Random thoughts...



  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Oh, Bran Gwen you got me thinking about white chocolate now. So, what is it called in other countries? Like in Spain, do they call it el chocolate blanco? Or do they have a completely separate word that has nothing to do with chocolate?

    Good question :huh:
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Just got back from the laundry mat and realized how strange people are. There was an old guy in there for an hour just folding his drawers. I thought, the poor guy is waisting what time he has left in here folding his drawers as if they were Origami . I think I saw a crane or a turtle for a moment but didn't want to appear to be staring. I know the older folks did things right the first time and took pride in a ll they did which is admirable and today almost unheard of for a person to clean up after themselves or do something as minute as folding underwear and turn it into a work of art. And it suddenly inspired me to fold my drawers and the undies of my entire family into neat little kite shapes..... NOT!!! But it was endearing none the less. He reminded me of my grandpa, always prompt and neat as a pin except his socks never matched. He was color blind
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Just got back from the laundry mat and realized how strange people are. There was an old guy in there for an hour just folding his drawers. I thought, the poor guy is waisting what time he has left in here folding his drawers as if they were Origami . I think I saw a crane or a turtle for a moment but didn't want to appear to be staring. I know the older folks did things right the first time and took pride in a ll they did which is admirable and today almost unheard of for a person to clean up after themselves or do something as minute as folding underwear and turn it into a work of art. And it suddenly inspired me to fold my drawers and the undies of my entire family into neat little kite shapes..... NOT!!! But it was endearing none the less. He reminded me of my grandpa, always prompt and neat as a pin except his socks never matched. He was color blind

    This reminded me of an elderly woman I saw the other day with creases in her jeans. Bless. I bet she irons underwear...
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Sometimes, I wish I had the kind of job that I wouldn't have to think about when work was over. It would be so nice to have my day end and be comfortable in the knowledge that nothing tomorrow was going to have anything to with what happened today.

    Like, if I didn't serve that coffee to someone, it isn't like they would still be waiting for me when I got back to work...
  • david1956
    david1956 Posts: 190 Member
    I wonder if the elderly man who folds his underwear, or the women with her jeans creased use starch? People used to do that, but did they starch their undies? What would crisply starched undies, ironed with miltary precision, feel like to wear?
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I wonder if the elderly man who folds his underwear, or the women with her jeans creased use starch? People used to do that, but did they starch their undies? What would crisply starched undies, ironed with miltary precision, feel like to wear?

    Mmmmmmm Extra Crispy
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Sometimes, I wish I had the kind of job that I wouldn't have to think about when work was over. It would be so nice to have my day end and be comfortable in the knowledge that nothing tomorrow was going to have anything to with what happened today.

    Like, if I didn't serve that coffee to someone, it isn't like they would still be waiting for me when I got back to work...

    I had that same thought many times and I FINALLY have a job like that. Started in Dec 09 and I love it!!! Totally stress free for the most part. It is a super easy job and totally below my skill level, but I'm A OK with that because I don't have to juggle tasks or have deadlines or any cr@p like that. I think the new job has definitely attributed to my ability to maintain this new lifestyle. Proper nutrition has been a huge hurdle, and with other jobs that are more demanding there is never any time in the day to really feed yourself without purposely creating that time. So a busy job complimented my eating habits since I wouldn't eat during the day (much) and then pig out after work. But now, the trainer wants me to eat the majority of my calories during the hours that I am at work and I can just sit and eat at my desk all day if I want or need to. And some days I feel like that's all I do because it takes a long time to chew so many vegetables. The decreased stress level has also allowed me to concentrate on getting healthier instead of worrying about work.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Awesome Diane!!!

    I never know when "exactly" I'm going to get to eat (or snack)... I usually shoot for a snack between 9:30am-10am, but today we had interviews stacked up so no snack until 11am... lunch is always a big ? , some days I get time to eat around 12:30, others it's nearing 2pm. Oh yeah, and my butt is plastered in this chair all dayum day (and no I can't really get out for a walk because of the office location, and I don't get an actual lunch break so no working out during lunch). *sigh*
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    The yogurts have joined forces with the toilet in stall #2 in the ladies room here at work. That dang toilet splashes me after I've flushed every time. I try not to use it, but when all the others are taken, I take my chances. So knowing that it has a high water pressure and splashes all over the place, I'll get up, pull my pants up and as I'm exiting through the door, I'll flush so I can run out. Getting splashed with toilet water is soooo gross!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Yes... yes it is.... it's even more irritating when it's one of those auto-flush toilets that doesn't wait until you're DONE :sad:
  • mspraul
    mspraul Posts: 21
    Why when i pass someone on the interstate who is going significantly slower than me, always speed up?!?

