Hi, I wanna ask you buddies how often do you work out? I work out twice a day, spinning and rope jumping in the morning and running and rope jumping again in the night (7 days a week). I try to burn more calories than I consume. I know it might not be the best thing to do but it's working out. Losing pounds like a boss!


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm in semi-maintenance mode right now. (met my goal, trying to decide whether I want to change things to lose more or I'm happy here).

    My goal is to workout at least a little everyday. The desired schedule is:

    Mon-Fri -- Calesthenics and resistance bands for 15 min twice a day (on work breaks)
    6 days a weeks -- Either 45-60 min of Zumba or 30 min free step and 30 min weights (10-15 lbs dumbells)
  • cooter2533
    Mon and Fridays I do chest and triceps, 10 different exercises, Tuesday and Saturday I so back, shoulders and biceps, 15-16 exercises, Wednesday I do abs and legs, thursday is a rest day and Sunday is abs and cardio
  • ramsesmeza
    I'm only doing Cardio right now because I wanna lose weight before going with Strength workouts. But I do some ocassional weight lifting. Is this a good idea? or should I do a little of everything?
  • cooter2533
    For weight loss it goes diet>strength training> cardio u may be able to burn more calories per minute with cardio but strengh training helps raise your metabolic rate for up to 24 hours after ur done where aerobic activity will raise it for a few hours after ur done. I've lost 40 lbs in 15 weeks with cardio once a week sometimes not even that