mymeow Member


  • I just finished my first 30 day shred workout and my arms and legs are like Jello, but I feel great :o)
  • I bought this DVD a week or 2 ago, along with Jillian Michael's Shred It with Weights where she uses a kettlebell. I've tried the weights one; it was definitely challenging, but a good workout. I haven't tried the 30-day Shred yet, but you have me excited to do it. I think I'll do that as my workout today. If anyone wants…
  • I am reposting my meatloaf recipe. I heard through the grapevine people were interested in it, so here you go! Enjoy! It's one of our favorites! Slow Cooker Meatloaf 1-1/2 lb lean ground beef or turkey 2 eggs, beaten 3/4 cup milk 2/3 cup fine dry bread crumbs (I've also used uncooked oatmeal) 2 tablespoons grated onion 1/2…
  • Happy Friday everyone!! I'm still here and check in daily, just haven't posted. I lost 3.4 lbs this week, which is strange because I haven't really been keeping track of anything nor have I exercised because I've had a cold. I've felt a little dehydrated though, so I'm wondering if I've lost water weight. I like it though…
  • Good morning to you all!! I am getting ready to go exercise now. I'm not sure what exactly, but probably one of my exercise videos. Then I need to clean the house and run some errands. I'm trying to get all of the yucky stuff out of the way, so I can hopefully enjoy my long weekend!! I hope you all have a nice, long…
  • Just dropping in to say hello and good night!! Hope you all had a great day! I did fairly well with my eating. I was over by just a tiny bit, but not too bad. I went on a nice, brisk walk this evening. I wasn't going to go, but made myself and am glad I did. Wow Tamara, I don't know how you do it getting up soooo early!! I…
  • Shari, I'd love that salsa recipe too. Sounds dee-lish!! Hope you all had a great day :o)
  • Just wanted to check in. I haven't posted in awhile, but I'm still here!!! It's great to see all of you, and the support on this board is AWESOME!!! I didn't have a good weekend, but still managed to lose, so I'm happy with that. Today, I'm back on track and need to boost up my exercise!! I'll make sure to add some…
  • I have a slow cooker meatloaf recipe that I just put in a slow cooker thread on here a couple days ago. You can use either lean ground beef or turkey; I've done both!
  • Hope everyone had a great day!! Mine was so-so. I was over by 77 calories, but I'm not going to sweat over it!! I got my water in and feel good about what I did do. I made today my rest day from exercise, but plan on working out tomorrow. My son is having a sleepover at a friend's house tomorrow night and his cousins'…
  • It's a new day, so let's get moving, make good choices, and drink plenty of water!! Wednesday nights I have my water aerobics class, so I'm looking forward to that!! I'm going to be getting dinner ready soon - slow cooker meatloaf! Thanks for the tips for the Harry Potter ride! Now I am really worried as I am a pretty…
  • Slow Cooker Meatloaf 1-1/2 lb lean ground beef or turkey 2 eggs, beaten 3/4 cup milk 2/3 cup fine dry bread crumbs (I've also used uncooked oatmeal) 2 tablespoons grated onion 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp ground sage 1/2 cup ketchup 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tsp dry mustard 1/4 tsp nutmeg In large bowl, combine eggs, milk, bread…
  • That ham one sounds really good. I'll have to make note of that!! Our favorite one is probably a meatloaf recipe I have that I cook in the crockpot. Let me know if you're interested in it and I'll post it (don't have it memorized). I also have a slow cooker lasagna that's pretty good, and I love cooking beef stew and pot…
  • mymeow - Robin :happy: I also wanted to thank everyone for your nice responses!! You're all very encouraging! Bobbie, I had the same thing happen to me at an amusement park ride about 3 years ago, but I was about 50-60 lbs heavier at the time than I am now. It was one of those swing rides with the pull-over harness belt…
  • I haven't had the best of weekends, but tomorrow is a new day!! My goal for the week is to journal everyday, exercise 5 days, and I'll do the water challenge!! We are going to Disneyworld in 2 months. Do you think it's unreasonable to set a goal to lose 25 lbs by then? I am 249 lbs, and I would like to be around 225 by the…
  • I had a Lap Band on April 15, 2008. My highest weight was 310 and I have plateaued around 245-250, so it pretty effortlessly helped me lose 60 lbs. The rest is up to me, and I need to put the effort into it now. I am hoping this site will help me to do that! I would love to have any other WLS people out there add me as…
  • I joined after seeing the segment on the Today Show as well, but am officially starting today. I have been making healthy choices and logging everything today and will be going to a water aerobics class tonight. Nice to meet you all! I think this is great!
  • I am new on here and would love more buddies for extra support! Add me!!