The Gym is great for people watching!!



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    My last gym trip was pretty embarrassing. While I was on the treadmill I see this girl jump roping, and she makes it look so cool and easy with all her little tricks, double jumps, triple jumps, swinging the rope from side to side etc. etc.

    So I decided I was gonna go be cool, there I was with my earphones in ready to jump rope, I went to throw the rope back to start, apparently someone was standing behind me and when I tried to throw the rope forward it was stuck, so as the poor guy is being strangled to death by me, I'm tugging away at it, until I turned around and noticed what it was caught on.

    Oh and it doesn't stop there, after that little episode I continued complete with red embarrassed face, as I tried to swing the rope from side to side I not only hit myself in the face but I let go of the rope because it hurt so bad and it flew off and hit someone else in the back.

    It was then they took the jump rope from me.

    I only wish I knew what other people who were watching me were thinking

    That just cracked me up! Sounds like something I would do!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    The bellowing weightlifters crack me up every time.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    There are some great stories here!

    There's a guy at my gym that I call "Under Armour" because he wears an Under Armour t-shirt, Under Armour shorts, Under Armour socks and Under Armour sneakers, and I'm sure his wristbands and lifting straps are probably Under Armour too. Anyway, he grunts soooo bad when he lifts...I don't mind grunting at all, but but people all over the gym are looking at you, that's bad. He grunts so hard, I swear he's going to poop himself.

    At my old gym there was this guy that I LOVED to watch. He was skinny has could be and was extremely feminine and had a HUGE and long afro, and he'd get on the stairmaster and dance the whole time. Kicking his hips out here, a fancy two step there, hands flying, singing...he'd just have the best time. Once, I talked to him and told him that I loved watching him. He had a thick Spanish accent and said "I know people are looking at me but I do not care, I come to have fun!"

    At that same gym, which was in Los Angeles, it was kind of fun to see what actors and actresses would come in. There was a guy who used to be on 24 who came in every day...his character was such a jerk. I just wanted to go up to him and be like "I know what you're doing to Jack Bauer and you'd better quit it or I'm telling President Palmer!" :laugh:

    One of the most interesting people I had ever watched, though, was a blind lady who would come in every day. She'd walk in with her cane, and make her way up to the treadmill, and just feel her way around to get the machine started. One day I watched her when she got on the machine next to me, and she was feeling around for the buttons and was like 1/2 an inch away from the start button, and she'd just keep pressing away. Finally she gave up and asked me for help. Then she started talking to me, and I don't like to talk when I work out. So there I was, thinking to myself "Do I tell her I'm putting my headphones back on, meaning 'be quiet now!' haha, or do I just put them on and hope she doesn't think I'm just rudely ignoring her...?" She saved me by putting on her headphones. :laugh:
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    Dang I need to join a new gym, nothing exciting happens at mine, lol. The only thing I ever laugh at is the woman who has that big wet spot on the back of her buttt EVERY time I am there, I haven't seen it in that location on anyone else but her, lol.

    One thing I don't understand, is the young ladies who have their phones with them and run on the treadmill but stop every 5 mintues to text away on their phones, I mean whats the point? You bring your heart rate up, then down, then up, then down???? Talk to your friends when you get home!!!!

    Or the people on the bikes that are barely even pedaling because they are either engaged in the book they are reading or on their phone as well! Whats the point of being there? Go home and sit on the couch and read your book, lol.
  • JoyElizabeth
    JoyElizabeth Posts: 65 Member

    Funny story about me...early in my journey for fitness, I was exceedingly shy about going to the gym and worried too much about others looking at me. (When in fact they probably were not.) One morning, I felt really good, got dressed, went up to the gym, everyone was saying hi and smiling and being friendly and I was thinking that I was finding a niche at the gym, good for me. I finished my workout and went home and found out I had worn my workout capris inside out to the gym. :tongue: No wonder they were smiling. :laugh:

    But going on what's been posted on this thread so far, perhaps you *were* being watched :-O

    I'm still very shy about the gym too.

