

  • just started it myself. Problem is the dvd is messed up so I have to wait on a replacement. First workout and I am sore all over. lol
  • I always keep plenty of low calorie snacks in the house. I like nuts, the slim fast 100 calorie bars are great. just bought a box of Special K chips. There are a ton of options that require no refrigerator.
  • My husband knows, but could care less. He is supportive of my weight loss. He just tells me he loves me know matter what size I am and to do what makes me happy. He is a great sounding board and I am glad he encourages me to exercise and eat right. If I am late in going to exercise he will remind me lol.
  • Wow you are doing fantastic. Keep up the good work. I cant wait til I reach 50lbs!
  • I am struggling with the same thing. Down 23lbs but still dont feel like I am seeing results even though people around me can see the difference, I do not. My clothes are fitting looser and even bought some undergarments a size smaller I just dont get it. Maybe one day my mind will catch up with my body. I think it will…
  • Keep up the good work! Cant wait til I hit onderland :)
  • I like Panera and Q'doba. Panera has their calories listed and when I go to Q'doba i usually get a naked burrito. Low in calories.
  • I post log. I work during the day with no time to pre log before work. Its worked out for me like this so far.
  • You are not alone on this site. I have found that everyone is so encouraging and helpful. Add me if you like, I will help you. I too am in my forties and new to the site well I have been here for a little over a month. Im just starting out in the forums and have really enjoyed reading everyone's posts and comments. This…
  • Thanks for the add, I too will be there to encourage when you need it. :smile:
  • Right now I do the elliptical for 20 min 7 days a week. I plan on buying some weights to workout with as well.
  • add me if you l like, I am in this for the long haul. I have a lot to lose and so much to gain by changing my lifestyle.
  • Welcome and you can do it. Im new here also, there are a lot of good people on this site that will help keep you motivated. Keep up the good work. temptations are always going to be around us, its what we do with them that make the difference.
  • Hi and welcome. I am new also been here for about a month or so. There is a lot of support on this site and good folks to give you encouragement when you need it.
  • I tend to eat something light after a workout. I do not get home until 7pm and usually am working out by 8 so its always something light for me afterward.
  • First thing I am going to do is go shopping for new clothes. Then I am going to get my family together for that long awaited for family portrait. Probably pinch myself a half dozen times to be sure its really done. Then work on staying that way.
  • I am guilty of sneaking a weigh in every two days. I try to resist the temptation but find it hard. I have two scales in the house. One is way off so I use the old fashioned scale. I will wait to weigh in on my self assigned weigh in day though.
  • I would like most of those things as well. Welcome back! I too decided to join in the forums as there seems to be a lot of support here. I think actually being involved will hold me somewhat accountable for my actions. So far I am 19 pounds down, 14 of which I lost before joining MFP. I hope to get down under 200, that is…
  • Welcome to MFP. I am new also but there is alot of support in the community. reading all the posts has inspired me to keep going and not give up. Good Luck on reaching your goal.
  • Water, coffee, diet pepsi for lunch and one at night.
  • I am over 40 as well and new to the site. I am in the right frame of mind this time around with my lifestyle change and plan on succeeding even if it is 1 pound at a time. Being new I do not have many friends on here so feel free to add me.