool and easy with all her little tricks, double jumps, triple jumps, swinging the rope from side to side etc. etc.

    So I decided I was gonna go be cool, there I was with my earphones in ready to jump rope, I went to throw the rope back to start, apparently someone was standing behind me and when I tried to throw the rope forward it was stuck, so as the poor guy is being strangled to death by me, I'm tugging away at it, until I turned around and noticed what it was caught on.

    Oh and it doesn't stop there, after that little episode I continued complete with red embarrassed face, as I tried to swing the rope from side to side I not only hit myself in the face but I let go of the rope because it hurt so bad and it flew off and hit someone else in the back.

    It was then they took the jump rope from me.

    I only wish I knew what other people who were watching me were thinking

    You had me laughing hysterically at your post. I am also awkward and oblivious during times I have my headphones in. Lol. Good post.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I love this post!!!! Keep on has made for a very interesting read!:bigsmile:
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    I am the one you see on the cardio machines or even walking down the street, doing the drum portion of "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins. E V E R Y time! :) And some some songs just demand that you point your finger in the air, or whatever....

  • klt1030
    klt1030 Posts: 82 Member
    OMG, I've laughed through this entire post! I can easily see myself in the same situation with the jump rope...:laugh: My gym is also in the basement and most mornings I'm tuned in to Angel which seems to pass the time quite nicely ;) When I'm too late for the vamp, I will listen to, and sing along at the top of my I can't carry a tune voice for the hour. Nine times out of ten I scare the dogs into going back upstairs. I guess Sweet Caroline or Galvanize is not their favorite song(s)... either that or my heavy exhaling and yelling at myself to keep going is scaring them.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    "I'm all for changing in the locker room and have no problem with it, but what's with people that get naked in the locker room and just hang out. I swear I've walk in to see stark naked people just hanging out chatting with folks, having a snack, reading a book, etc. I understand there are moments of nakedness while you're getting showered and cleaned up. But if you're going to turn the locker room experience into a social hour, perhaps a nice cover up or long t-shirt would be a good investment. I'm just saying."

    I call these people 'overly naked'. I once had a naked woman at the gym approach me and ask for a tampon. I was horrified. I have also seen a woman laying naked beside the jacuzzi as if she was sunbathing. Indoors.
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    We have a lady in our Kick boxing class who turns in to a Ninja Turtle if you get anywhere near HER SPOT on the gym floor. She has actually come up and pushed me with her body because I was in her spot. I was so shocked. I saw her in the locker room afterwards and gave her the stink eye. It didn't phase her at all. Dang it! It's HER spot! It was kinda funny.
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