    Along those same lines...

    I'm passing someone and, in turn, someone faster is "trapped" behind me in the lane. I'm really good about getting over -- I don't just hang in the left lane, though I tend to pass folks often. Anyway, once I get over, that faster car typically just goes about its business. But sometimes, don't you notice the driver speeds up drastically, as if to say, "this is how fast I WOULD have been going had you not been in my way."

    Now is that really necessary?

  • mspraul
    mspraul Posts: 21
    I wonder if the elderly man who folds his underwear, or the women with her jeans creased use starch? People used to do that, but did they starch their undies? What would crisply starched undies, ironed with miltary precision, feel like to wear?

    They would probably feel a lot like those ****ies pants. I know they are supposed to be tough and last forever, but I swear I could not wear a pair of those things. It's like wearing pants made of plastic.
  • mspraul
    mspraul Posts: 21
    I wonder if the elderly man who folds his underwear, or the women with her jeans creased use starch? People used to do that, but did they starch their undies? What would crisply starched undies, ironed with miltary precision, feel like to wear?

    They would probably feel a lot like those ****ies pants. I know they are supposed to be tough and last forever, but I swear I could not wear a pair of those things. It's like wearing pants made of plastic.

    That's so funny...

    I just saw that MFP edited my post because it thought I was saying a bad word. I'm talking about a brand name. It starts with a D and rhymes with Rickys. But I'm not cussing, I swear.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I wonder if the elderly man who folds his underwear, or the women with her jeans creased use starch? People used to do that, but did they starch their undies? What would crisply starched undies, ironed with miltary precision, feel like to wear?

    They would probably feel a lot like those ****ies pants. I know they are supposed to be tough and last forever, but I swear I could not wear a pair of those things. It's like wearing pants made of plastic.

    That's so funny...

    I just saw that MFP edited my post because it thought I was saying a bad word. I'm talking about a brand name. It starts with a D and rhymes with Rickys. But I'm not cussing, I swear.

    Haha, the same thing happens when people talk about Rick's Sporting Goods (replace the R with a D).
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Thanks to those of you added me as a friend. Sharing a similar sense of humour really does unite people.

    I cannot eat goat meat because they remind me too much of dogs.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    The yogurts have joined forces with the toilet in stall #2 in the ladies room here at work. That dang toilet splashes me after I've flushed every time. I try not to use it, but when all the others are taken, I take my chances. So knowing that it has a high water pressure and splashes all over the place, I'll get up, pull my pants up and as I'm exiting through the door, I'll flush so I can run out. Getting splashed with toilet water is soooo gross!

    EWWW!!! And I hate those Flushomatic ones. You can't get off fast enough before it gets you!!!!! My daughter has a shy bladder like me and she is terrified of them by the time she relaxes enough to go the darn toilet flushes and off she goes running toward the door and they always get your hiney wet!!!!Yuck!!!!!
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Thanks to those of you added me as a friend. Sharing a similar sense of humour really does unite people.

    I cannot eat goat meat because they remind me too much of dogs.

    I do believe that I have never been faced with the choice to have goat meat. I think i would not try it, but i cant say for sure lol
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    It probably tastes BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    It probably tastes BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!

    So I grabbed one item at walmart and ran to the speedy checkout. There was only one open, and the lady in front of me had over the "20 items or less". That pissed me off. I had ONE item. THEN she proceeds to pay with a CHECK! WHO uses paper checks anymore unless you have to mail something for some reason? But at WALMART?
    It's called a "speedy" checkout for a reason...get out of my way!!!!!!:grumble:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    A cheque? Is it 1972 and no one told me?

    How long after your pet licks its genitals is it safe to let them lick your face?
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