    Everyone that I'm friends with on MFP have reassured me that nobody is really interested in what I would be doing and how I would look because they'd too busy taking care of their own business, and if they do happen to take notice they will only be supportive!

    So feeling more reassured about the gym than I've ever felt before, after 14 years I've made the effort to join - But now I am very nervous!!! :blushing: I haven't even had my first workout session yet!

    I'm scared that maybe I'll look like one of those frumpy red-faced 40 year old's that just can't get it together on or off the elliptical without embarrassing herself - and then won't the stories fly!! And God forbid I end up on a machine next to some svelte 20-something ..... I think I'd die of shame :noway:

    So apart from not wearing my clothes inside out, are there any other tips and hints about how NOT to end up as the butt of anyone's story on this thread? :flowerforyou:

    But the stories are just so funny - they had me cracking up so much my family had to come in to see what all the fuss was about. Thanks for the humour guys - and I'm serious about asking for help - the answers may be very interesting ...

    Kind Regards,

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • sjpaddock
    sjpaddock Posts: 16 Member
    There is this one guy in my gym, he always wears weight gloves, weights on his ankles and a weightbelt, but never actually lifts weights, he does the weight machines ( i checked he does 90 lbs :P) well EVERY SINGLE TIME he lifts he goes HHHHAAARRRRRRRHHHGGGGGGG Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffff lol but seriously so loud it gets annoying after a while.

    And this one japanese lady, The is absolutely NO fat on her. he always does the elliptical for hours, she sways her hips 2 feet to the left then 2 feet to the right... lol Not sure why.... Every one in the cardio room watches her and you can tell they all find it very amusing. :P

    And then there are these 2 guys, they jog through the gym all the time, they go do 5 minutes on the treadmill fall on the ground do 10 situps, jog to the elliptical do 5 minutes on there, then drop to do 10 push ups then they jog out off the room .... probably to the weightroom to to 1 set of 2 on each machine, hehe
  • sjpaddock
    sjpaddock Posts: 16 Member
    There are some great stories here!

    There's a guy at my gym that I call "Under Armour" because he wears an Under Armour t-shirt, Under Armour shorts, Under Armour socks and Under Armour sneakers, and I'm sure his wristbands and lifting straps are probably Under Armour too. Anyway, he grunts soooo bad when he lifts...I don't mind grunting at all, but but people all over the gym are looking at you, that's bad. He grunts so hard, I swear he's going to poop himself.

    At my old gym there was this guy that I LOVED to watch. He was skinny has could be and was extremely feminine and had a HUGE and long afro, and he'd get on the stairmaster and dance the whole time. Kicking his hips out here, a fancy two step there, hands flying, singing...he'd just have the best time. Once, I talked to him and told him that I loved watching him. He had a thick Spanish accent and said "I know people are looking at me but I do not care, I come to have fun!"

    At that same gym, which was in Los Angeles, it was kind of fun to see what actors and actresses would come in. There was a guy who used to be on 24 who came in every day...his character was such a jerk. I just wanted to go up to him and be like "I know what you're doing to Jack Bauer and you'd better quit it or I'm telling President Palmer!" :laugh:

    One of the most interesting people I had ever watched, though, was a blind lady who would come in every day. She'd walk in with her cane, and make her way up to the treadmill, and just feel her way around to get the machine started. One day I watched her when she got on the machine next to me, and she was feeling around for the buttons and was like 1/2 an inch away from the start button, and she'd just keep pressing away. Finally she gave up and asked me for help. Then she started talking to me, and I don't like to talk when I work out. So there I was, thinking to myself "Do I tell her I'm putting my headphones back on, meaning 'be quiet now!' haha, or do I just put them on and hope she doesn't think I'm just rudely ignoring her...?" She saved me by putting on her headphones. :laugh:

