

  • You can also work out to "add" a few calories you can "treat" yourself with. I usually work my butt off everyday because I will probably have some treats for me. (little treats) Also, it's usually the carbs that add the more calories to your plan. Eat more protein and greens than you eat carbs and you will see the…
  • I eat a grapefruit and a toast. that's it.
  • Ever since I was a little kid, people teased me over the fact that I was overweight. My teen years were not the easiest. I decided to visit a nutricionist when i was 15, I weighed 225 pounds when i was that age. I lost 45 pounds that year, but i gained and lost weight over the years. It´s not until this year I decided it´s…
  • I give myself a break on the weekend. I smoke usually on fridays or saturdays when i go out, but i try not to smoke so many cigarettes. I dont smoke during the week because my fitness levels come down and i dont have as much resistance as i do when i dont smoke. I do spinning, running and rope jumping, if i smoked during…
  • welcome dear! I can only tell you two things: "HARD WORK PAYS OFF" and "YOU CAN DO IT". The only thing you'll be losing are pounds ;)
  • 3 years. I´ve had some flings and stuff but nothing serious. I had the ugliest break up with the first person I ever loved. I guess karma came to bite me in the *kitten* for all the **** i did before. Now, I just don´t want anything serious, but im still open for it. IDK man, someone will arrive eventually. I dont stress…
  • welcome abroad! I just want to tell you my personal motto: ¨YOU CAN DO IT" Greetings!
  • I'm 21 and I'm 5'10'' My initial weight was: 220 pounds (Jan 1st) My weight before MFP was: 208 pounds (Jan 22nd) My current weight (with MFP) is: 202 pounds(Jan 27th) Goal Weight: 175 pounds We ALL can do this!! :)
  • I'm only doing Cardio right now because I wanna lose weight before going with Strength workouts. But I do some ocassional weight lifting. Is this a good idea? or should I do a little of everything?
  • You couldn't have done it "righter". MFP is an awesome app to keep track of your calories. I recommend you log EVERYTHING that goes inside your mouth for an even more effective result. I don't mind putting some fake-extra calories in my food so I eat less. WORK OUT! that's another important point. Welcome to MFP!! :)
  • Not counting vegetables is like not counting french fries, because they're vegetables, right? Dear friend, I even count the pepper i put on my salad. Don't make that mistake of "this are just 4 calories, I won't put it on" WORST. IDEA. EVER. Good luck