Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • brashear_2420
    Shari - Congrats on the excellent loss! You are doing so good. I like the idea of changing the ticker asa reward. Very nice. Also great job on taking better care of yourself. I am so happy to hear that! It can make a world of difference! Thanks about my eating. I totally agree with you about the fries. I would not have stopped at one so I did not start at all. I wonder what it is about sugar that sets of the cravings. I passed some of my favorite FF spots on the way home and just kept on going. I tell myself you have groceries at home and you will be mad at yourself if you stop. I am so determined to stay at goal weight or below!

    Jessica - I know it is hard to fine time, but you are making time for you. You have to find or make some time for you. Some of the workouts are short. Even if you could squeeze a 10 or 15 minute one in, that would be better than not doing it. Plus if you start adding them in, then they will become a part of your routine.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Woohoooo!! I recruited one of my co-workers to MFP. Her handle is teemac2. You friend her and welcome her please. I'm so excited she decided to join.
  • heyfishon
    Welcome teemac2: I found this club a few days ago and love it, and everyone posting. I think you will too!!

    I am really excited about this club and know that I will get the end results I am looking for this time, because we are all here for each other.

    I am just playing it day by day, and realizing each new day means I am just that farther away from where I started from (even though it's really been only 5 days, but who's counting? :laugh: ).

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    bobbie- very true about it becoming routine. I got the exercise bike from my MIL and i kept saying how I would do it and then ended u-p not doing it. Then I started saying I couldnt do it while the kids were awake and I realized I could I just didn't like the guilt I was putting on myself for taking time away from them, I soon realized that I shouldnt feel quilty because Im with them every waking moment of the day, Im sure they enjoy that half hour break lol. I know as soon as I start doing something on demand it will soon become routine. Like the bike after I started doing it I know do it as part of my routine, bike, shower, get dressed. Even if its not untill the afternoon lol
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi All, and welcome to Teemac2. (I sent you a friend request)

    I am trying to get ready for company coming over in two hours. I had to walk the dogs, grocery shop, and pick my peaches that were falling on the ground. My house is still a mess. At least it's family so they can tolerate it, lol! Now I remember why I don't like to entertain... it's a lot of work!

    I will be grilling burgers and serving a homemade peach mango salsa to dip tortilla chips in. My personal eating plan is to have only the burger meat and put the salsa on it, no bun. I will drink diet pepsi even though I have hard lemonade on hand as well. This is a girls night out thingy with female relatives that we do every Monday. We call it Monday Club. It started as a way to keep in touch with my dear sister-in-law after she and my brother got divorced cuz she doesn't come to the regular family stuff anymore. It has grown to quite a tradition, with my mom, sister, sister-in-law, her twin sister, and various cousins or neices that can make it. That was the group that went to the casino last week. We normally meet in a Taco Bell but have field trips to other places. They are coming to my house today to see my new covered deck, greenhouse, and garden. (Haha now you know more than you ever wanted about my Monday Club, lol!)

    I'm kinda proud I made time to walk first today as busy as I am. That's different for me.

    Oh yeah, my husband lost his blackberry on a roller coaster and called me to take care of suspending his service, lol. Add that to me having to Fed Ex my son's contacts to him, and their vacation is not much of a vacation for me, lol!
  • addiograsso
    Hello All -
    Been VERY, VERY Busy today at work - sorry I haven't chimed in - as Marcie says, I was lurking... ;)

    Well, here goes....
    As I mentioned, Friday was absolutely horrific for me on all levels EXCEPT for my eating - yay me! Sadly, the weekend was not much improved. The good news, I started the 30DS and didn't die... tee hee hee. However, on Sunday, as I was trying to squeeze in day 2, my husband interrupted me and I won't even tell you the not so nice things he said to me... Talk about wanting to just down a box of ho ho's and a bottle of Dr. Pepper, but I didn't I forged on...
    Yesterday - we had pizza for lunch and as you can imagine that was pretty much my caloric intake for the day - if i counted everything right however, I actually came in with 2 calories to spare... :) Whoo hoo!
    I am so proud of myself for not giving up on me these past few days. Tomorrow is weigh-in day for me and i'm not nearly as excited as I was last week (because stupid me, I stepped on the scale last night and didn't see as much loss as i wanted), but I'm hoping to still see a few pounds off. Have actually been under my calories most days. Still not getting in the exercise I NEED and actually want.

