Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    My private dog training lesson ended up being 2 hours, and was pretty stressful with all that attention focused on me and my dog.. I came home exhausted and hungry, but I took the time to cut up a cantaloupe instead of grabbing something quick and junky. Yay!

    Tamara, thanks for the support.

    My eating is great today, and I might even do my c25k a day early when it cools off a bit.

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning, All My Wellness Friends!!

    I hope so far this week has been great for you.. I know I have had a pretty good week, cant complain..

    I ate something different for breakfast..grapenuts.. It was yummy with some almond milk..

    Well I am tired today and fixin to drink my coffee, maybe it will wake me up..

    I am off to the gym in a bit and then back home then at 10 off to lift with the trainer again then home to work in my husband ofice for his business and do paperwork!!

    Hope everyone is still getting their water in and sit ups!!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good morning MFP buddies,

    I completed my sit ups for yesterday....I am a bit sore this morning. My positive thing about me for yesterday is I like my new haircut.

    My ankle is hurting. I hope it gets better so I can do my W2 D1 of C25K today. Well got to start getting kids up for school.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I did the situps last night with my feet under the couch like pp said and it workd great. I struggled with the last 5 lol. Todays first day of school for my daughter so I wont be back on for a while. I did weight before breakfast but I always wait to post untill I wiegh before my shower because altoa times I get a much better number before my shower so heres hoping lol
  • addiograsso
    Good Morning all -
    Well back at it... Last night's "dinner with the girls" did not go too well... HOWEVER, I planned that going in and only ate a small (healthy) snack and half of an apple... The restaurant - known for its absolutely HUGE portions - did not have a lot of healthy options - even the salads seemed fattening. PLUS, somehow, my "DH" (note the sarcasm) was not incredibly supportive and somehow I once again let emotional eating take over - Dagnabit!!!! :grumble: That WILL stop! I was over just a bit for my calories and (although I'm not supposed to) stepped on the scale and found I had not gained - THANK GOODNESS...
    I knew what I was doing going in and today I woke up with a new attitude. I have a DRESS on for the first time in like FOREVER and am holding my head up high. My own daughter didn't know what to make of me with pantyhose/stockings on - I don't think she's ever seen me in a dress and hose... :laugh:
    We have a catered lunch at work today and I'm going to make smart choices. And like Shari said - you have to live and make decisions each and every day. If you "cheat", then move on and do something to adjust. Walk more, eat less, etc. I'm very, very pleased with my choice to become apart of MFP and can't tell you how much all the words of wisdom and support from everyone has made a difference in a short time!
    This time is for life -
    SItups and a long walk on tap for tonight - have to show another 3-4 pounds next week, too... ;)
    Thought for the day - I will no longer allow someone else's nastiness cause me to do bad things to myself...
    What I like about me today - hmmmmm, hmmmmmm, that's very hard, but let's go with.... well, it isn't my hair (ick poo, today) so I'll say my eyes - they look a very pretty blue today.. :)
    happy wednesday...
    P.S. - Tamara - I like the new photo... :flowerforyou:
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. Sorry I am on later than usual. Work was crazy yesterday and again when I came in this morning. I have 2 jobs. One is in an office and the other one is waiting tables. I was as far away from the kitchen last night as I could be and I walked super fast to make up for my missed workout yesterday.

    I got up at 4 AM this morning and decided to do Jillian's No More Trouble Zones. I want to make sure I focus on the toning. I could do cardio everyday, but I really need to do the toning video a couple times a week. Right now I make sure I do it once a week. So my next goal is to get that in twice a week. I had a fantastic workout though. She kicks my butt everytime! When it was over, I did my 25 crunches and then jogged around the house for 6 minutes. I wanted to make sure I got in a solid hour of working out today. Now I am at work and I am working both jobs today. I will get more walking in at work tonight so I am set with exercise. My food journal is complete and under calories and I am already done with half my water. I am feeling fabulous today!

    Marcie - I hope your ankle stops hurting soon. How did you get your hair cut? Do you have a new picture to post?

    Jessica - I hate situps/crunches. My belly definitely needs some toning, but those are my least favorite exercise. Good luck starting home schooling with your daughter today. You both will do great!

    Shari - I am very proud of you for not letting the stress from dog training ruin your day. That is awesome. I don't like it when all eyes are on me either. It definitely stresses me out and I get hot and flustered. If you have to take the time to cook or make something, then most of the time you will make smarter choices and eat less. Very impressive.

    Tamara - Thanks girl. I made pretty good money last night. I even got up on time this morning and had a great workout. I didn't hit the snooze button once! I was ready for the day. Let's have another great one. I am glad you enjoyed the grapenute with Almond milk too.

