Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I did some pilates abs the other night since the pilates I wanted to do was unavailble for some reason. It was 10 minutes and some of the workouts I had to midify but WOW Im still feeling it in my abs (or I should say under the flab of where my abs shoudl be hehe). Also Tamara is killing my arms lol they were so sore yesterday from the pushups and I cant even get down all the way to the floor when I do them. Hubby was home last night so I didnt do mine last night cuz he had a crisis and I had to run to the store. So today ill do them. I cant do all 50 but ill try. I think Ill do that pilates abs again too even though it kicked my butt. Maybe Ill venture out and do something totally different hmm. Oh and Ive been meaning to go through this bench we have with out of season kids shoes in it because Im pretty sure my husbands weighted jump rope (he justhad to have but never used) is in there and I wouldnt mind lettingthe kids play outside and jumpng rope
  • heyfishon
    Hello Eveyone:

    Nothing to new to talk about. Looking forward to tomorrow, because I am sure there should be a loss. I am weighing in for the 1st time since I made the decision to change. I am disappointed in myself a bit from yesterday's eating. I should of only had a 1/2 of sub sandwich instead I ate the whole stinkin' thing. I am really trying to cut back on my serving's size, but old habits are hard to break. I was so full afterwards, and p.o.'d at myself.

    I am really struggling with having a desire to get active. I just don't have the desire. Everyday I tell myself, I am going to do something, but I don't!!

    Shari - love the new look! It probably makes you feel terrific!!

    All the rest of you! I love your posts! I really look forward to reading on-line everyday.

    I am taking my final tomorrow for my insurance license, wish me luck! OMGoodness, going back to school has really been a challenge. Everytime I read and study all I want to do is go to sleep. I have had a hard time retaining the info, but hopefully I will retain something long enough to pass the test. I am really a hands on learner. I will be working with another agent pretty close for about 18 months before I am on my own.

    Have a great day everybody!!

  • addiograsso

    I am really struggling with having a desire to get active. I just don't have the desire. Everyday I tell myself, I am going to do something, but I don't!!

    Kim - I'm sure there are folks who would disagree with me, but I think that you shouldn't beat yourself up about this just yet. I say it's ok to take baby steps and I'm sure as the weight starts to come off from just eating less, the desire to move more will come with it... AND, you know just becuase you're not doing 60 minutes of Tae-Bo doesn't mean you're not active, ya know? I think the desire will come. Mine has and I know that just a few weeks ago - EVERYTHING made me tired - just using a few pounds has made a difference in my "want to" :) Just my thoughts...
  • shari253
    Hi Guys! Busy day today with a friend over here. We took the dogs for a walk so i got in some exercise. Tomorrow a different friend comes over for a sewing day. I can't wait!

    I'm reading all the posts, but I have a million things to do, so this is brief.

    Tomorrow is my new weigh-in day and I'm finding myself feeling nervous. I shouldn't do that as it just makes things worse.

    Talk to you tomorrow.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    My mom is out of the hospital...yay, yay!!! :happy:

    I completed my W3D2 of C25K...I can honestly say that day 2 was harder than day 1...or maybe I just was not into it today. I changed my weigh-in day too to follow suit with most of the ladies here. I'm nervous too Shari!

    Kim....I know what you mean by not feeling like excercising....I feel like that alot...I find that if I force myself to do it...I always feel so much better afterwards...more energy. Baby what works for you. We are with you all the way!

    Shari....I love, loovvee..looovvveee your hair. Stunning!!

    Gail....Loooveee the new picture! You just a keep on cleaning that are burning calories while you are doing it after all. Hope you have a great bday celebration for your son.

    Tamara....Thank you for being the glue that holds us together and keep pushing us......I may not like the push ups and sit ups, but hey no one said this would be easy.

    Bobbie...Thinking of you....I'm sure you are not thinking about us!! LOL....Oh the joy you must be going through!!

    Jessica...Keep up the good are really dedicated to this.....and your results speak for themselves.

    Deneen....oohh lala...a nice quiet evening with your significant other...I envy honey is on the way back from Pennsylvania...can't wait til he gets here. :tongue: I totally understand about the picture thing....I hate taking pictures of myself...I went out of my comfort zone to post the last two. When we go through family pictures it is usually my husband and the kids...I'm always the one taking the pictures! Hopefully once I start feeling better about myself...I will start making memories too.