    Tamara - am looking forward to the contiued situps and will do girlie pushups - I can do 10, but 25 - wheewwweey! Thanks for the continued encouragement and thanks for staying on MFP and supporting all of us and yourself, too. As you know (hence the title of our thread) - you inspire us! I would LOVE to hear your whole story some time - how long it took you, what inspired you, how you made it through the tough times, etc. Thank you again!

    Shari - you always make me smile - you manage to always find EXACTLY what I'm going through... You are so honest and so wonderful and i am sooooooooo very happy for you that you are taking the time to take care of you. If you look good, you feel good - they say. Love your quilts by the way!

    Bobbie - our little ray of sunshine. Hope you hang with us now that you've made your goal and again - STANDING OVATION FOR YOU!!!!!!! Thanks for checking in on me, too.

    Marcie - keep your chin up and how very impressive are you to pack your lunch and keep your composure during a stressful time.

    Kim - (I think that's your name) - Welcome Back and I can't tell you how very much the words "reclaiming Kim" at the bottom of your signature hit home for me - I mean WOW! That really captures it - you almost brought tears to my eyes. That is what I want - me back! There are several more things wrong in my life today besides my weight, but I think that's at the root of most and if that would fix me and my outlook - it will sure go a long way. Plus living an extra 10 years can't hurt... ;)

    Shari, I like your dream weight note... :)

    Teemac2 - would love to have you invite me as a friend. one of my very best friends in the whole world was named Terri and we called her tmac for short... Welcome aboard.

    If I've forgotten anyone, I'm sorry and I promise I am sending happy thoughts your way.

    Gotta go pick up the little one - I'm late!

    Good luck to all tonite and good luck to me in the morning (weigh in).

  • brashear_2420
    I just had the greatest phone call from my husband. He passed Battle Stations and can now be called a SAILOR!!!!!! We got to talk for 55 minutes and it just made my heart feel so good. I answered the phone and he immediately began singing to me. I teared up instantly. I love that man so much. He sounded amazing and is so ready for graduation. His division is performing at graduation and he is doing drill. He is so ready for it and to see me and his family. He told me that after we leave the base we are going straight to lunch and then straight to the hotel. =) He said that while on base, he can escort me, but not hole my hand. He said that we can do that as long as we do not enter the Chapel. he said that there is no touching in there. he told me we will nto even venture towards the Chapel. Oh how he makes me smile. I am so happy and so excited. He is graduating in less than 3 days. I am going to enjoy every moment with him. He even has a 4 page letter to give me that day. He said that our love kept hm strong and that he could hear me in his head the whole time. We have a connection that is unbelievable. When I saw the area code I knew it was him and my heart stopped until I heard his voice. When I heard him, I got chills over my body. I know this is probably TMI, but I never knew that love like this really existed and I am absolutely blessed to know this kind of love. I wanted to talk all about him, but he wanted to know about me. Always concerned with me. I told him I reached goal weight and I could hear the excitement in his voice and it made me cry. He is my biggest supporter, my number one inspiration, and my best friend. I am extremely lucky. God is so good to me.

    Okay enough of that. How is everyone else doing?

    Deneen - Please do not worry. I am not going anywhere. I will be gone for a few days this week, but I will be right back at it next week. I have worked to hard to just quit this site. Now it is time to maintain it and keep working at it. This is my life stlye now and my health. I can't just quit now. Plus I have so shine some sunshine on you! I am sorry that you are having some rough days. It will get better. Take care of you and things will improve. Just a tip though. Do not weigh yourself at night ever. You will almost always be up from where you have ate and drank through out the day. Your body has not finished processing everything yet.

    Shari - Have fun at our Monday night club. I can't wait to hear how you did on your eating. I know that you will do great. You have a game plan and are ready to make good choices. Good Luck.

    Jessica - The excercise bike is better than nothing. You will do the pilates. I know you will. Moving and doing something is always better than nothing.