    Deneen - I am very impressed with your positive attitude this morning. Keep that up lady! It is nice to hear that you are in a dress and holding your head up high. A positive attitude can go such a long way. Always carry yourself with pride. I hope all goes well with the box lunches at work today. I understand the pressures of being in an office. My office likes to eat out at least once a week. If they go somewhere that I cannot eat, then I opt not to eat with them. I don't let what they want effect how I will treat myself. I also keep groceries here as a back up plan. I am here more than I am at home. I have a healthy snack drawer and I keep stuff int he fridge and pantry. We have a full kitchen as our breakroom. If you can keep healthy options at work, then definitely do it. Again good luck and keep it up.

    Does everyone see how far positivity can go? If we look at ourselves and find something that we like, it makes you feel better and gives you more pride. Everyone can see that and it is an awesome feeling. Keep up the fantastic work. Together we can do this! I hope everyone has a great day

    Today I looked in the mirror and felt really pretty. I am rocking jeans, a t-shirt, and flip flops, but I still feel really pretty. It is a very nice feeling to have! :happy:

  • addiograsso
    Does everyone see how far positivity can go? If we look at ourselves and find something that we like, it makes you feel better and gives you more pride. Everyone can see that and it is an awesome feeling. Keep up the fantastic work. Together we can do this! I hope everyone has a great day

    Today I looked in the mirror and felt really pretty. I am rocking jeans, a t-shirt, and flip flops, but I still feel really pretty. It is a very nice feeling to have! :happy:


    You are a wonderful inspiration - I can see your smile from here :)
    Have a great day. Thanks for being so supportive!
    Deneen :)
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member

    Marcie - I hope your ankle stops hurting soon. How did you get your hair cut? Do you have a new picture to post?

    Bobbie, I cut it in a short bob style. Now I just need to go get some color in it to get rid of the white. I hate pictures of myself, but I have posted one just for you. :happy:

    I also want everyone to know how much I loook forward to reading everyone's updates. I love all of the positive bibe I get here. Just to realize I'm not the only one that has the same feelings about losing weight helps me keep going forward.

    Something positive about me today....this is soooo hard for me.....Even though I'm getting wrinkled up faster than I want to....I like my clear and blemish free skin. Wow that was hard to write! :blushing:
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    OK so I weighed and not what I was looking for but something. Normally I will weigh before breakfast and then a few hours after I wiegh before hopping in the shower. Well with school I didnt get to shower untill after lunch so of course it was higher then this morning so I guess I have to take the 1ish lb from this morning as my wiegh in.

    cw: 162ish
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Good morning, everyone! I feel sooo positive today! After the casino buffet fiasco monday nite, I was super good all day yesterday (tues). This morning I took a peek a the scale and I'm back to where I was before the buffet! Yay! That means that the rest of my week can be spent actually losing more weight, not just overcoming the buffet gain.

    I do have to say I'm quite proud of myself for the immediate (!) turnaround after my bad night. Deneen, YOU TOOO!! Wow, what a difference it makes to immediately forgive yourself and start fresh, instead of getting depressed and going into a downward spiral that is very hard to pull out of. This is a whole new skill for me! In the past I would either have negative emotions which would trigger more eating to relieve the pain, or I would go into denial and "put off" recovery until "next monday", thereby furthering the damage done. The "immediate recovery" method is actually quite painless. And it gives you confidence that you can succeed in real life with the rest of the world.

    Tamara, I love almond milk. I use that in my lattes every morning. The protein is not as high as cows milk, but I like the flavor in my lattes, and I feel good knowing it is organic and plant-based.

    Jessica, happy first day of school. Be sure to take some pictures. Another fun thing is to record some snippets for posterity. I audio-taped a bit of our first day and it is hilarious! In it I'm all enthusiastic and my son is not, lol. I'm saying, "Isn't that interesting!?" And he says "No. it's not." And I say in a fakey excited voice, "Oh, but it is!" He deadpans, "Not really." My family still mimicks that, lol!

    Deneen, great positive attitude with the dress and heels! Wow, that inspires me! I am trying to do little things to improve my appearance. Yesterday I whitened my teeth! I have been doing really well every night this week with my evening routine. Instead of just flopping into bed, I've been brushing and flossing my teeth and wearing my nightguard, plus cleansing and moisterizing my face. I think this was all spurred by Tamara insisting we say a positive, and my first one was that I like my skin on my face. I guess since I value it, I should take care of it.

    My positive for today is that I like my smile. OK, this is pretty big because I used to hate my smile. My mouth is small and my teeth are small, so my smile isn't big and bright. Plus my smile does not come up to points, it is more of an oval. BUT NOW I have decided I DO like my smile and I'll tell you why: Because I am a very happy and friendly person and my smile is what communicates that to the world. I have a ready smile, I smile at everyone, and my smile is ME!

    I actually forgot to do my situps yesterday, so I will do 2 sets of 25 today. Plus today is my c25k day. Oooo I forgot to tell you that the dog trainer helped me train my dog to run/walk very nicely right beside me so she can do the c25k program with me. This is the younger larger dog. The other little guy is 11 and has a heart murmur. Haha, all your talk about strollers gave me the idea to put the little dog in a stroller!