    I got THAT GUY at my gym too! haha and he doesnt even ift to heavy!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I was walking on the trail by my house last night, and there was this couple walking their big white furry dogs. They got to the bridge and then just stopped. I'm just walking so naturally I'm watching them 'cause I'm curious and nosey. So, they each have a leash in hand and are holding each other's hands, facing the trees, just staring. At first I thought, maybe someone's taking pictures of them? But from the TREES? There was no one else there. So I continue walking and they act like I'm not there as I pass them. Once I get to the bridge, they start to chatter and I look back and they start to get on the bridge. A few steps later, I look back, and they're still at the trees, staring. I guess they see I'm looking so they start to talk again and act like they're going to walk on the trail. A little while later, I look back, and again, they're NOT on the trail.

    So, what the he|| is the deal!???! My boyfriend said they're probably aliens. I was just freakin' out they were being sneaky 'cause they were going to kidnap me!!
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    Everyone that I'm friends with on MFP have reassured me that nobody is really interested in what I would be doing and how I would look because they'd too busy taking care of their own business, and if they do happen to take notice they will only be supportive!

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Joy- you know, as funny as these stories are (and I love people watching at the gym!) I don't think you need to worry about anything! Keep in mind, that even if someone does think something you do/wear, etc is funny, they don't know you and you don't know them! lol Just go in that gym with confidence and enjoy your workout! :) You will find that once you are working out, you will be focused on what you're doing more than what people are thinking.
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    These stories are hilarious! Thank you so much for sharing!

    I'm sure I'm the one the folks are laughing at around my gym. Like when I jumped on an eliptical for the first time and kept pressing start, like 10 times, and it never started. Then I got off of it, quite miffed that I couldn't even get the machine to start that I'd already worked up my courage to attempt to use.... 15 seconds later a lady walked up to it, started walking on it (or gliding, whatever the term is) an all of a sudden, the freakin thing came to life. It lit up and everything. I shook my head and left the room, in search of a treadmill. LOL :embarassed:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Everyone that I'm friends with on MFP have reassured me that nobody is really interested in what I would be doing and how I would look because they'd too busy taking care of their own business, and if they do happen to take notice they will only be supportive!

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Joy- you know, as funny as these stories are (and I love people watching at the gym!) I don't think you need to worry about anything! Keep in mind, that even if someone does think something you do/wear, etc is funny, they don't know you and you don't know them! lol Just go in that gym with confidence and enjoy your workout! :) You will find that once you are working out, you will be focused on what you're doing more than what people are thinking.

  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    These stories are hilarious! Thank you so much for sharing!

    I'm sure I'm the one the folks are laughing at around my gym. Like when I jumped on an eliptical for the first time and kept pressing start, like 10 times, and it never started. Then I got off of it, quite miffed that I couldn't even get the machine to start that I'd already worked up my courage to attempt to use.... 15 seconds later a lady walked up to it, started walking on it (or gliding, whatever the term is) an all of a sudden, the freakin thing came to life. It lit up and everything. I shook my head and left the room, in search of a treadmill. LOL :embarassed:

    I had a lady ask me how to start the bike the other day, I said pedal, lol, she felt very embarrassed!!
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    I went to a step aerobics class in our gym and the county commisioner was there with his wife and while doing a leg lift he unceremoniously farted so LOUD I thought I would die!!!! Being the childish woman that I am I had to stifle it all evening, yet occasionally breaking into snickers the rest of the night. ( I am laughing now). I will never be able to see him without cracking up!!!!:laugh:

    This made me laugh out very childish when it comes to others farting......a .lady did it in our lemaze class and my husband made me leave cause I couldnt stop

    :laugh: I'm laughing too...I'll probably wake my husband up....then I won't be laughing...:laugh:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Cell Phone Guy: This old man WALKS on the treadmill the entire time I'm there, and he must be important cuz he's always on his phone. It drives me BANANAS. I don't know why, but it screws with my running mojo. The funny part is I sometimes overhear him saying things like "I can't, I'm on a treadmill!"