    This weekend will be for my grandbaby on Saturday and get together at mom's on Sunday(all 7 siblings will be there) and I'm cooking...yikes...well but since mom is on a strick diet I'm probaby going to make a nice ol chicken soup(Mexican style) :laugh:

    Well better go get freshend up...My hubby should be here within the next couple of hours.

    Tata ladies!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning everyone..Its friday and I am off, working with my husband so I will be busy.. I am tired this morning, was up 6 oz on the scale..My body is messing with me, I know I shouldnt be up so its other reasons, I am super sore from lifting weights and it could be from that, dont know will go about my business and enjoy my hoilday monday and I know I will gain about 2 pounds but most of it will be water since I never eat anything with a lot of sodium..

    Well gonna run!!

    Marcie- Glad to hear about mom

    Shari- Enjoy your company

    Bobbie- Is on cloud nine!!

    Jessica- keep it up!!

    Kim- I didnt exercise until I was liek 6 months into my weight loss!!

    Deneen- I hope you enjoyed your evening!!

    Gail- When your done cleaning yours can you come clean mine??

    Well gotta jet, busy day ahead talk to ya'll later!!!
  • shari253
    Hi All,

    My friend just left so I have a chance to write. I've had two very pleasant days with my two best girlfriends! The only bad thing is that I was not really dietetic, so I probably gained a little weight. I've had homemade food plus pizza. I will say that I never stuffed myself like in the old days, though.

    So this morning was weigh-in day and I honestly forgot to weigh in. I woke up early to get stuff done before my friend came over, and my mind was on that and I totally forgot. I will weigh myself tomorrow and face the music. Even if I've gained I will log it and get back on track.

    My husband and son return tomorrow, then my son leaves for another trip the next day and my sister comes over for two days. Whew! busy! Next friday I leave for Mexico. I am very excited!

    Marcie I'm glad your mom got to go home! Yay!

    Tamara, sorry you had that slight gain. We will both be fine I know!
  • heyfishon
    Hi All:

    Well I have good and bad news. I lost 3lb for my 1st weigh in, but right now I am not too excited because I did not pass my exam, I missed it by 6%. :sad: I am so done with this, I have been studying for 3 months now, and actively working on the website for 6 months. OMGoodness, and the test doesn't show you what you missed, go figure. It took me 4 hrs to fail it!! UGH

    I am excited that I lost the weight. I am also overjoyed knowing that I am not a failure with knowing I haven't exercised yet. Thanks to you all for explaining that to me. I feel a little bit of a weight lifted off of me (that doesn't make sense), I guess pressure would be more like it! :)

    I am exhausted, my brain is mush! Talk later!! Goodnight!

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Saturaday Morning Ya'll...

    Feeling pretty good today not as low as I was yesterday, yesteday I struggled for some reason I think I was think about my dad who passed away in Jan, he weighed hevy on my mind.

    I just have to say I am very proud of this team for one time.. As this site is addicting I know I used to sit here on my days off and waitfor the next post to be posted so I could repost to it.. I just wanna say as I am greatful that we dont have page fuls and pagefuls at a time of new post, it means my friends we are living life.. We are not letting the little things get in our way, and I just wannna say we should pat ourselves on the back for that.. I have been very busy lately and plan on staying even busier, thatway I have to learn to live life without the right foods around all the time and a computer, I may have to step outside the box for a minute or two, which would be really good for me I am a schedule queen, I like to stay on routine every day!!

    Shari- I have come to the conclusion you have to live littel bit, I am celebrating Monday with turkey burgers chips and dip and dessert..Can I say ummmmmm

    Jessica- Good job on switching it up proud of you!!

    Bobbie- Is doing awesome she misses all of you!!

    Kim- Sorry you didnt pass your test..yay for the 3 pounds lost!!!

    Marice- Glad to hear momma outta the hopital.

    Deneen- Hope your having an awesome weekend.

    I have to tell ya'll real quick before I head out for 8 miles ran this morning, yesterday is my eat what I want meal day.. So I buned 1200 calories and had an awesome lunch that I shared with my wonderful hubby..I usually go to maggie moo's for ice cream which probably has about 1000 calories in it.. Well yesterday my personal trainer told me about a frozen yogurt place called yogurt osais.. Lets say OMG!!! I got orange chocolate and butternut frozen yogurt, one littel bitty piece of brownie 10 min m and m' s and 2 pieces of a heath bar on this frozen yogurt fro maybe 130 calories..I will never eat maggie moo's again!!