    Okay now I have to have dinner and get my workout on. I still have to do the push up and sit up challenge too, but I got my water in and I have said my positive for the day. Have a great night every one. I will check back in tomorrow morning.
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    OK Guys, I'm pretty darn proud of myself right now! I grilled burgers for my company and my plan was to have just the meat with salsa on it, no bun or trimmings. I did but I had accidentally made them all cheeseburgers out of habit so I had a slice of cheese too which was ok. Something very interesting - the one other person who did what I did is very thin! The salsa was so good and very healthy. It was homemade peach mango salsa using peaches and green peppers from my yard. I am not a good cook, but I am trying to learn how to cook some healthy things and stay away from prepared foods. This whole BBQ was quite a change from the last one at which I planned to eat one burger, but ate TWO whole cheeseburgers with buns, fixins and all. Right now my company is gone and I am relaxing with some more of the salsa and some organic blue corn no-salt-added tortilla chips. (Which I never ate during the party due to being too busy.) Lovely, lovely, lovely to have a plan and stick pretty close to it, and come out feeling happy and proud!

    Hey Bobbie, I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    wtg sheri. Im proud of you and man what fantastic will power. And your such a great role model for your family at your BBQ. I wish my family would have healthier alternatives at thier get togethers.
  • heyfishon
    Okay girls. I am getting the swing of this awesome thread we have goin'. This is the very first for me in this whole comment thing goin' on. I couldn't quite figure it all out, OMGoodness, I am so excited to have this. I haven't gotten involved with facebook yet or tweeting, but I sure love this thread we got goin'.

    I read all the comments since my last one as was almost too tears, relating to so many of your stories. It's been an okay day today for me. Today was the 1st day of school for our kids school district, so the kids were off to school. My husband and I had a "going back to school party" whew!! That was fun!!!!

    I just got done brusing my teeth, so I will not go for any munchies in the kitchen. I am under my calorie allotment for the day, and want to stay that way. I have been since I started this journey.

    For those of you who have lost your weight and are at maintenance goal weight, I salute you and bow to you for hanging in there and showing us it works. I love to read your comments, it's a real inspiration.

    I am not sure if anyone else is interested, but I want that Mango Salsa recipe Shari girl!! I love salsa, I actually had that today with some rice chips as a snack.

    My garden consists of one tomato "topsy turvee thing" on my back deck! Ha!
    We live where we have a lot of deer, so I just haven't hassled with a garden yet, but love the idea of organic veggies and fruits.

    I love the idea of weighing in on Friday, so I am weighing in on Friday for the 1st time since joining. I am excited to see what it is. I will start the push ups and sit ups tomorrow. Procrastination, it's a good thing, NOT!!!
  • mymeow
    mymeow Posts: 19 Member
    Shari, I'd love that salsa recipe too. Sounds dee-lish!! Hope you all had a great day :o)
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    What an exhausting day this has been! Good news is my mom's surgery went very well. We still have one more hurdle tomorrow when they extubate her, but I'm confident that will go well. Hopefully she will be able to go home on Thursday. did it again....your love story always makes me cry. What a beautiful relationship you have! I can't wait to here all about your trip...minus the hotel info... :bigsmile: Oh and I thought about you sisters and I went to dinner while we waited for visiting hours...and I had the Carribean salad you have been talking about and it was delicious....good thing I had enough calories to cover it!

    Tamara......Thanks for pushing us...I am so glad I saw your story....I would have never discovered this site and met some many wonderful people that inspire and keep me going.

    Shari....I am so proud of you....I have learned so much from you...especially to have a game plan and when you do fall to analyze and learn from what went wrong and not to dwell in it. I am sure you did very well got this girl! Oh and thanks for starting this thread!!

    Jessica....what a little busy bee you are with starting homeschooling and still you manage to get your excercise in and come in under calories everyday....I'm so glad you have now graduated to Medium....I can't wait for Medium graduation for me too. :happy:

    Deneen...hang in there girl....this too shall pass and tomorrow will be another day...another opportunity to start anew. Eventually everything will fall into place. are doing great too....fill us in on your workouts with your son.

    Kim...welcome...and I agree with Deneen...I love your "Reclaiming Kim" It makes so much a way we are all trying to reclaim a better us.

    I know I'm forgetting some of you and it is without intention....I'm just pretty beat.....To everyone that send their well wishes...Thank you!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Howdy Friends, Qucik run down..I am feeling pretty amazing today althought the busy day..Let me just give you a run down of my day yesterday..

