truckerchic Member


  • I'm a otr truck driver had rny, I went back after two weeks. I had no issues but wished I had taken another week or so. Mainly to focus on the stages your day is spent trying to reach your goals and I got tired pretty quick done my shift and right to bed lol
  • Pre plan for holidays, if your hosting parties find healthy yummy dishes to make so you have options. Have someone help keep you accountable during these tough times Control is hard or we wouldn't have ended up where we did, take it meal by meal and do your best and on January 1st back to basics. I'm on day 5 of the 5 day…
  • Along with lowering your carbs increase your healthy fats, I stalled for months and now doing low carb high fat and moving again. Keep in mind what your goal weight is and what your body decides it's goal weight is, is not always the same lol
  • Something to keep in mind, it takes a few months for your new pouch to heal during that time it's still a bit numb so you may not always "feel" full like your use to, that's why it's important to follow your plan. Also as the swelling goes down you will have more room in your pouch. Head hunger is very common for the first…
  • :) accountability is good
  • Cleaning your body of sugars and processed foods believe it or not, will give you more energy. Try some infused water or tea if you find water to boring, good luck!
  • I wrote on body media's FB today asking about the Core2 and if it was still even coming out, they said they are still working on it so it will not be released for the holiday. I have the link but really looking forward to an upgrade!
  • I to have just started my 6 month count down lol Im getting the sleeve, along with my classes and stuff I have to lose 30 lbs. I wasnt happy about having to wait 6 months but I have been obese 35 yrs what is 6 months! Im so excited that there is a light at the end, a tool that with my knowledge will help me reach my…
  • Once you have a true food addiction you will always have it just like any other addiction. How you eat and what you eat are only a small part of the overall problem of addiction. There are reasons behind the bing, reasons that drives one to shove so much food into their body they feel like the will explode, reasons we…
  • I have not seen it yet but might check it out online, Im suprised to hear it was not better since it was delevoped by the same ppl who are doing Biggest Loser.
  • Thanks everyone thats why I love this site..the tools are great but the people are awesome!!!
  • I have been overweight all my life, at 15 I weighed 140 got teased all the time for being fat although now I would consider that to be great lol I than had 3 kids by the time I was 21 leaving me at 250 I have gone as high as 285 and low as 200 but stay around 260 will find alot of support and information…
  • I do the same thing, I had the Apex BodyBugg for 6 months but I just bought the Body Media one which is the same thing just different site but on their site you can put in your average calories for the day so I use MFP to log my meals than I go on the app and create a meal that has all my numbers for the day. Shame you…
  • You have to wear it for 24 hours for a couple days for it to regulate, than they suggest taking it off for a hour a day, once you wear it for awhile it will learn your average calorie burn should you not wear it. I dont use the Bodybugg site it sucks so I just use this to keep track of my intake and compare it to my burn…
  • I have spent pretty much my whole life dealing with my weight, trying to get healthy lose some weight life happens gain some weight, my mind is now consumed with the thoughts of what Im gonna eat, am I ever gonna be thinner, when is the next meal, and so on...I honestly think I obsess so much I will not know how to…
  • Fun thread!! Good luck all...My hubby found me on Twitter Feb 09 we saw each other twice in person, I moved to PA to live with him April 09 married Sept 09...never been so happy!!!! Now just to get rid of this weight....keep us updated if anyone finds a match =)
  • Thats cool it is nice when ppl notice your hard work!
  • hehe cute and good for you for sticking to your guns!!! Maybe try finding a low cal healthy treat to make and share with them
  • I too found the app first in the Droid market, hubby and I both use it and love it!!! I also found an app the other day called 'Restaurant Nutrition" its very handy on the go time saver. Its free in the market look it up =)
  • hope it helps =)
  • I worked in fast food for many years I lost and gained alot just depended on my state of mind. Even when I was a manager and got free meals I would pack my lunch most of the times...but why Im posting is I found an awesome app the other day on the android market Im sure its on iphone too its called" Restaurant Nutrition"…
  • So agree with all the post...Calories are calories not matter where they come from eat to many you will get fat. I have spent way to much money and time trying every "diet" that comes along and the only thing that ever works for me is moderation less in more out, I try to make healthy choices but I wont give up taste and I…
  • Ah yes the winter blues as some call it..I have a hard time staying motivated after the time change couple things that have helped my mood Vitamin D and Evening Primrose oil (its for women only) together I call these my happy pills....counting days til spring lol
  • Welcome and congrats....hope you find what you need to maintain. Alot of great ppl info and support here!
  • Wow great job!!! Thank you for sharing its an inspiration to see!!
  • Hello and welcome, I hope you find everything you need here for your journey!!! I dont live in OK but I do pass thru there twice a week =)
  • They are yummy, I noticed they also make a bigger bag for 2 now...the healthy choice ones are awesome also so much fresher tasting, great for lunches
  • I have been a truck driver for over 12 yrs, I started using Truckerchic as my online ids and log ins, than it became my CB handle