    Ok off to get my run outta the way, I know I know I have said this the las two saturday, but today is different I am getting it outta the way before anyone gets up to stop me!!!

    By Ya'll have an awesome day!!!
  • addiograsso
    Good Morning, All -
    Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday - as Tamara says - live life. Right now life is telling me to do laundry, make breakfast for my girls and try to get 20 mins of exercise in before little voices (a 2 and a9 yr old, that is) tell me they have other things for me to do. As Bobbie always says, today will be a good day - because I say so! :)
    More later -
    Congrats to Kim and sorry about your test - :(
    Shari - glad you've had a wonderful couple of days
    Tamara - I understand about your Dad - some days are harder than others and it doesn't even make sense why. As my mom says, some days it (the grief) just grabs you and takes hold - it's the little things that can bring back a flood of memories...
  • mymeow
    mymeow Posts: 19 Member
    Good morning to you all!!

    I am getting ready to go exercise now. I'm not sure what exactly, but probably one of my exercise videos. Then I need to clean the house and run some errands. I'm trying to get all of the yucky stuff out of the way, so I can hopefully enjoy my long weekend!!

    I hope you all have a nice, long weekend!
  • shari253
    Hi Everyone, I'm really busy today trying to do all I need to do before my boys come home tonight and my sister comes over tomorrow for two days, so I won't have time to address everyone individually, but rather just talk about what is going on with me.

    I weighed in this AM and thought I'd only gained .6 lbs, which would not be too bad for two days of eating a good quantity of delicious food... BUT when I logged it I saw I'd gained 1.6 lbs! oops! I thought my last weigh in was 178, not 177, lol! So it was worse than I thought it was.

    I admit that I kinda threw dieting out the window and ate like I used to with the exception of no junk food, so at least my choices were healthier. For example, I had a green salad with my half a pizza, lol, and instead of baking goodies for my friends, we had fresh smoothies.

    So what happened? Here's what I think. Several things. 1) I was so good the whole time my guys were gone, that when I felt it was my last couple days off I wanted to live a little. 2) Prolonged social situations with eating. 3) Stress from dealing with the admin problems of the boys' vacation. The latest one was that yesterday there was fraudulent activity on our credit card which required numerous calls to VISA and the boys to figure it out, then the card had to be cancelled right then, mid-vacation. 4) I was getting tired of the effort and focused attention of logging all my food, and trying to do this site perfectly. 5) I slipped back into denial. I will say that logging food throughout the day and focusing on this site does keep you out of denial. 6) I stopped exercising. I had been doing the C25K very successfully, but the last one was 6 days ago.

    So where do I go from here? Well, I'm not giving up, that's for sure, even though it is a bit discouraging to have to re-lose the gained weight before proceeding downward again. Bummer! BUT I have to make a decision. Do I just give up (NO) and gain more back, or do I try again (YES) and recover, and go on to success? I have to try again. So today I am back to logging my food even though it is a busy day. I am not going to go back and try to fill in the last two days, so I've broken my chain of successive days logged, but that's ok, because it's what really happened.

    I am wondering if anyone else struggled the last few days and how you are doing now.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    ok do we went to the fair today. All I had was some frys of course cuz uhh we were at the fair duh ;) hehe. and my dad insisted I try the deep fried oreo which I wanted just a bite but my germaphob children wouldnt eat it after I took a bite. I didnt do to bad except the sodiumwas a killer. we walked all day and we were there for 7 plus hours. either way O well live life right.

    Oh and I thought I would ask here since my husband is freaking and I cant call the vet till monday. My cat caught a bat in our basement. I accidently locked him down there the other night while doing laundry. found him the next morning and well there was a dead bat missing its wings. So apparently he ate the wings. SO now my husbadn is freaking out that hes going to end up with rabbies and after reading some online info I am too. Anyone have any insite? I of course would be devistated to lose my cat whom I trully love but I am also afraid for my kids safety.
  • shari253
    Jessica, call an animal hospital. They are usually open on holidays or at least have a vet on call to return your phone call and answer your questions.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Just a real quick check in today is my long day at work gotta be there at 5 dont get off unitl 3.. Then its grocery shopping and all that fun stuff afterwards.. I need to make my lunch and finish clothes in dryer, and get ready for our bbq tomorrow...

    Hoe everyone is enjoying there hoiladay, I dont get that long weekend,I am working today and tomorrow!! Thats ok its money!!

    Bye Ya'll
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    WOW everyone really is enjoying life, no one has posted for 24 hours.. I hope everyone is ok!! I am eating my french toast and headed to the gym then gonna run 5 miles before cookout tonight..I am so frickin excited!!