    315 am 425 am ate breakfast and got dressed headed to gym/made kiddos and my lunches
    425-5 am waited for gym to open
    5-6:20 worked out 10.5 miles done on machines
    6:20-7:05 got ready for work and got daughter ready for school
    7:05-7:30- droppped both kiddos off at 2 different shool on oppisite ends of the town..
    7:30-8:00 ate after workout breakfast
    8:00-2:00 worked and snacked at worked ( all healthy)
    2:00-2:30 ate salad
    2:30-3:00 waited for daughter to get off bus and ate my favorite treat of the day..weight watchers ice cream
    3:00-4:00 got dinner ready, did homework with daughter
    4:00-5:20 hit the gym for more cardio and weights as I didnt do walking group last night(we were to busy)
    5:30-6:00pm headed to sons school for open house
    6:00-8:00 was at open house changing classes like he does and meeting his teachers
    8:00pm- thinking yeah I am tired been up since 315 ready for bed.
    8:10 I get home and my wonderful honey says hey we need to go to staples for filing cabinets. I said am tired he said I havent seen you all day come on.. I said ok..
    8:10pm-10:00 running around with him..Does he know what time I get up!!

    Anyways I know that alot and ya'll never wanted to hear.. But today is pretty much same thing on tap other then daughter has open house tonight and son has scrimmage game!! Oh and I am off so I will be cleaning all day I am pretty excited about that though for some awful god reason..

    Shari- I am super proud of you girlie,, that is amazing.

    Bobbie- I am so glad to be able to call you my best friend, you keep my drive in me and keep me grounded when I wanna give up..thanks

    Gail- You will get a scale when you can, just keep pressing on, we have faith in you.

    Robin- welcome back, glad to see you are on here.

    Deneen- Thign will get better, saying a littel prayer for you now.

    Marcie- I am so happy for your mom, will keep happy thoughts for her today

    Kim- Welcome so glad you are here to join us on out new lifestlye..notice I didnt say diet..

    Jessica- The bike is better then nothing, I love to use the bike at the gym thinks thats what I am doing today as a matter of fact..
    You could start with bringing new healthy stuff to the party and other people may follow..

    Me as ya'll noticed in my post..I didnt do sit ups or push-ups I promise I will catch up on them today..since I am off and all.. but know I do get my water in everyday..its all I drink..

    Next monday I have decided to live my life..I told myself after I got to goal weight I was not pashing up on hoildays or celebrating that I am around.. So we are having a bbq, probably not the best food options but will make healthier choices..

    Well gotta go make kids lunches and get dressed..I am feeling pretty spectacular today!!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    WOW tamara- Fit in a nap sometime today. Your schedule is making me sleepy lol. Bringing in healthy food to parties would do much of anything in my husbands family. Its sad really and I dont quite get it. Everyone (and I mean everyone) is way obese in that family with a few teenage girls that arent but hey are teenagers thats why. His aunt died before we were together from diabetes and from pictures she was very much overweight as well so for all of them to be so unhealthy when they know the risk is just amazing to me. To top it off they all drink like crazy. His mom can't go a day without a beer and keeps it stocked which was a big problem when we had to move in wiht her last year. I dont allow drinking of any kind near my kids and so having it in the fridge where the kids could see and think it was normal was not ok with me but what could you do right. THe drinking thing is insane too since His grandpa died from kidney cancer so there is that risk too. They dont like any other women that come into the family so me trying to motivate anyone to be healthy would tunr into me just thinking IM better then them. Yep its all immature. His mom is constantly trying to "lose" weight but that means not eating all day except a few bolgna sandwhiches or cans of beans and massive amonts of protien shakes to where she is vomiting the rest of the night from them. She keeps bugging us to get this colon clense stuff from sams club because she really thinks it will help her lose weight. I mean Im sure it does initially but thats because it makes you poop all day. ANyways this got way long and off track lol I guess my point is that that family is ahopeless cause and no one wants to get healthy. I gave up on my mom and realized she will when she truly is reay. She has diabets (but not from being overwieght, she just over the years became overwieght) and she uses the exuse that shes busy and thats why she eats tv dinners all day. But she is busy she works and does school and does everything in her home she she has two men living her home that really do nothing and she has no back bone lol.

