ragslittle Member


  • Oh Michelle - I am pondering plastics too - I am more concerned about the recovery time more than anything...after having hernia repair and having to start all over again I don't want to have to worry with another recovery and the time it takes to get back on track with running and working out. I may just let you be the…
  • That's great news! Thanks for the update and keep up the good work. You will be there before you know it!!!
  • Look up strength training under cardio. :)
  • Great! Haven't gained weight yet but I can see how it could happen very easily! My appetite is horrendous and my choices aren't always the best. I am going to check it out! Thanks.
  • First things first - congrats on hitting your goal!! I am 5'10" and I am around 157+/- . My nut has me on 1800 cals a day because of my activity level. I eat 200-300 cals every 2-3 hours in order to get it in. It scared me to death to eat that much in the beginning but I have maintained my weight eating that amount. Now I…
  • Congrats!! good luck on your journey!!
  • Sweet NSV!!!! Very proud for you!!! :bigsmile:
  • Great Job - Looking pretty in powder pink!!!
  • 1. When was your surgery? - 3/5/12 2. Where from? (don't need to specify city or anything just general state or country is fine) - Jacksonville, Fl 3. Your Dr.'s/dietitian's stand on soda after surgery? Don't do it. - and I don't 4. Your Dr.'s/dietitian's stand on straws after surgery? Don't do it - I do I do - I take in…
  • Happy Surgeversary!! - You look marvelous! and in the next 6 months you won't recognize yourself!!!
  • About 8 months post surgery - Start weight 320...normal BMI 174 current weight 160 ...surgery date 3/5/12...weight day of surgery 280.
  • EAS Dark Chocolate - premixed. 110 Cals 17g Protein.
  • Praying that all goes well. You have worked hard and deserve all that your new life will bring. You are simply fabulous my dear!!
  • RNY 3/5/12...160+\- lbs lost. From a size 24/26 to a size 6. Hundreds of miles run/walked. All over again?? Definitely, absolutely, positively YES!!! Advise for WLS candidates - make sure you are ready for long term diet and exercise lifestyle changes, be diligent with your diary, don't be misguided by thinking the surgery…
  • Normally for my long runs I eat 2 slices of wheat toast with cream cheese and a banana. - and a protein shake after. So I will stick with that and have some pasta the night before i guess.
  • OK I am in - Not really sure what my goals will be... How about goal weight 154 and 10 real pushups and 100 miles. 2/14/13: 160.
  • Made goal weight - 160+ lbs - can do 5 real pushups and lost 3 BMI points - and running my 2nd 1/2 marathon this Sunday!!! Great job everyone!!! Very proud of all you have accomplished!
  • Awesome!! Great victory!
    in NSV Comment by ragslittle February 2013
  • I have seen both success and failure with the lapband. Often people who get the lapband end up going back for bypass or the sleeve. Have you considered the sleeve? I personally chose RNY because it was permanent and I didn't like the fact that the band can erode through your stomach and slip as well, but ultimately the…
  • Wecome to the group!
  • You got this!! Those 2 weeks will pass by quicker than you can imagine - just keep your eye on the prize!!!
  • That's about right - just be careful - at about this point you can eat more and tolerate more so its more important now to make sure you are journaling everything!!
  • Good question maryannelk - I don't know that I had any real expectations of what it would look or feel like when I was done..Honestly I don't feel any different mentally than I did when I was twice my size...so I guess I just need to set some new goals and keep going - because there are ALOT of things that I want to…
  • GOOOAAAALLL!!!!! - Met my weight goal!!! 159.6 this morning...and I can do a few regular pushups - nothing too exciting :ohwell: ....next goal is 154 (my trainers goal weight for me) - but I am perfectly satisfied where I am - if I can keep my self in the 155 - 160 range that will work!!! Maybe build some more muscle and…
  • Coming from a morbidly obese mentality to get to where I am plus being a gastric bypass patient I have to be careful with making poor choices. I am funny about slipping back into bad habits - yes I do have cravings - some I satisfy others I push through. It scares me to even consider the thought of going backwards - so I…
    in tired Comment by ragslittle January 2013
  • It's called "body combat" - it's an aerobic kickboxing class - 60 minutes non-stop - studies have shown that you can burn up to 700 cals per hour (so they say) - the TaeBo is the closest classification I could find in MFP - it is the most awesome class I have ever taken.
    in tired Comment by ragslittle January 2013
  • I am supposed to get 1800 cals a day according to my nutritionist my TDEE is around 1550. I have a hard time eating 1800 cals much less eating back exercise cals - unless I eat higher fat food - which I don't want to do....maybe I should drink a higher cal protein shake or add another shake in somewhere - I eat every…
    in tired Comment by ragslittle January 2013
  • Welcome to the group!! Good luck to you with your surgery. If you have any questions please feel free to ask!!!
  • Welcome to the group!!! This is the best group ever for WLS support!!! Lots of experiences here among all of us. So welcome and feel free to add us to your friends group as well!!!
  • Finally Broke the 165/166 plateau. So now down to 163!! 3 lbs away from 1/2 the woman I used to be!! and I can do a regular pushup!!!!