Under calorie goal

Hi everyone!

I am on the 1200 cal a day diet, 1500 on workout days. I always stay within my 1200 cals but can't seem to get to the 1500 for some reason. Should I start incorporating some protien shakes with my snacks for the extra calories? How do you stay within your goal counts?


  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am on the 1200 cal a day diet, 1500 on workout days. I always stay within my 1200 cals but can't seem to get to the 1500 for some reason. Should I start incorporating some protien shakes with my snacks for the extra calories? How do you stay within your goal counts?

    I try to eat a good majority of my cals throughout the day, workout before dinner. that gives me a few extra cals to eat and I'm not too far under my goal. remember, you don't HAVE to eat back all of your workout cals. Just try different things and find what works best for you. Good luck!!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Increasing is tough when you are not used to it. You could do protein shakes but I'd rather eat real food. You could:

    1. Eat calorie dense foods on workout days: handful of nuts, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (about 200 calories for my natural brand), etc. I love peanut butter on toast (or any nut butter, really)
    2. Use healthy oils to cook with, NOT cooking spray. Use olive oil, walnut oil, whatever you like
    3. Add avocado to sandwiches, mash it up on toast, mmmm guacamole...
    4. Don't use nonfat dairy products, I love Fage 2% Greek yogurt

    A handful of almonds (170 calories) and a banana (100-ish depending on size) would just about get you to 300 extra calories.
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys :)

    I do pretty well as far as eating a high calorie breakfast, because I generally work out on my lunch break, and almost always burn off all the calories from that meal, then I can be open with my lunch and dinner choices. I haven't weighed in since I started my new goal, so hopefully I'll have some good news on Friday :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am on the 1200 cal a day diet, 1500 on workout days. I always stay within my 1200 cals but can't seem to get to the 1500 for some reason. Should I start incorporating some protien shakes with my snacks for the extra calories? How do you stay within your goal counts?

    I don't always meet my goal, and sometimes I go over. If you need more calories add healthy fat. A little olive oil, avacado, nuts or nut butters will up your calorie count quickly and they are so good for you!
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    if your body isnt hungry there is no need to eat the extra calories.. but if you are hungry by all means eat. even if you are out of your calories and if my stomach is growling , you bet i will have something small .. Its never good to go too long being hungry and its not advisable to eat when your not.. :smile:
  • What is up my fello dieters?? yes i am the same way i like to keep a lil cusion, if you will, every day. So i never really hit my cal goal, but i'm always close. I don't think its that bad i still eat my 6 meals a day and workout almost every day, but i'm full from all the water and healthy snacks i have through out the day so by the end, i still have about 100-175 cals left on my ticker.... i don't think it's a big deal, but hey to each their own. keep up the good work stay healthy and i'm sure you'll be fine!!! :)

    " you need to risk it, to get the biscuit."
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    Oh I definitely eat when I'm hungry ;) no getting around that. Just really focused on WHAT I eat now, more than how much or how little. This site has really helped!
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    Oh I definitely eat when I'm hungry ;) no getting around that. Just really focused on WHAT I eat now, more than how much or how little. This site has really helped!

    do you tend to wait until you feel hungry before you eat? I make myself eat every couple of hours (during the day) whether I'm hungry or not. It keeps my metabolism going without my body starting "starvation mode".
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    What is up my fello dieters?? yes i am the same way i like to keep a lil cusion, if you will, every day. So i never really hit my cal goal, but i'm always close. I don't think its that bad i still eat my 6 meals a day and workout almost every day, but i'm full from all the water and healthy snacks i have through out the day so by the end, i still have about 100-175 cals left on my ticker.... i don't think it's a big deal, but hey to each their own. keep up the good work stay healthy and i'm sure you'll be fine!!! :)

    " you need to risk it, to get the biscuit."

    On a normal day, I usually have 200-300cals left. I don't feel it to be "necessary" to eat back all my cals. But, that's what works for me.
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    Oh I definitely eat when I'm hungry ;) no getting around that. Just really focused on WHAT I eat now, more than how much or how little. This site has really helped!

    do you tend to wait until you feel hungry before you eat? I make myself eat every couple of hours (during the day) whether I'm hungry or not. It keeps my metabolism going without my body starting "starvation mode".

    The majority of the time I do wait, I don't feel the need to eat if my body isn't craving food. However, after a workout I am STARVING so I tend to get most of my cals during lunch, right after the gym. Plus I keep alot of snacks in my desk at work, so when I do get hungry I don't rush for the vending machine and grab a bag of chips or a candy bar. Although today I am seriously craving doritos lol