    Ok hopefully today is as good as yesterday just not as darn hot lol. I gotta head to the library today because they FINALLY (after a month) have a book i wanted which is good and bad since I will now be reading instead of moving lol I get alittle obsessive when I read. I did check out some pilates on demand and I think I will try one tonight. The other one I watched wasnt bad just the lady was a bit annoying and fake lol
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Good morning ladies! I'm up eary cuz I have to go into my DH's office first thing and get the info (serial number) of his blackberry that he lost on the roller coaster so he can identify it and claim it. I guess it's all smashed up, lol, but he is hoping the sim card is ok.

    Marcie, I'm glad your mom is doing well. Keep up the good work handling your stress
    Jessica, sounds like eating healthy is quite the challenge at the in-laws!
    Kim, I'm so glad you joined us
    Robin, I'm glad you are back
    Tamara, you are one busy lady! Whew! Please tell me you do relax sometimes

    The salsa recipe... I will tell you what I did. I've been buying fresh (refrigerated not canned) "Penny's" brand peach mango salsa which is made locally. I love it and wanted to duplicate it. So I went to and they have a recipe for mango, peach and pineapple salsa. Here is the link: I read the reviews to see what people would change. Then I came up with the following recipe. It makes a very large bowl. It was not as good as the Penny's salsa, so I added the container of Penny's to it. It was 3/4 homemade and 1/4 Penny's. The result was good. (Warning, this makes a huge bowl, so you might want to try 1/2 recipe.)

    Mango, Peach, Pineapple Salsa from (with my adaptations)

    2 mangos, peeled, seeded and chopped (I only used 1 cuz that's all I had, two would probably be good)
    2 small peaches, halved, pitted, peeled, and cut into 1/2-inch dice
    4 tomatoes, chopped
    1 white onion, diced (I used about 1/3 of a large walla walla type sweet onion)
    1 red bell pepper, diced (I only two small green peppers. Red and yellow would have been much better)
    1 yellow bell pepper, diced (see red pepper)
    1 cup diced fresh pineapple (I omitted the pineapple)
    1 cup chopped fresh cilantro (Whoa, that would be way too much. I used about 1/4 -1/3 C finely chopped)
    1 clove garlic, minced (I used about 1 tsp minced from a jar)
    2 tablespoons lime juice (I used 1 juice of 1 whole fresh lime)
    1 teaspoon salt (I used this much but it was a bit too salty for me, start light and adjust accordingly)
    2 tablespoons white sugar, or to taste (I only had brown sugar on hand, and I doubled this due to using more lime juice and no pineapple)
    3/4 cup water (I omitted this because it was already watery, but dissolved the brown sugar in about 1/4 C pineapple juice)
    1 small finely diced jalepeñ0 pepper (This was my own addition, it was still pretty mild due to the large volume of salsa)

    I would make it the day before and let the flavors blend. That would also help soften the peppers a bit. Perhaps the peppers should be lightly roasted first. They seemed too crunch and raw tasting. Here is what I'll say - for people like me who like a sweet tart salsa (as opposed to a spicy salsa) it was great, but some people don't like that. The ones who liked it couldn't stop eating it. Others didn't even try it. It was good on the burger meat. It would be great over chicken. If anyone tries it, I would love to hear what your adaptations are and how it turns out.
  • addiograsso
    Good Morning - just popping in - swamped today, but have lots to say and lots of thank yous to issue so will check in later.
    Weigh in this morning - lost 3 pounds!!!! Course, i had to step on the scale 16 times to get that cuz you can bet your sweet bippy i wasn't getting off until it showed a loss... tee hee hee :bigsmile: (big belly laugh).
    Just kidding - my OCD made me check to make sure it read down 3 pounds at least 3 times before I would accept it... ;)
    Hope everyone has a great day. I'm off to the hospital with my FIL - we are monitoring a spot on his lung and are meeting with a cancer specialist... :( Say a prayer for him, please he is a WONDERFUL man and has been through a lot!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning ladies. Sorry for the late post. Work is crazy today. This is my last day for a week. I got to keep my butt in gear today. I have to leave on time for my mani/pedi appointment. Last night I got an hour workout in. I wanted to do more, but with all the phone calls I did not have time. I did my 25 sit ups and 15 push ups was all I could handle. I did 10 supermans since I could not finish the push ups. I was under calories for yesterday and I got all my water in. I could not sleep last night because I was so excited, but I still got up at 4:20. I did an hour workout this morning and the 25 sit ups. I was only able to do 10 push ups this morning. So I added 15 supermans and a set of 12 sumos and 12 surrenders. Push ups are a very weak point for me. I have a bad shoulder and I just cannot manage to do that many. I am giving it my best, but when I hear my shoulder pop then I am done.

