

  • I think its very much possible but it might be a slower process. Personally, I HATE exercise and its really hard to get a work out in with my busy schedule. The only real downtime I get is Friday and Saturday after work. So that's when I get a good long walk in :) Even if it isn't much to some people its a lot to me and…
  • The husband doesnt understand why I hate running and why I can't find cheap comfy bras for it ... it hurts the girls! Im glad Im not the only one with this problem! Im a 42DDD - that's what fits anyways lol I was told by Lane Bryant that Im in the G's or some random letter like that but I was swimmin in it when I tried it…
  • hahaha need a like button!
  • Seriously people, no one told you to watch her show or cook her food.... it's sad she has diabetes but its her business, everyone with a brain know eating unhealthy foods will have bad consequences. So she didn't run out and announce she had diabetes the minute she found out... is it really our business anyways? If you…
  • I agree... I don't think the question was about your personal opinion of Paula Deene as a person, rudeness and namecalling is uncalled for :(
  • I just got a mental image of a group of people chasing hamburgers.... and a lion ordering food online.... I need a like button....
  • I tried that.... hes not active at all ... he's a littel lazy>> he has really bad back problems and he works a lot so i dont push him to be active we like to take walks :) hes one of those people that can eat what ever the hell they want and not really gain a lot lol
  • Green smoothie?? I need to try this what do you use in it?? I have a ninja food thing and I loooove using it but i need more recipes besides salsa and black bean soup lol
  • MIGHT BE TOO MUCH INFO HERE...... You have to really watch your fat intake.... or you will have oily farts... totally not $hi#%ing you either!!!! Its pretty grosss lol my mom and I both tried it at the same time and after the first full bottle ... I won't go back to it lol BUT TO EACH THEIR OWN :)
  • I will definatly look at that website :) my sister got me to buy Panko instead of shake n bake so I tried it out lol I love cooking but I don't have a lot of time, I work 8-5:30 tues-sat and go to school 6-9:30 during the week, noon-9 on mondays lol As I mentioned, my sister is here so having her skinny butt in my house is…
  • Thank you :) I know he loves me but and its started taking a toll on our relationship because Im not happy with me anymore, I dont eat all the time lol but when i do eat its not healthy choices. My clothes don't fit anymore and bigger clothes are more expensive ya know. I buy braas maybe 1 time a year because big bras are…
  • My mom ate carrot sticks when she was quitting
  • I did really good when i first started and I got ahead of myself and tried to run and ended up fracturing my foot, I tried to work through it and it was painful so I slowly gave up.... not I've gained it all back and i hate myself for it. I'm starting really slow now, just tracking my food and when I have that down for a…
  • 265lbs - about size 22-24 :( Im just getting back into eating right so hopefully I don't have to wear those much longer... I wore 17/18 juniors when I was about 180-190.....
  • I am so glad you posted about Suzanne Collins other book(s) I will be buying them for my Nook tonight! I looove the Hunger Games :) WOOHOO teachers! I just started college again this week :)
  • I got a NookColor for christmas and the first thing I bought was "The Hunger Games". I LOOOOOVE reading (I just started college again so my fun reading will have to take a backseat for a while) I seriously recommend The Hunger Games though! They are making a movie about it too. Also, I've read a lot of Stephen King and…
  • Move it Phoenix :) its a nice 65-70 degrees everyday in the winter here!