    Have an awesome day everyone!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    sheri- I called the animal hospital and the lady said she couldnt give me an answers and to just bring in the dead bat to get tested so thats what we are doing. The health department can give me more answers is what she told me but they are not open till tuesday.
  • addiograsso
    Hello all -
    Wow - haven't the last few days just flown by!?!?! Well - hope everyone's caloric intake is better than mine... :( Yesterday was ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE for me (food wise, that is) - I think I ate enough for two days!!!! (well, not quite, but almost) :) I said to my DH... "since I ate double what I was supposed to eat today, if I just don't eat again until Tuesday will that all equal out..." tee hee hee ??!!?:bigsmile: He of course just shook his head -

    The startling revelation in all of this is that I eat too much and I eat too mych cr@#!!!! Geez - what's up with me - I use food when I'm sad and eat it when I'm happy with friends and family, too... It's a terrible cycle...The lightbulb moment in all of this is that I REALIZED it (about 600 calories too late, but at least I realized it...)

    Well, it's been a busy few days, parade, shopping and like lots of other holiday weekends - focus on food!!!! UGH!
    Well, the other thing I've learned is this - do it, move on and don't DO IT AGAIN!!!! Like Shari said, I'm not giving up!

    It's about eating, making healthy choices and changing your lifestyle - it is not a DIET! The only solace I've taken from this weekend is that I only ate one double doozy - not 2... ;) And for those of you who don't know what a double doozy is - it is a chocolate chip, m&m cookie with icing slathered all over it. It's cookie heaven... Truth be told, it didn't even taste that good... ;)

    The other thing I'm quasi proud of is - although i didn't eat that great this weekend - I STILL have not had a soda - I'm very proud of that AND no french fries at the Labor Day Picnic - 2 biggies for me to pass up.

    Well, I just need to pound the water and do better the next few days and PRAY that the scale will not be too bad come Tuesday...

    Ciao for now ladies - will touch base with you all individually when we get back to the normal grind of things tomorrow... :)

    Just wanted to share my experiences and vent a bit... :)

    Happy Labor Day!
    p.s. - sorry you had to work Tamara :( but love your positive attitude on it... :)
  • heyfishon
    Hey all:

    Wow we all have been busy ladies, not too much going on here on the community up and up :smile:

    I have had a few busy days too, and I have to say, I am proud of myself for logging in each day to track my calories. I am shocked that there are restaurant menu items. I thought I would try, and OMGoodness, it was all there. I got a treat by my best friend to go out for dinner last night to Johnny Carinos. I thought for sure I'd blow it, but I didn't, and still logged it all in.

    Jessica - I am sorry about your kitty. I hope it all works out. We have had some sad stories in our home. My daughter is 9 and she has gone thru way too much in regards to animals being hurt or dying. We lost 2 cats last year. One to a coyote, finding out the hard way, our boxer brought a leg up in her mouth. The other cat just didn't come back home one day, and I just pray she found another home. She was a sweet kitty, she could open the front door however we didn't use the dead bolt on it. She was a smart one. The last animal loss for her was her horse, who was shot by a 14yr. boy hunting ground hogs on the neighboring property, but shot on our property, and it hit her horse in the neck, go figure!! She has had some good comfort by the locals here and since gotten another horse, however, loss of an animal is tough!!

    Deneen - Okay, my turn to say, don't be too hard on yourself. I do think "we are soul sisters". I love to eat when it's fun and social, and when your alone with a movie, sad. It's hard all the way around. You are aware of it, and wanting the desire to control it, that is good. It will take time to build new habits.

    What I am trying to do when going back to my favorite restaurants is to not be the same and change it up some way in a healthy way. Even if it's just a little bit, it will add up to where it will not feel like you are being deprived of something fun and good!

    I am anxious to read everyone's holiday weekend!!

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    OK my friends back at it, I burned almost 1500 calories yesterday and I ate WAY TO MUCH!!! Had a late night last night, almost 10 before I went to bed, but gotta stay in the groove, I am off today I will adress everyone later.. For me off to get new headphones since mine broke yesterday during run and off to the gym. cardio from 5-620 then weights from 930-1030 then running from 1045 to 1130..Then home to clean clean clean, its not to much juts lots of dishes..

    Happy Tuesday to ya'll..

    Bobbie is home and is exhausted!! She will probably join us again tomorrow!!