lesteidel Member


  • Yeah, I discovered I wasn't very fond of them with Alfredo sauce the other night.
  • Wow. I feel like I stirred up a hornets nest. 1200 absolutely was what I should have been eating at when I was unable to walk. I didn't, I gained weight. I however, am not the norm. Smaller women with those caloric needs also tend to have more mineral and vitamin deficiencies, and for those calling me sedentary, yes, I…
  • Maybe so, but when I Maybe so, however, I surely gained weight on 1500 calories a day when I had a torn muscle. Some people actually DO need less food. And that 3 inches actually makes a big difference. At that height 1 or 2 does in calorie allowance. I am not saying it is by any means the norm, i am just saying it is…
  • Incorrect! A five foot tall 100 pound woman maintains at roughly around 1200 and is in a healthy bmi. I would doubt it at that weight and height, but there ARE people who have to subsist on that not to gain weight....
  • (Im a bit confused, You're the one working full time while he works part time, but you can't financially leave? Why not just get a roomate, or a second job? ) On the other thing, You aren't a child to "get in trouble" the fact that you are using that wording is probably what is ringing alarm bells in all of our heads. I…
  • 1) possibly consider getting help and motivation from someone who may be further in their journey than you, you can learn from their mistakes and they won't quit when the going gets rough or encourage you to quit. 2).fantastic for you that you are making healthy changes! :) 3). You need to experiment with exercise and find…
  • My suggestion was specifically because that person had stated they had had issues in the past with using lent for nutritional goals, and you kind of made my point about lent by it being a highly spiritual thing for you. It was a suggestion that is in line with catholic teaching as catholic teaching isn't as strict about…
    in Lent Comment by lesteidel February 2015
  • While I agree her books are awesome! And a definite read, it does take self control and will power even to implement her methods. There's effort involved even in that. You have to have the self control to stop yourself and ask why you are doing the eating. It still boils down to self control and willpower. The ways we get…
  • I think it's a getting used to it thing. My boyfriend can sock down coffee like crazy and I have a little green tea and I'm bouncing off the walls. You get used to the effects of both sugar and caffeine over time, if you haven't had one in a while, introducing a large amount (and there is a ridiculous amount of sugar in a…
  • And no, if you're doing 5:2, set it to maintain and don't eat over that on your no fast days. Your calorie deficit is created from the two days of fasting instead of over the whole week.
  • The cold is just the lack of heat your body produces during digestion.
  • Ah, but you CAN stop. i sat here and tried and tried to find a nicer way to say this, but I cant honestly think of one. It comes down to willpower and self discipline. You can stop yourself from eating those foods in excess. You have complete control over what you choose to put in your body. If you tend to eat certain…
  • water water water water. anything else is not going to help. I know it sounds counter intuitive, but water
  • I honestly wouldn't worry about it too much for just one day. just eat normally and normal portions.
  • Maybe try something completely non food related to keep in the spirit of the fast. I think setting the time aside every day to pray the rosary (or just to pray) would still be in the spirit of lent, and help you focus on the point of it instead of it being a food based thing, which might kind of be whats bothering me about…
    in Lent Comment by lesteidel February 2015
  • They make chocolate tea. My life is complete. I've never eaten with tea before, but I have to admit I like the chocolate flavor tea :)
  • I'm not catholic, I'm orthodox. There is a difference between the two. I don't follow a Roman Catholic fast, I follow an orthodox one....
    in Lent Comment by lesteidel February 2015
  • http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/02/03/gnc-target-wal-mart-walgreens-accused-of-selling-fake-herbals/
  • Rest ice compression elevation is the rule. If it's mild ache, I just deal with it and savor it because it means worked out. If it's severe, you need to dial back the intensity and lift lower weight and work yourself up
  • You don't add exercise that is step based if you have your fitbit connected. Fitbit does that for you in the calorie adjustment. Only add things like swimming cycling, things that wouldn't register as a step
  • It shows all my steps accurately when I have it synced and the app open. I've been using it for a couple years and love it :). It's a good motivator to move.
  • I take an iron supplement at times when I don't get enough from my diet as I tend to need more than recommended amount, but other than that, I don't see the point in taking a supplement that I can fwt from my food. Especially considering the lack of regulations on them and recent studies pointing out that three brands were…
  • I try to follow the traditional orthodox rules of fasting during lent. No animal products, no meat, no oils etc and there are a few days in there that are complete fasts. To us, the point of lent is a fast so you can concentrate on spiritual matters, not simply giving up one item that we enjoy. Since it is a religious…
    in Lent Comment by lesteidel February 2015
  • I wouldn't eat all of them. MFP overestimates by a lot on these. I would suggest if you are hungry without eating them maybe eat half of them.
  • Assuming you are healthy, you're body detoxes itself. Those whose body's do not need dialysis. But a day or two of fasting can have a dramatic effect on how you feel. I often wonder if that's why people buy the detoxing thing.
  • Two frozen chicken cordon blue (oven tasters) four servings of idahoan mashed potatoes, two small 100 calorie salads with Olive Garden dressing, and a small slice of carrot cake fits them completely. Totally not the healthiest diet at all, but that's the one time I hit it on the nose. Remember to take it with a grain of…
  • Cut them out completely for a little while and then the cravings should subside. If you're having too many sweets you will crave them all the time. But if you're staying in your calorie limits I don't see why it would matter in the first place
  • Eat some miso soup. Also, you will be able to do it when you really want it. Keep reminding yourself why you are doing what you are doing.
  • To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you eat. Carbs are a big deal only in that they tend to use up a lot of calories for little amounts of food (not really a huge issue with fruits and veggies, mostly starchy things like rice, potatoes, bread etc). If you're wanting to lose weight, calories staying in a…