Crutches, injures and staying motivated

Hi everyone,

I joined 2 weeks ago, and 1 week in on a night out I slipped! I felt awful, silly and then the pain started. The doctor joked after dislocating my knee in June "DO NOT FALL FOR 6 MONTHS" well I fell and managed to fracture my kneecap.

I just wanted to see if anyone here has become injured during their weight loss journey and any tips they may have to stay motivated? I have been managing to get out and go for walks with the splint on and crutches, but thats about it really.


  • careyharv
    careyharv Posts: 134 Member
    Weight loss can help when you have injuries - especially to your knees. I have torn my ACL and the other one - I can never remember the name. My husband also broke a part of his kneecap off and it floated around for a couple of years. You need to give your body time to heal. Trying to walk as a workout with crutches is not good in my opinion.

    Since you are limited in range of motion, I would suggest just eatting good. You can lose weight by doing that. If you want a workout - do upper body and abs only. Try to research exercises that don't require you to use your legs.

    You can do this!!! Good luck!
  • Bluemountain22
    Bluemountain22 Posts: 191 Member
    Thank you! The physio told me to keep walking with the crutches to not have muscle wastage and to aim for 25 to 30mins a day. But today I had a hospital appointment with trauma and orthopaedics today who told me to rest for a week! Just trying to stay positive at this stage, and to drink lots of water, fruit and veggies.

    I know you can rupture your LCL as well as your ACL. Thanks for sharing your story with me!
  • CurryGirl89
    I did really good when i first started and I got ahead of myself and tried to run and ended up fracturing my foot, I tried to work through it and it was painful so I slowly gave up.... not I've gained it all back and i hate myself for it. I'm starting really slow now, just tracking my food and when I have that down for a few weeks Ill get back into working out. Good luck and I hope you get better soon!!
  • RockChick1984
    i completely understand how you feel... i have a torn LCL and have been recovering for near 5 months... so also limited in what i can do... i have added you as a friend though.. so maybe we can help each other along the way :)
  • Bluemountain22
    Bluemountain22 Posts: 191 Member
    Thank you! Definitely lets help each other along! :)

    I'm hoping that with loosing weight as "careyharv" said will reduce the pressure on my joints.

    I'm also trying to stay positive and have lots of water and fruit and veggies at the moment !