    The Tattooed Cheetah: This gal I like. She's a runner with tattoos and looks like a cheetah: She's tall, and a lean, mean racing machine. She can carry 8 mph + forever. I aspire to be like her. I smile at her when I see her and always let her know how impressive she is to me.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    And then there are these 2 guys, they jog through the gym all the time, they go do 5 minutes on the treadmill fall on the ground do 10 situps, jog to the elliptical do 5 minutes on there, then drop to do 10 push ups then they jog out off the room .... probably to the weightroom to to 1 set of 2 on each machine, hehe
    Sounds like a great circuit routine they created for themselves :)

    I still can't decide if these post amuse me or scare me. I'm been going to the gym now for probably 3 years or so, not scared of the gym. Just wonder what my visual would be described as. lol

    I am smiling though at this thread, at first when I saw a couple cell phones I thought, OH DOCTORS, they NEED to have phones with them. Yea right, one woman was trying to memorize a recipe as she walking on the track, cell phone in certain places annoy me.

    Great to see ppl leave the area when their phone rings though, even if it does ring Yankee Doodle Dandy full volume.

    Keep the stories coming :) Oh btw, for the person that was worried that we all watch her at the gym, for myself if I look over at someone it's usually to see which weight machine they're gonna use next (hoping it's not the last one I need for my workout), Or if someone looks lost and is carrying around a full sized piece of paper wandering in between machines trying to figure out which ones they need to do next (new person!) . I'll ask if they need help because seeing their relief makes me remember my first week at the gym..

    So things out of the norm I notice but usually I'm into what I'm working on, now if someone was picking their nose, now THAT I would notice:laugh: :ohwell: :sick:

  • disneyfetishboy
    disneyfetishboy Posts: 65 Member
    One interesting 50ish fellow at my gym comes in with a silver sauna suit and yellow goggles (to keep the sweat out of his eyes) who slays himself on the lifecycle. He's real old school, warming up with calisthenics (jumping jacks and the like) and wearing his rolled towel around his neck while he works out. Nevertheless, the guy is fit as hell!
  • Lightonmyfeet
    Haha. I'm laughing so hard right now reading this. :laugh:

    Maybe I should consider switching my home workouts for the gym.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Mine isn't funny but today I saw the Hot dad and son. I saw a guy working out and he had his I think 11/12 year old son with him. The son kept wanting to be shown how to do the exercises so the dad would take a break and show him. The dad wasn't pushing the son do to anything but it looked like the son was trying to be like the dad. Later while I was in the cardio cinema they came in and got on the treadmills next to me. He showed his son how to work the machines and also told him to wipe the machines down. It was a nice moment of seeing a dad showing his son the ropes of a how to work out in a gym.
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    i use to go to the gym and there was a guy there who had a son and the guy would sit on the bench and lift his son up and down for awhile and then he would do pull ups while his son held his feet and pretended that he was lifting him...and then they would sit at the back ...and just sit there and stare at everyone and then eventually they would get up and they did that same routine everytime that i saw them!!

    There was also this old man who was on the bike (my favorite bike that i would always ride) and he would make me mad by sitting and watching TV and not ever work out!!!!

    Then there were these creeepy people ...they were pretending to work out while they really were just people watching people...hmm... 0.o ...just kidding
  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    i use to go to the gym and there was a guy there who had a son and the guy would sit on the bench and lift his son up and down for awhile and then he would do pull ups while his son held his feet and pretended that he was lifting him...and then they would sit at the back ...and just sit there and stare at everyone and then eventually they would get up and they did that same routine everytime that i saw them!!

    Now that's just cute. Made me smile just thinking of it.

    I have to admit I'm a people watcher.

    I don't go to a gym, but I go to a live Zumba class and my eyes are constantly roaming the class. I don't mean to laugh, and I don't ever laugh at loud, but I look at some of these people and it's funny. But we're all having a great time.