fireytiger Member


  • Well, today I was at work sitting at my computer, felt hungry, so I got up off my *kitten* and finished a project that required moving boxes around and lots of physical activity. I was so occupied getting that done that when I finished an hour later, I wasn't hungry anymore. On past occasions where I can't stop obsessing…
  • Bell peppers and onions are the two biggest ones I can think of. I used to hate both, now I love them in just about everything!
  • I eat out way too often, which has always been an issue. I am trying to cook at home more, but until recently I was eating out for almost all of my meals. Getting out of that habit is challenging for me but I'm really trying.
  • Walking can do wonders for you! When I still lived at home with my folks, my dad and I used to go for a 5 mile walk 4-5 days a week over to the local Starbucks and back. At the time I wasn't happy with my weight but it was pretty consistent, despite me eating junk and fast food all the time. Then I moved 1,000 miles away…
  • I've noticed that GNC's and vitamin/supplement stores have a certain smell, but to be honest I notice that kind of stuff anywhere. Kinda like how thrift stores always smell the same no matter which one you go to. I don't think it means much, just your friend has a sensitive nose. :)
  • Thanks for the info everyone! I'm sure my legs will hate me for days over the squats, but I think I can do it anyway, lol. This is at a dedicated facility for Barre from what I understand, so with any luck the instructor will be knowledgeable and experienced with newbies. :)
  • At a low point, I just do what I feel like I can manage. If you feel like you need the pizza and chocolate, maybe try just eating one or two pieces instead of a whole pie or a whole chocolate bar. If you can't keep up with your typical exercise routine, try pushing yourself to go walk, even if it's only for 5 or 10 mins.…
  • Well, it's taken a lot of practice, and some experimenting. :) All the women in my family can crochet, knit, and/or sew. I can't knit or sew; I haven't tried knitting, and my attempts at sewing are always a disaster lol. Both my grandma and great grandma tried to teach me to crochet when I was younger, and basically gave…
  • Burgers. I LOOOOOVE burgers, they're my default go-to whenever I can't think of anything else I want to eat. I still have them sometimes when they fit my calorie goals, but not nearly as often as i'd like. lol
  • I don't usually track during vacations, although I do give myself some easy and doable goals while i'm gone. Like, not drinking soda, eating a serving of fruit or vegetables with at least 1-2 meals a day, and making sure I get 20 mins of walking a day in (which lets be honest, when you're on vacation you tend to do some…
  • I use splenda in my iced tea, and I personally like sugar free jello and pudding on occasion. I've had people give me the whole "RAWWWRRR artificial sweeteners are POISON and you will DIE a HORRIBLE DEATH from CANCER if you eat that stuff!!!!" spiel. However, I think i'll listen to my dietitian on this one. I brought it up…
  • JFT 9/25: -stick to my calorie goals. I'm exhausted from working a swing shift, being on-call starting when I got off work, and then having to turnaround and be at work this morning. However, I need to make sure I don't use this as an excuse to blow my calories or eat things I know I don't need. -Go for my run tonight. I…
  • My boyfriend is AMAZINGLY supportive! He knows the struggle, he's been overweight or obese most of his life, and he's been trying to work on it too. He's managed to lose 60 pounds since moving in with me 9 months ago, and he looks so good! :) As for me, i've managed to lose 25 pounds. He willingly goes for walks and runs…
  • I'm pretty crafty! I do crochet and mixed media crafts. I don't have any of the paper crafts i've made, but I made program fans for my friend's wedding a couple years ago. Here's a couple of my crochet projects. The first was a baby blanket I made for a friend's son, and the second was a scarf that I made for another…
  • I confess that I'm 100000% fed up with the wild snipe chase my job has sent me on, trying to get the promotion that i've MORE than earned...
  • Great pics everyone! Congratulations on all your successes! I'm still only 1/3 of the way through my journey, but I've lost just about 24 pounds so far. Unfortunately the only "Before" photo I could find that showed my whole body was at the KC Heart Walk, and I'd already lost 4 pounds. But, despite the fact it's not a full…
  • I'm wearing a pair of size 18 pants today, and they're comfortable! I've been struggling to get back down into that size, as size 20s are far too big but it seemed 18s were all far too small. Apparently i've lost enough now that 18s are comfy again.
  • I had another co-worker tell me today that she's noticed I've lost weight, and told me I look great. I stayed under my calorie goals today too. I've been struggling with that since reducing them by 100 a day (down to ~1800 daily), but today I just did it. My boyfriend wanted to order pizza tonight and I told him nah, I'd…
  • I just shot soda out of my nose, lmao! I need to re-read the reviews section on Amazon for those sometime. :D
  • I don't really have a goal weight either, I say 165 just to have *some* kind of concrete number to put in MFP, but I'm also aware that the number won't really matter in the end. What I really want to do is get to about 170 and start focusing on recomposition, and wherever the number on the scale goes based on that, I can…
  • That's great! I love volleyball, I used to play in high school. I've since gotten fat and lost most of my stamina :P
  • Everything Elise4270 said is right on. Personally, what's helped me is having a dietitian, and a health & wellness coach through my insurance. Whenever I start thinking i'm getting off track, I always have someone I can call or email who knows my journey, and just talking with them helps me get back on track. It's not…
  • I've personally never dealt with this, but i've seen several others suggest that you weigh the marinade before putting the meat in, and then weigh it after you're done marinating to see how much the meat absorbed.
  • I'm also 5'7, started at 239 pounds, and I lost 21 pounds in about 3 months (and that's with me falling off the wagon for the last couple of weeks of August). That'd put my loss as a little slower than what you're needing to do, but I do believe a faster loss is possible! I work a sedentary job, eat around 1900 calories a…
  • Onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, cheese, milk, fruit for snacks, and frozen veggies. Also meat to put in the freezer, including (but not limited to) extra lean ground beef and chicken.
  • I got back on track with eating right and exercising after a couple weeks of tripping up, and I'm back down to where I left off within a week :)
  • I surpassed 100 days of logging! :) I've also managed to get back on track with my eating and exercise. I fell off the wagon for a couple weeks as far as eating and exercise go, but overall it didn't do much damage and I'm back where I was after a week of better choices. I'm also starting to notice my calf definition is…
  • I've found that a lot of people either don't notice, or they *do* notice but don't want to say anything. I did have one coworker friend say to me "You look smaller, are you shrinking?" And I told her yes, i've lost 20 pounds, and she said "I thought so but I wasn't sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me! And you did that…
  • I eat something or take a nap. One thing my dietitian taught me, the goal isn't to have a perfect diet or to meet your calorie goal exactly. If some days you need to eat a little more, it's not going to matter in the long run.
  • I tend to do the same thing as going to a restaurant that doesn't have calories available online: I look through the MFP database, find the closest thing I can, and pick one of the higher calorie count ones. And then I move on. It's not worth getting bent out of shape over a couple meals in your life that maybe aren't the…