

  • BOOO yea, nice job. I like that, when my wife n i had a mirror in our room it was AWESOME!!! then the mirror went all weird and started bending the reflection like the ones in the carnival... made us look like stretched out and awkward body shapes...it was weird so of course, even though everyone else looked fine in it,…
  • UHHHm....... a Mc Double with bic mac sauce and a large fry with a mc Chicken...and... a diet coke. BLAHH... jk i usually drink my pro balance whey protien shake wth water.. trying to lose the wieght not turn into the HULK.... P>S> ever since i've joined MFP, i actaully work harder to work out and i enjoy reading what you…
  • To win tickets every month to the bulls game or some other event. and i guess because i want to get healthy. I'm only 24 but i have 2 BEAUTIFUL boys 4 and 4months, and i have a daddy belly that i didn't expect to get untill i was 30ish... SOOOOOO i would like to back into the shape i was when i was 20 and played soccer.…
  • Once a week.. but on the same day i do it, i do it once in the morning, then again before i go to bed to see if there is a change through out the day. Plus your body is pretty much drained in the morning, no water or food for like the last 6 hrs. :)
  • First off, i think you look great, and i'm sure you're going to do fine. The good news is, you have many people here who suport you and can't wait cheer you on. I jsut started my self not to long ago and i can honestly say that this time its different. if you have any friends that are doing this with you its really cool if…
  • What is up my fello dieters?? yes i am the same way i like to keep a lil cusion, if you will, every day. So i never really hit my cal goal, but i'm always close. I don't think its that bad i still eat my 6 meals a day and workout almost every day, but i'm full from all the water and healthy snacks i have through out the…