Smoking and Exercise?



  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I wasn't a heavy smoker to begin with (probably one or two cigarettes every 3 or so months) but I decided to take a break...(im not that sure if I'm totally quitting for the rest of my life but I probably will because I got tired of not being able to breath). So far it's been about 2 months since I had my last cigarette and I've been good and I feel much better when I'm jogging, sometimes I keep waiting for me to start getting out of breath and I'm finding myself more and more being able to sustain longer periods of time without feeling like I'm about to fall over from shortness of breath.
  • gailashton
    Quit smoking quite some time ago. huge difference in the workout and the lung capacity. Oh, and did I mention, I smell better too. You will see a huge difference, it just takes time. If you are deconditioned, overweight or both, all those things are factors as well. I feel like I'm half my age now! Then of course there's the not coughing until I vomited at night and spitting up all the crap in the morning, frequent sinus infections, bronchitis.... ALL GONE...... hardest thing I ever did, but so worth it! Give it a little more time - you will see a huge difference!
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    I quit almost 8 weeks ago. I started exercising more when I quit because I was afraid I would gain weight. I've lost 6 pounds, can breathe a lot easier, and feel great! you can do it! I smoked for 13 years, and if I can stop smoking, you can too!

    Well done to you!!!
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    Quit smoking quite some time ago. huge difference in the workout and the lung capacity. Oh, and did I mention, I smell better too. You will see a huge difference, it just takes time. If you are deconditioned, overweight or both, all those things are factors as well. I feel like I'm half my age now! Then of course there's the not coughing until I vomited at night and spitting up all the crap in the morning, frequent sinus infections, bronchitis.... ALL GONE...... hardest thing I ever did, but so worth it! Give it a little more time - you will see a huge difference!

    Oh yeah - didn't even think about the smelly part!
  • bobbin1
    I have been smoke free for 14 months and in that time put on approx. 20 lbs because I did not exercise. It was hard to quit but is almost as hard to loss the weight. If you are quitting do what you can in the exercise catagory. It will definetely make quitting easier and eventually exercise easier. I know you can do it.
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    Will do, cheers!

    It's partly due to my desire to exercise that has made me quit so fingers crossed I don't become a slacker in the gym!!!
  • az82
    az82 Posts: 152
    I quit cold turkey about 5 months ago. I'd been smoking about a pack a day for well over 10 years. I definitely had a smoker's cough and a smoker's know, that weezing sound that comes out that turns into a cough by the time you are done. For the first few weeks it was hard... but to tell you the truth, I don't really miss it anymore. Yes, there are moments - like when I'm around my friends who still smoke. Sometimes I still think it smells good. Weird, I know. But for the most part I've kind of forgotten what it feels like to be a smoker or to have that need for a cigarette. About a week after I quit I started the C25K running program. The first couple of weeks I was really struggling. After I finished running I would definitely cough quite a bit and struggled to breath. Part of it was my general lack of fitness but mostly it was because of smoking. Now I can run for about 35 minutes straight and breathing is so much easier - I don't cough at all and I just have greater lung capacity while running. I do other types of cardio too - Zumba, elliptical machine, biking... and I feel like they are all much easier after quitting. Oh, and food tastes better too, which is a definite plus.
  • Taitiant
    I am 1 month smoke free as of the 6th!!! I was smoking for about 15 years, and only quit when i was preggo with my 2 kids... It has been a BAD habbit i strugled with my whole life really. But i finally made the decision to just QUIT! And i did. I havnt even thought about it since ive been working out.. Actually makes me Cringe the thought of it now. My chest still burns as if i were smoking, but i know in time i will feel MUCH better! Starting 2 goals Scared the heck out of me, but im managing, and take it 1 day at a time!!!
    I give my FULL support to anyone who wants help quiting!!! I even got my Husband to quit with me!! He uses the E-Cigg thing ocasionally!

    Good luck to those who are trying!!! Mind over matter!! :flowerforyou:
  • ramsesmeza
    I give myself a break on the weekend. I smoke usually on fridays or saturdays when i go out, but i try not to smoke so many cigarettes. I dont smoke during the week because my fitness levels come down and i dont have as much resistance as i do when i dont smoke. I do spinning, running and rope jumping, if i smoked during the week i couldnt do any of my workouts. My goal is to quit for good though. :)
  • Tranquil_Miche
    I recently stopped smoking. I’m on day six without a cigarette. The past Sunday I discovered I had the flu, and Monday I woke up with a fever and a cough that felt like I had fluid in my lungs. It turned out I had the flu that moved on to become bronchitis. I decided there is no better opportunity than now to quit, so I made up my mind and said I will not smoke again. I had contemplated quitting for awhile, but never made a date. This is it though. I threw all my cigarettes out along with all the paraphernalia, and yesterday cleaned out my car to get rid of the reminders. I have given up nearly half my life as a smoker (13 years). I am done with smoking.

    I don’t know as of yet how this will affect my physical fitness, but I can imagine that there will only be benefits. As soon as I get over this bronchitis crud I am confident I will notice an impact.