Success stories out there - How do you shut out the noise?

Hi everyone, this is my third time back on MFP. I am determined to stick at it this time. Its funny though, for a while I do well, tracking food, being consistent with exercising and all is going well and I feel good. Then I start to let outside noise in, should I stop eating carbs, should I go paleo, no diary, juice blah blah blah.... you all know what I mean.

My question to you success stories is what have you stuck with that has got you amazing results and how do you shut out the noise!


  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    Everything Elise4270 said is right on. Personally, what's helped me is having a dietitian, and a health & wellness coach through my insurance. Whenever I start thinking i'm getting off track, I always have someone I can call or email who knows my journey, and just talking with them helps me get back on track. It's not enough for me to have a fitness buddy or MFP, I need to have someone who is actually trained in proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes who can help me filter out a lot of that noise. I meet with each of them every 4-6 weeks, which helps keep me on track as a form of accountability.

    Overall though, you have to find a way of eating that works for YOU for the long haul. Remind yourself that dieting fads are just that, and any loss on the scale that you may get from them is temporary. The vast majority of people will not find those ways of eating sustainable long-term. Find healthier options that you like, enjoy your food, and on occasion have a burger (or whatever your "poison") to stay sane. :) Good luck!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    I feel pretty determined this time to get to my goal weight..and i have a feeling of certainty because I decided to take what I need from this site..and ignore what I just don't want to do. So, I've stopped counting calories.. because i read about the avid "weigh your food" …"log each and every bite forever and ever!!"… no thanks.. don't want to live my life like that and it hasn't worked for all the years I've been on here.
    So, listen to the noise … and just like advice.. take what might work for you and your journey.. you don't have to listen to any of us. We are just average people..and not experts.
  • Lchflex
    Lchflex Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2016
    Funny, you mention this because I'm only a month in and I notice people trying to tell me how to do things. Now that my body is getting used to the lesser amount of calories and I'm not hungry like I was in the first week, it makes me feel like I'm not doing anything. So I had to remind myself that A) I've already tried all those fads and they may work but I myself can't stick with them, so for once I'm gonna do the old fashioned way. And B ) I may not be suffering all week, dreaming about carbs, or eating some special diet, but again I'm doing what works for me and time will show me that I didn't have to suffer, I just lost as I made these changes one at a time. Taking progress pics helps too, when I feel like I'm not changing. I look at those pics and I'm like...maybe I don't need to ruin this, even if I did mess up and have too many glasses of wine. I can get back on it now.
    I hope my newbie info helps.
  • mababauta
    mababauta Posts: 24 Member
    I think you have to accept that the 'noise' will be there no matter what. I block it out with two things: I'm doing this for me and I now know what works for me. In the past I simply said, "I want to be healthy." Now I have specific reasons I want to be healthy. It was like saying, "I want to lose weight," but not having a plan on how to go about it.

    This time around I experimented with different things and found something that I can do and that's sustainable. Sustainable being the key word. When the noise starts to creep up I remind myself of all the wonderful benefits that have come from losing weight thus far. That quickly gets me back on track.
  • JDixon852019
    JDixon852019 Posts: 312 Member
    R/Fatlogic on snapped me out of my pity party.
  • Kennyyoli
    Kennyyoli Posts: 7 Member
    edited September 2016
    I started out with a plain-jane approach when I started, and it served me well. I didn't want to over-complicate things. Eating fewer calories than I was burning was the task. Period.
    The rest of it came along the way. I read a lot, and listened to my body & how I was feeling and performing on my runs, swims, & bike rides as I was adjusting the kinds of foods I was eating. You can make yourself crazy with everything that is out there. Paleo, Vegan, Low Carb/Keto, and all the like. I stayed away from drastic changes initially, and just tried little tweaks, and kept notes on how I felt and how I performed. Keeping under my calorie goals obviously. I run every day, and found I ran best with around 150-175 grams of carbs a day, and 175-190 grams of protein. Once I found that sweet spot, I just found nutrient dense choices in the foods I was choosing that gave me the nutritional values I was striving for, and kept me under my caloric intake.
    "Keep it simple" worked for me.
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    Dude, just keep it simple and BE PATIENT. I think that a lot of us lose focus and wander away from what works when we're trying to speed up the process. It's a long journey - hang in there.
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    Listen to your body and do what works for you.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,441 Member
    Every time I've needed to lose a little bit of weight (4 times in my life) ... I've simply consumed fewer calories than I've burned. It works.
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