Guns n roses, they were amazing!
Just be glad your no longer with such an immature *kitten* and try to move on with your life. Good luck. :)
Axl rose, Keith Richards or Stephen fry. Haha Oh I almost forgot Anthony kiedis..
Wow, that's great!
"nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
True :) Counts on their fingers when answer maths questions
75kg and my goal weight is 40kg
I'm Australian too! :) Newcastle, NSW
haha, no I didn't know her, but I googled and she's very pretty - so thank you! :)
awww thank you! that's very sweet.
linda mccartney
You look incredible! Genius work. :)
I feel awkward eating in front of people too! So, I never eat at school. :l
I love running outside, but I'm also a bit embarrassed about seeing people I know, so I always run in the bush - it's a lot harder and there are more hills and obstacles, which is a good thing I suppose and I don't have to worry about seeing anyone I know. :)
Do it anyway! If you don't like it after a while you can always stop.
Where there is a transfer of power from one part of a machine to another causing a levering or thrusting effect. I . Leonardo - Ralph steadman.
you don't have male reproductive organs
I have a knee problem as well, I bought the supportive nike zoom, it's really helped a lot, I don't have any pain in my knee after I run, where as before it would be swollen and hurt a lot!
I'd love to look like sky ferreira. She's so perfect'!
you're really pretty!
I had the same problem, but I found exercising to help, I think maybe the mussels just get stronger and stops the pain? good luck! :)
I haven't been drinking it either, after a few months without it I tried some coke, it just tasted like chemicals. I feel a lot better without drinking soda!
Allstarsara8 Megan fox :)
Oh I do that as well, it's amusing when someone tries to read it.
I love the silver!