How often do you weigh yourself?



  • student94
    student94 Posts: 120 Member
    I like to do it daily. I'm afraid if I just do weekly I'll get thrown off by a random fluctuation, but with daily I can see the overall trends more easily on my graph. I also use it as a motivator. A lower number encourages me to stick to my plan and not undue my hard work. A higher number motivates me to work harder.
  • jmp33
    jmp33 Posts: 93 Member
    My official weigh-in is on Wednesday at my TOPS meeting but I usually hop on it Sunday's too see if I need to give my butt a kick
  • sophiareal
    sophiareal Posts: 43 Member
    At the moment I weigh myself every day, to make sure I keep on track. I totally recognise that weight fluctuates a lot ... my weigh day is a Monday, given regular big brunches with friends on a Sunday, I often feel that my Monday weight is not representative (as it usually drops again by 1-2 lbs by Tuesday morning, which then stays the same for the rest of the week).
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I do it everyday, if I don't weigh everyday I find myself "falling off the wagon" lol. Yes the scale goes up and down, and some days it's discouraging, but for the most part it helps me keep my diet/workouts in check. I only log losses though. I do keep track of my weight in notes section of my food diary. :)

    Exact same way I do it.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I weigh myself most mornings. I use my Wii, and it tracks my ups and downs in a graph. It's kind of interesting to see that I pretty much always go up at least two days (sometimes more) before I lose.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    How often do you do it, and what do you recommend as a good amount?

    I do it every day. I recommend once a week or less.
  • My scales are pretty awful, you weigh yourself and record it, then get on it again 2 mins later and you've gained/lost up to 3 pounds!

    What should I do?
  • I weigh myself once a week and have my BF% done once a week.

    I use the same scale at my gym since using various scales has sent me into a panic haha.
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    Lately, I've been weighing myself 1-2 times per week. Any more than that and I drive myself crazy with the fluctuations.

    But, if your scale is giving you different readings within minutes apart, you may want to invest in a new one.
  • Once a week. Sunday mornings when I wake up.

    Me, too! :) I get a little number obsessed if I do it anymore than that. I actually put the scale away in a closet and pull it out first thing each Sunday morning.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    There is a reason why they suggest once a week or less often. You're gonna go up and down from day to day and throughout the day as well. That being said... I weigh every day. I use it as a way to track my cycle, and to see if I had a reaction to my food. I've got a few food sensitivities that cause me to put on a couple pounds over night. So I like to monitor for that!
  • wilkin777
    wilkin777 Posts: 73 Member
    I have a look everyday to keep myself in check> I know it's not recommended but I find it helps me motivate myself to get moving if it's the first thing I do.
    I only log my weight once a week though. Normally on a Monday so I don't overdo it at the weekend. ; )
  • I weigh myself everyday on my wii in the morning with the same clothes on about the same time each morning. It does go up and down today it went up and it was kind of discouraging because I was so busy yesterday barely sat down. I hope tomorrow will be better.
  • There is a reason why they suggest once a week or less often. You're gonna go up and down from day to day and throughout the day as well. That being said... I weigh every day. I use it as a way to track my cycle, and to see if I had a reaction to my food. I've got a few food sensitivities that cause me to put on a couple pounds over night. So I like to monitor for that!

    I think I react to cheese and bread it seems when I eat them I go up at least for a day. I love carbs so it is hard for me some days to stay away from the breads.
  • BradyMommy
    BradyMommy Posts: 82 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, but my "official" weigh-in for weight loss is on Sundays. The daily weigh-ins are to keep me focused and aware of what's going on. Because honestly, I can do a lot of damage in a week if I'm not paying attention!!
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Every couple of weeks or so. I know I'm always losing, I just need to not obsess about the scale and keep a going...
  • EpicMeyri
    EpicMeyri Posts: 109 Member
    I weigh myself everyday and I post it on . It is a good website and it tells you how many calories you are over eating and it lets you know if you are going to lose any weight .
  • I'm a scale *kitten*! If I don't like the numbers, it pushes me harder to workout.

    I do the same thing....I think I'm actually scale ocd..... I do it ever time I'm in the bathroom. This has me really watching what I eat and how much I work out.... the few days I didn't do it that way I gained a few pounds. Guess I'm afraid of that happening again.....

    For most people I would say once a week though. ( I only log my weight Monday mornings though.)
  • Once a week.. but on the same day i do it, i do it once in the morning, then again before i go to bed to see if there is a change through out the day. Plus your body is pretty much drained in the morning, no water or food for like the last 6 hrs. :)
  • kaikoi47
    kaikoi47 Posts: 41 Member
    once a week by my nutrionist. :) i don't do it thank the goddess xD so i don't' worry about it. but i'm happy with whatever i loose.