    Marcie - I think I have a special talent for making you cry! I love sharing our story! He was so funny because he just went thru boot camp and he wants to talk about me. He asked me about my weight and when I told him I hit goal weight, you could hear the joy in his voice and his pride. It made me cry! He has went thru all kinds of H*** and he is proud of me. It was sweet and funny all at once. I am glad you liked the salad at Chili's. Did you get the guiltless dressing? If you have the regular dressing it is twice the calories. I am glad your mom is doing okay. Good luck with every thing today. Fingers crossed and a prayer said that she continues to recover and every thing goes well today. I am super proud of you for staying on track with all that you have on your plate. Keep it up lady!

    Shari - Awesome job last night. One piece of cheese that was not in your plan is really good. I have had peach mango salsa before and it is delicious! My MIL makes it and serves it with the blue chips. Yummy! Again, really great job.

    Jessica - I hope you enjoy the book. At least you are walking to get it. I am the same way when it comes to reading. If the book is wonderful, I just let it consume me. I have been known to read a book in one day and cut myself off from everyone. Books are an escape for me. If I have had a bad day, there is nothing like curling up with a great book and slipping into someone elses world for a bit. I hope you enjoy it.

    Gail - Keep on hanging in there with us. Are you still playing super mom and cleaning like crazy?

    Robin - How are you doing on meeting your goal for the theme park?

    Deneen - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your FIL. I have witnessed what cancer can do to someone and it breaks my heart. I hope that everything goes well with the specialist today. I can see why you have had so much on your plate lately. Wonderful job on the loss. I am very proud of you. I do the same thing with my scale. I think it is playing with me some mornings and I keep stepping on it. I have a bit of OCD when it comes to certain things myself. Stay positive today and know that you are in our thoguhts.

    Kim - We are very happy to have you on this thread. Continue to post with us.

    Tamara - Thanks ma'am! I do what I can. lol Seriously though, I am just as happy to have you as my best friend. There have been times where it would have been easier to give up, but somehow we always find the strength and courage to push forward. Life is all about choices and this is our choice. We choose to be healthy and to control our lives. Look at how many people you have inspired. I know it is hard and a lot of the people we know just don't get it, but I do girl. I am always here for you. You help me just as much too. There have been days that I have blown your phone up because I have felt weak and my emotions were controlling me, but you were always patient with me and helped me to stay on track. Thanks for everything. Now I get to go and show my DH that all the hard work has paid off. Thanks for the double workouts and all the positive energy you send my way.

    FYI - Tamara hardly ever takes a nap. She is super woman and on the go for most of her day. I don't think she knows how to sit still for very long. =)

    My positive for the day is...I saw sparkle in my eyes today! It has been lacking in luster the past couple of weeks, but it is back today! I can see joy and life when I look at them and it is an awesome feeling! Today is going to be another great day!

    I hope everyone stays on track and have a wonderful day! Sorry if I left anyone out too.
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi again Everyone! I am having a super relaxing day. It is raining in the first time in forever, and my dogs and I are curled up with nowhere we have to go. It is my one day of rest. Tomorrow I have the hairdresser and a load of shopping and errands, Thursday my friend is coming over to do mosaics while I quilt, Friday a quilting friend is coming over for a sewing day, and Saturday my sister is coming to sew all day until I leave for the airport at 8 PM to pick up my boys. Then my little vacation is over. :(:):(:) That's alternating happy and sad faces, lol! I love my guys and miss them, but I'm enjoying my mini vacation without them.

    Marcie - Keep us informed on your mom. Now I want that salad!

    Bobbie - thanks for you great posts! I know you're busy now, but later on could you post your MIL's peach mango salsa recipe?

    Jessica - Thanks for posting so much! I love to check our thread often, and you've usually posted.

    Gail - How are you doing?

    Robin - Keep workin it!