    Great thread. I love all you guys!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    I just finished my c25k, did 100 abdominal reps, including 50 sit ups, and stretched. Ate 1/2 cantaloupe, drinking water, all is well!

    Marcie! I LOVE your new haircut!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    sheri - i did take some pics but it was hard since I had to use my digi video cam for pics since DH has my cam in my van. Oh It wasnt very exciting lol and numberous times today Alivia has said "this is boring" we wizzed thru nthree days of math since its stupid shapes and uhh shouldnt these 5 year old already have shapes down. Anyways yea and then the online school went down and so she keeps saying "can we do more can we do more" and of course Im like uhh I dunno what to do with out the online log in lol
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Jessica, lol your first day of school!

    Ladies, I just LOVE eating 1/2 chilled cantaloupe whenever I am tired, hungry, thirsty, stressed, whatever. It is like magic! So refreshing, uplifting, filling, and satisfying! I cut it into small cubes and eat out of a bowl with a fork. Mmmhmmm...
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good afternoon and early evening everyone, I have had a fabulous day today, changed up my food and feeling amazing!!

    Went to dr today I started taking supplement about a month ago and based on a test he does for you he puts you on supplement based on what the test reads, well today I went back for m y re-test and lets just say my friends, I am doing awesome..

    My positive today is I feel skinny, I feel amazing..

    Well just ate dinner gonna go spend time with hubby and kiddos before hubbie heads off to a meeting which I will be in bed before he gets home 315 am comes mighty early..

    Jessica_ I give you credit I couldnt home school my children!!

    Deneen,_good job on wearing something different I know it helps with self esteem

    Bobbie_ I am so proud of you the next 7 days will com eby supe fast, and be ready for our run tomorrow, we are gonna run like the ****ens!!!

    Shari- I am glad you puppy doggie can go running with you, I wish my could but I would end up carrying him, he is a 12 yr old pomerinan!! LOL

    Well everyone if I dont post again tonight know I am doing my crunches now and spending time with my loved ones!!!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Tamara, I am actually looking at a used jogging stroller to put my small old dog in. He has a heart murmur and gets overheated easily. Then I can push him on the walk/jogs while the healthy dog runs beside me.

    I saw a lady today pushing her two cats in a little cage stroller she bought at WalkKitty. (They are $200 though. I can get a used jogging stroller for about $40-$60.)

    I am eating very tasty healthy peach mango salsa generously scooped onto a small amount of no-salt organic blue corn tortilla chips.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    OK so Ive been thinking about ym positive for all week now. I was walking to get dinner (arbys hahaha) and Ive never been one to look in the window reflection of myself untilll recently and I did notice (although this shirt is very form fitting and I have a hang over gut ) I think I look a ton smaller and I feel much small. Ever since having kids Ive always just pull me hair up in a pony tale which looks horrible but it added to my tshirt and jeans or stretch pants lol. I had very long hair for a long time. Donated it in feb 2008 after my son was born ins 2007 because having a 2 year old a newborn was hard enough to keep up with let alone my hair. So then I never got it cuta fter that so it got jhust as long as before and I donated it again in march or april (cant remember). Well it being so hot ive still just pulled it back in a pony. Its been cooler out and so Ive been straightening it and wearing it down and the first day last week I did notice how much thinner my face looks. Of cour my husband tells me all the time how much slimer my face looks but i just ignored him. So today Im having a great hair day!

    I ate alittle to much at arbys. Again finished my sons food, next time Im just gonna get the kids food and just eat whatever isleft lol. So Im not gonna get upset im jsut gonna make sure to jump on the bike tonight when they get to bed and do my sit ups and a big MAYBE check out some on demand fitness. Gotta work it off though the sodium is what really killed me. Im still within my calories
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Jessica, interesting hair story, and I'm glad you are feeling good about your appearance!

    Tonight I am meeting a lady to buy her jogging stroller for $45. I'm gonna put my little old heart-murmur doggie in it for my runs so he doesn't miss out on the fun that my other dog and I are having. Haha, now to train my other dog to run alongside me with that stroller there! not to mention training the little old man to stay nicely in the stroller, but I'm gonna clip him in with a harness or something. Fun projects ahead! I will keep you informed. This might require a picture if I pull it off!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    sheri- I must say that If I saw someone pushing a dog in a baby stroller I may laugh ALOT and not be able to make it to my destination lol soo funny. You are more then welcome to come here and borow a child instead ;)
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Haha, maybe I should put a baby bonnet on him, lol!
  • GLW1969
    GLW1969 Posts: 23
    ok so i did get in a few walks my last was more the dog taking me for a drag since it was nice and cool she wanted to run and we went allover the neighborhood and my cat tagged along for the tour of the empty field. i will have to do my sit ups for the week the next few days since i had more house work to do since i have the kids back in school . i do my major run threw to air things out in the fall as well as the spring. i think I'll get a friend to walk with me next time i take the dog out and the cat is running along with us might be a funny video for that show . :laugh: any ways have a great Thursday all more mom to the rescue the orthodontist beckons in the morning.