

  • I know when I bought mine a couple years ago, it came with it's own DVD.
  • Even if you are staying under you calorie goals, if your sugar levels are over then more of a percentage of what you are eating is sugar, which is worse. Unless it is from fruits, but even then, too much of anything isn't good. Try to keep an eye on the sugar intake. Good Luck
  • Some people tend to drink the shakes as a meal replacement, but really, they should be used as supplement, something to have along with your normal diet. There are many different brands of shakes out there, my suggestion is to get whey protein. If you are doing weight training, i believe the best time to drink one would be…
  • Yo uhave to eat enough to keep your body energized all day, but also, are you doing any cardio to burn fat?
  • GREAT JOB! Keep it up! Looking forward to next set of pictures
  • Alcohol does nothing for your diet as someone said earlier, empty calories. My bigger concern would be, if you are trying to be sober and going on 5 months, should you really be going to the weekend get a way if you are still considering drinking at all. I could see if you were far enough into sobriety that you could…
  • Hi, What do you mean weights? Are you asking how much of each you should eat, or actual scales to weigh them? The amount is up to you and your goals. Like anything, moderation is key and make sure your rice, pasta, breads etc are 100% whole wheat, not just whole wheat, it should say 100%. Good luck
  • We all know how good fruits are for you, but like anything, too much is not a good thing, so keeping you fruit intake under control is great, but when it comes to sugar, any kind of "natural" sugar (fruit etc...) is good because it is released into the body at a slower pace than refined sugars, HFCS etc...those type of…
  • Hi, just my two cents, try to take in more complex carbs, whole wheats, grains etc.. and when you eat them too. before a workout, they will give you that boost plus your body will burn that first. Also, as someone stated before me, you have to give your body time to rest and heal. Good Luck
  • Hi, fairly new here, not to exercise and fitness but this site. Anyway, to cut body fat %, is mostly diet and up the cardio a little. A lean diet, no processed foods, sugars etc...low fat, and nothing burns fat like cardio. Yes weight traning will burn some, but lifting really doesn't burn as much as you might think. I am…