    Deneen - Congrats on the loss! Wow! Three lbs! I'm sorry to hear about your FIL. By the way you spoke of him I can tell you care a lot about him. I lost my dear dear FIL many years back. I was closer to him than my dad. He would do anything for me. Speaking of my dad, he is on his second round of lung cancer, which is tough.

    Kim - How is it going?

    Tamara - Enjoy your busy busy day!

    My positive for the day is that I AM REALLY FEELING THINNER! Even though I've only lost 5 lbs, I'm thinner than that due to the muscle gain. Everything is more toned and compact. I love it!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    OMG its so hotand humid today Im sweating by just sitting here lol Atleast I think that means I can sweat away the sodium im gonna eat today lol. I might not go to the library since its WOW so hot. Im still debating on it lol. So we have one more subject and handwriting but man its so hot, I may try to get science in in the living room since we only have a/c in there.

    I need alittle vent here soo sorry if I post too much lol Can you tell I am a SAHM with just little kid interactions lol. Anyways so the county fair is this weekend. Its a huge deal, they are one of the biggest fairs in the state I think it is. Thye have a whole website and everything. So I decided we were gonna go saturday. I told my husband all weekend that we were going. He calls me today to ask if I called the dr to get him an apt sat morning and then tells me he just remembered that his dad is having a party for his brother (who lives outa state with the military) on saturday so try and make his apt as early as possible! I said uhh hello the fair and the only time the demo derby is there is saturday night and Alex would just love to see it. So he starts saying he can't just stiff his brother and blah blah. Now here is the thing that totally has got me peeved. His brother is a POS literaly. He could care less about my husband and about my kids. I know he doesnt like me but that goes way far back from the first time we met (he hated that I took away his only friend from him, my husband). He was in town a few months ago and I went out on a limb and told my MIL (she wantd to get pics of her kids done) that if she made an appointment at the picture studio I go to thats a bout 35 minutes from me towards her house I would meet them there and we could all have dinner together. So that was the plan untill his brother said he would rather go to dave and busters which was way far from my house. He could care less to his only niece and nephew and he hasnt seen them since my almost 3 year old was 4 months old and even then he didnt care about being near us. It just makes me mad that he drops our plans to go spend time with someone who seriously doesn't care about his family. And he always likes to say bad things about me and since they will be at his dads house its gonna be a big hate on Jessica party, grrrr. Of course my husband defends me but it still irks me the stupid comments that he makes. When I was pregnant with our daughter his brother was convincing him to leave me adn that I was a lazy POS. It was insane. Of course that was before my husband got help for his PTSD. ok vent over lol So Im hoping that sunday the monster trucks atleast will be at the fair since my son is all boy and loves trucks.
  • heyfishon
    Hi Everyone:

    Wow, some of your schedules are so busy, I can't believe it! I can't imagine waking up at 3 something in the morning. I already usually head for bed around 830 or 9. I wake up at 6, and want to take a nap by 9. I am hoping energy will pick up, I am sure you can handle those schedule when you are not 149 lbs overweight. When my best friend comes to visit, it wares me out, she has 4 and when they come to visit that means I am cooking and cleaing for 10 people. After 3 days, I am exhausted.

    Thanks for the recipe Shari! I envy your schedule today, cozy'ing up on the couch with my boxer and reading a book while listening to the rain outside w/ a fire going is one of my favorite things to do. Snow starts flyin' around here in November that is nice too! I would like to take up snow shoeing possibly, I just can't believe a pair of snow shoes can hold up my body, I may fall into some deep snow! Ha!

    One thing I am noticing is that it can be hard to stay motivated when you are depressed. I am really getting nervous that my husband hasn't found a job yet, and our unemployment runs out in 8 weeks. I just wish I could only have to worry about myself and getting myself healthier without having to worry about finances and our personal situation. I sometimes feel like I don't belong anywhere because I don't have a career going right now. I am feeling a bit misplaced.

    I have always been career minded, but I also love taking care of my family and children. I love to have a cozy home to call home. A clean home, and a home full of love and laughter. It's just right now things are so tough for us, we don't laugh as much as we use to.

    I think I am going to go for a walk later, that usually helps in settling my mind! Don't get me wrong I am so happy about joining this site and thread of all you wonderful ladies. I really think you all will help me get thru all of this! I am very thankful!!
