Random thoughts...



  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Why do people think it's perfectly okay to walk into a bank, intending on making a deposit, but try to do so without a deposit slip?
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Why on earth would anybody walk inside a bank? The ATM is out front. Anything you can't do at an ATM or online you probably shouldn't be doing anyways...
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I still swear sleazy is one of dwarves

    You're absolutely correct. There were originally 9 dwarfs. Sleazy and trampy were banned for partying too much.

    I think there was a crazy too. Every family has one. I'm afraid I might be mine though......
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member

    I think there was a crazy too. Every family has one. I'm afraid I might be mine though......

    Well I am the only crazy one in my family that has been clinically diagnosed. LOL but I am a fun kinda crazy not the blow you up kinda crazy :)
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member

    I think there was a crazy too. Every family has one. I'm afraid I might be mine though......

    Well I am the only crazy one in my family that has been clinically diagnosed. LOL but I am a fun kinda crazy not the blow you up kinda crazy :)

    Oh me too, I am definitely a friendly sort of nut, but somedays I think I do have a screw loose. :tongue:
  • stephflo33
    stephflo33 Posts: 160 Member
    Because that's not data. We weren't trying to find out the names of the dwarfs,,, I can get that in 1 minute from any 5 year old.

    The data we were looking for was - "who knows and who doesn't, and how does that correlate with parenting status? Are parents more likely to know? Men or women more likely to know?" When they all worked together on it and just wrote all the names then everybody got them all and we've got no data to analyse. Useless,,,

    Ahhh... gotcha.
  • stephflo33
    stephflo33 Posts: 160 Member
    Why do people think it's perfectly okay to walk into a bank, intending on making a deposit, but try to do so without a deposit slip?

    Been there. Done that. They want you to fill out all the info for them (I am assuming you work at a bank)
    I used to tell people to step aside and fill out the blank form and bring it back to me once it was completed. That just took longer because they needed me to look up the info. I had a guy ask me one time what his own social security number was. Geez.
  • mspraul
    mspraul Posts: 21
    I am driving and the person in the lane next to me wants to come over to my lane -- which I can tell because their signal light is blinking. Why, then, do they insist on sticking their arm out of the window as if to tell me, "no, I really want to come over there and you need to let me in since my arm is hanging out of the window." Apologies if you do this (I have a friend who is an arm signaler), but that's one of the reasons why they invented the turn signal.

    This one makes me crazy -- especially in LA where everyone is trying to cut over in front of everyone else.

  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Why do people think it's perfectly okay to walk into a bank, intending on making a deposit, but try to do so without a deposit slip?

    At my bank actually credit union they tell us not to fill out a deposit slip. However after working as a teller for 3 years I cant seem to not fill one out!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Not quite sure if this is a pet peeve or a random thought.....but why does my yogurt have to squirt on me EVERY day?
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    random observation - even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and pinning the tail on a donkey - but I bet everyone can find and push the snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, the first time - every time!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Not quite sure if this is a pet peeve or a random thought.....but why does my yogurt have to squirt on me EVERY day?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I open mine towards my trash can
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Everybody knows a joke or 2 that is horrible yet funny. Really awful,,, the product of a twisted mind and a demented or absent soul. I have a couple that I know rationally are awful, not funny at all, yet somehow they are. Why do I like those jokes best?
  • johnsoag
    johnsoag Posts: 59
    I am also fascinated by the pschology behind the sticks you put between orders at the grocery store and other places. Many times, I don't put the stick between my order and the person in front of me to see what they will do. I could leave 3 feet of empty belt between their food and mine, doesn't matter...

    They will undoubtedly look at the empty space with a slightly panicked expression and -- 9 times of out 10 -- will put that stick between our purchases. Even when there is no doubt that our stuff is not together.

    It's like a compulsion.

    I could go on with random stuff for days...

    hahaahahahahaha. SO true, it's hilarious.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Not quite sure if this is a pet peeve or a random thought.....but why does my yogurt have to squirt on me EVERY day?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I open mine towards my trash can

    Even when I open it away from me, it still splatters backwards! :grumble:
  • johnsoag
    johnsoag Posts: 59
    Why when i pass someone on the interstate who is going significantly slower than me, always speed up?!?
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Oh, Bran Gwen you got me thinking about white chocolate now. So, what is it called in other countries? Like in Spain, do they call it el chocolate blanco? Or do they have a completely separate word that has nothing to do with chocolate?
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    random observation - even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and pinning the tail on a donkey - but I bet everyone can find and push the snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, the first time - every time!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    So true!
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