Why are YOU getting fit and healthy?



  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Three simple words ......

    Because I can.
  • Degren
    Degren Posts: 80
    I am getting fit so that I can be healthy, live long, and fully enjoy life. A year ago I was 27 pounds heavier and had enough endurance to run one block. Now I can run 5 miles, and I am happier. It used to be about how I look. It is now more about being healthy and less about how I look.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Most everyone in my family who has died has died from something that was health related (obviously) ... heart attacks, cancer ... my parents have always been SUPER obese and I refuse to die from something I can prevent by healthy living. I want to be a healthy example for my children like my parents weren't for me. And I want to look good. Vanity and health reasons both.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I'm fairly sure I'll have to save the word sooner or later. Got to get in shape for it.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    I want to prove to myself that I can do this! I want to look in the mirror and be PROUD of my body. I want to a good example for my son and even my husband. I want to feel good. I am starting to really LOVE exercise. It makes me feel so amazing and alive. I know this is vain, but I want to look HOT!! I want to wear whatever the hell I want and not have to worry about wearing clothes to hide my belly so people won't ask if I'm pregnant! I swear I got asked that so many times after I had my baby, I'm scarred for life!

    I'm so freakin excited for this summer. I'm going to wear my favorite jean shorts from high school and look twice as good in them than I did back then. Hell yeah! :D
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    I first lost weight because of all the abuse I'd got off people over the years, especially in school. I also realised people's perceptions of you are completely differently when you're big. It might be fine to say well that's their problem but in business etc it's important!

    I then got fitter because even though I'd lost weight I could see I would get saggy skin and I was still very very unfit like getting out of breath not doing a lot.

    Now I want to get a properly toned chest, arms and stomach to go with my legs and I've got all sorts of goals like doing a marathon, a challenge event and one day potentially an ironman, my goals push me! :) They got me to do things like a Triathlon, 60 mile bike rides and a 100 mile bike ride!
  • To win tickets every month to the bulls game or some other event. and i guess because i want to get healthy. I'm only 24 but i have 2 BEAUTIFUL boys 4 and 4months, and i have a daddy belly that i didn't expect to get untill i was 30ish... SOOOOOO i would like to back into the shape i was when i was 20 and played soccer. And again my buddies and i have a compitition because we're guys and if there's no betting....theres no fun. :)...LLEEEEEERRROOOYYYYYYYY JENNKINS!!!!!!!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I had a series of serious respiratory illnesses and realised this was going to be it for the rest of my life unless I did something about it. Along the same lines, a friend of mine died of cancer last March, and it made me determined to live a healthy life rather than a comfortable one.
  • Shelley18904
    Shelley18904 Posts: 16 Member
    There are some great reasons here.

    I'm getting fit because I want to live longer and be generally healthier, and set a better example to my two young sons and to all the children I teach at school. Last year I lost nearly 3 stone and discovered that I enjoy exercising, so now I'm trying to reach fitness goals as much as weight loss goals, at the moment my aim to is to complete a 5 mile road race in May and to complete the 30 Day Shred - I get so much satisfaction out of reaching my goals.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Lost some of my weight some years ago but then got sidelined by a severe back injury. Could barely walk for a year. Took another year to be able to walk normally. Another year to be able to lift anything heavier than my purse (and even that bothered me). The back injury could have been prevented with a stronger core and better fitness. It made me appreciate having good health and that includes fitness. And I also realized that I had to face the fact that I would never be able to cross things off my bucket list if I didn't do the work to get into good enough shape to achieve them.

    Once my back became strong enough to do more than just walking for exercise, I started up at my local YMCA. It was a bit soul-crushing to only be able to handle 5 minutes on the elliptical my first time on it. But that also made me even more determined to build up my strength and endurance. I cycle, swim, lift weights, take various classes and run a little. However, running is still a relative term, LOL. But I know I'll get there. I love doing a mix of weights, HIIT, and steady-state cardio so I achieve both strength and endurance. And mixing it up so I'm never bored and always having fun with it.

    Fueling my body with more nutritious foods is a part of that as well. So I am now losing more weight, getting fit, and enjoying the heck out of it.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

    My destroyed ankle wasn't enough of an excuse. Once I started healing, I wanted to heal ALL of me.

    I want to walk to the park with my kids. I want to rollerblade with my son. I want to teach them how to ride bikes. I want to walk the dog. I want to f**k for hours and not get tired.

    I didn't want to buy new clothes.

    I wanted feel awesome.

    I didn't want to be the fat mom at my kids school.

    Once my excuses were exposed ( to myself ) I had to either $h*+ or get off the pot. I can " explain away " my weight gain all I want.

    ( And, as the starter of the " why are you fat thread ", I want to explain that I wanted people to give up their excuses. To see how stupid they are once you say them out loud. Someone will always have a better excuse. )
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    Mostly because I don't like who I was when I was fat

    And also because I'm going to LA in May and I want to be able to shop until I die.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My main motivations are health related. Diabetes runs in my family, so that was my #1 reason for losing weight. Now I found out that my HDL is low, so in addition to dropping calories, I am discovering how important exercise is.

    I am also working out more to gain some sort of independence. I ask my husband to do all sorts of stuff, and he gladly does it for me, but if he's not there, I still want to be able to carry things, open heavy doors, and fix things around the house without waiting for him to come home. I want to be able to run around outside with my friends without huffing and puffing. I shouldn't have to worry about wimping out when we go play disc golf or rollerblade or play badminton. Seriously, none of those activities are that strenuous unless you are as out of shape as I am.

    So, there you have it. Some folks want to do it for vanity reasons, but honestly, I still felt beautiful at my heaviest.

    I just want to be healthy and able bodied.